Greenfield Community Unit School District No. 10 Board of Education met March 19.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
1. President Rodney Knittel called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Upon roll call the following Board members were present: Josh Roberts, Chris Goode, Elliott Turpin, Brandi Rynders and Rodney Knittel. Chris Weller entered the meeting at 7:15 p.m. Joe Kinser was absent. Also present were Superintendent Kevin Bowman, Elementary Principal Jeremy Lansaw, High School Principal Beth Bettis, Ron Plogger, Luann Hubbard, Michaela Burroughs, Abby McElroy and Becky McClelland.
2. Roberts motioned and Rynders seconded to approve the Agenda as presented. Upon roll call Rynders, Goode, Roberts, Turpin and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motioned carried.
3. Goode motioned and Roberts seconded to approve the February 26, 2018 public hearing and regular meeting minutes as presented. Upon roll call Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Rynders and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.
4. Rynders motioned and Goode seconded to approve the Consent Agenda items as presented. Upon roll call Turpin, Rynders, Roberts, Goode and Knittel voted Aye. Motion carried. (See Exhibit No. 1 attached to the Official Minutes)
5. District Highlights – FCCLA Environmental Ambassadors - High School FCCLA sponsor, Luann Hubbard introduced two students, Michaela Burroughs and Abby McElroy. The two students gave a presentation on food waste in the district lunch program. The FCCLA Conference will be held on April12th where Burroughs and McElroy will present their findings.
6. Ron Plogger reported on Facilities/Transportation:
-Bus 12 (activity bus) will be repaired at Morrow Brothers
-Recommends all bus bids be rejected
-Long jump runway is in place
-Lime has been added to high jump area
-Re-surfacing quote is available for approval
-Four tractor quotes were presented for approval
7. Elliott Turpin reported on the Greenfield Foundation for Educational Excellence. The annual Pork Chop dinner fundraiser was held on Sunday, March 18th at St. Michael’s Hall with approximately 500 meals served. Scholarships are now available and will be due on April 13th. The next meeting is April 18, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
8. Superintendent Bowman’s annual evaluation will be discussed in executive session.
9. Superintendent Bowman reported on:
-Insurance committee and coop committee appointments
-Greenfield-Northwestern Sports Coop meeting report
-Personnel - resignation of District Speech/Language Pathologist
-Personnel - renewal of licensed employees
10. Superintendent Bowman presented board policies for information. They include 2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure; 4:40-Operational Services; 5:20-Workplace Harassment Prohibited. (See Exhibit No. 2 attached to the Official Minutes)
11. Roberts motioned and Rynders seconded to go to Executive Session at 7:55 p.m. Upon roll call Rynders, Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.
Roberts motioned and Weller seconded to return to Open Session at 8:26 p.m. Upon roll call Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller, Rynders and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.
12. Rynders motioned and Roberts seconded to approve Hannah Flatt from 4th year probationary status to tenured status effective the 2018-2019 school year. Upon roll call Weller, Rynders, Roberts, Turpin, Goode and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.
13. Roberts motioned and Rynders seconded to approve Amber Winters from 3rd year probationary status to 4th year probationary status effective the 2018-2019 school year. Upon roll call Rynders, Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.
14. Turpin motioned and Goode seconded to approve Anna Albrecht from 2nd year probationary status to 3rd year probationary status effective the 2018-2019 school year. Upon roll call Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller, Rynders and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.
15. Goode motioned and Weller seconded to approve Samantha Bollman from 2nd year probationary status to 3rd year probationary status effective the 2018-2019 school year. Upon roll call Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller, Rynders and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.
16. Weller motioned and Rynders seconded to approve Jonathan Dierkes from 2nd year probationary status to 3rd year probationary status effective the 2018-2019 school year. Upon roll call Turpin, Goode, Weller, Rynders, Roberts and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.
17. Rynders motioned and Roberts seconded to approve Joshua Clark from 1st year probationary status to 2nd year probationary status effective the 2018-2019 school year. Upon roll call Goode, Weller, Rynders, Roberts, Turpin and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.
18. Roberts motioned and Turpin seconded to approve Kendra McEvers from 1st year probationary status to 2nd year probationary status effective the 2018-2019 school year. Upon roll call Weller, Rynders, Roberts, Turpin, Goode and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.
19. Turpin motioned and Goode seconded to accept the resignation of Ashley Brim as district speech pathologist, effective the end of 2017-2018 school year. Upon roll call Rynders, Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.
20. Goode motioned and Weller seconded to reduce the vacant district speech pathologist position from full-time to.50 FTE for the 2018-2019 school year. Upon roll call Weller, Rynders, Roberts, Turpin, Goode and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.
21. Rynders motioned and Roberts seconded to authorize the Superintendent to develop a tentative 2018-2019 budget. Upon roll call Rynders, Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.
22. Roberts motioned and Weller seconded to authorize the Superintendent to seek bids for refuse collection for 2018-2019. Upon roll call Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller, Rynders and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.
23. Roberts motioned and Weller seconded to approve the Sangamon Area Purchasing Cooperative contract as presented at a cost of $0. Upon roll call Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller, Rynders and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried. (See Exhibit No. 3 attached to the Official Minutes)
24. Weller motioned and Roberts seconded to appoint Rodney Knittel as the Board of Education representative on the Insurance Committee. Upon roll call Turpin, Goode, Weller, Rynders, Roberts and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.
25. Roberts motioned and Turpin seconded to appoint Josh Roberts and Chris Goode as Greenfield-Northwestern Sports Coop committee members. Upon roll call Goode, Weller, Rynders, Roberts, Turpin and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.
26. Roberts motioned and Rynders seconded to reject all bus bids as presented. Upon roll call Weller, Rynders, Roberts, Turpin, Goode and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried. (See Exhibit No. 4 attached to the Official Minutes)
27. Weller motioned and Rynders seconded to approve the special issue treasurer’s bond for Joshua Roberts. Upon roll call Rynders, Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried. (See Exhibit No. 5 attached to the Official Minutes)
28. Roberts motioned and Turpin seconded to approve the Elementary re-surfacing quote from Complete Asphalt Surfacing Company for $10,450.00. Upon roll call Weller, Rynders, Roberts, Turpin, Goode and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried. (See Exhibit No. 6 attached to the Official Minutes)
29. Weller motioned and Turpin seconded to approve the purchase of a Kubota tractor from Sievers Equipment Co. for $20,000. Upon roll call Rynders, Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried. (See Exhibit No. 7 attached to the Official Minutes)
30. Correspondence – A thank you card was read from the family of Phyllis Vetter.
31. Rynders motioned and Weller seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m.