City of Macomb Committee of the Whole met April 9.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
The Committee of the Whole of the Macomb City Council met on Monday, April 9, 2018 at 5:15 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of City Hall at 232 East Jackson Street, Macomb, IL.
Mayor Mike Inman called the meeting to order.
Roll call was taken and the following were present: Mike Wayland, John Vigezzi, Gayle Carper, Tom Koch and Don Wynn. Others present: Deputy Clerk Renee Lotz, and City Administrator Dean Torreson. Also in attendance were PW Director Scott Coker, Office Manager Kerry Rhoads and Intern John Bannon. City Attorney Kristen Petrie, Aldermen Mellie Gilbert and Dennis Moon were absent.
Public comment. None.
The first item on the agenda was a Public Hearing.
Mayor Inman opened the Public Hearing for the City of Macomb’s fiscal year 2018-2019 budget at 5:15 p.m. CA Torreson reviewed the highlights of the budget. Expected revenues, $26,455,000.00. Expected expenditures $25,676,000.00. General Fund -$230,000.00. Cash Balance $3 million. Moving forward statutory minimum amounts will be placed into the Police Pension fund. No one spoke in favor of or in opposition of the upcoming budget. Mayor Inman closed the public hearing at 5:18 p.m.
The second item on the agenda for discussion was on an ordinance to adopt a budget for the City of Macomb, McDonough County, Illinois for the fiscal year commencing on May 1, 2018 and ending April 30, 2019. This ordinance had first reading last Monday night. There was no discussion and Mayor Inman stated it would be placed on the agenda for second reading and final action at next Monday night meeting.
The third item on the agenda was a discussion on an ordinance to amend the city fee schedule increasing the debt service fee for water service by amending 24-3(G), increasing bulk water rate by amending 24-3(O) and to increase solid waste collection fees by amending 24-1(A) of the Municipal Code. This ordinance had first reading last Monday night.
Alderman Carper stated for the record she was in opposition of the $2 increase for debt service fee on water. Her desire was for a better way. She referred to Mr. Dana Walker’s proposal which had been rejected.
Alderman Wynn likewise was in opposition having received calls concerning the increase.
CA Torreson explained that in order to gain a certain amount of revenue needed for covering costs in the water department, the debt service fee was the solid proven way to reach that goal of funds needed. Prior to this method increases in water usage rates were tried. This didn’t produce the necessary revenue, even after raising rates some 90% over an 8-9 year period.
He explained that Mr. Walker’s proposal was that the debt service fee be skewed towards the high volume users to pay a greater amount than the low volume. Surveys over the years indicate we’ve been under the average for low volume users, whereas the high volume users we’ve been above average.
The consensus of the Public Works Committee has been not to get that too far out of line as to discourage existing or future industries. He stated that there were meter replacement fees on commercial users that were not on residential. These were determined by the size of the meter/service.
There was no further discussion and Mayor Inman stated this would be placed on the agenda for second reading and final action at next Monday night meeting.
There was no other business.
Upon a motion being made by Alderman Vigezzi and seconded by Alderman Carper to move into executive session to consider information relative to: d.) The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body, pursuant to Sec. 2(C)(6) of the Open Meetings Act, on question being put Aldermen Wayland, Vigezzi, Koch, Carper and Wynn being all Aldermen voting “Aye” on roll call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Inman declared the motion carried and they adjourned into executive session at 5:27 p.m.
Alderman Vigezzi moved, seconded by Alderman Carper to move back into open session, all Aldermen voted “Aye” by Viva Voca vote and the moved back into open session at 6:01 p.m.
There being no further business to come before the Council, Alderman Vigezzi moved, seconded by Alderman Wynn to adjourn the meeting, all Aldermen voted “Aye” by Viva Voca vote, Mayor Inman declared the motion carried and they adjourned the meeting at 6:01 p.m.