Dallas Elementary School District 327 Board met March 15.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Mr. Castillo, President called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Mr. Castillo asked Mrs. Enzeroth to call the roll.
Members answering roll were:
Castillo Present Webster Present
Lionberger Absent Heidbreder Absent
Schaefer Absent Ryan Present
Greenhalge Present
Also attending the meeting was: Dr. Ryan Olson, Superintendent, Alissa Tucker, Principal, Dawn Enzeroth, Board Secretary & Amy Ryner.
The Board observed a moment of silence.
Announcements: Scholastic Bowl won Sand Valley Tournament.
Agenda Questions: Chris Greenhalge mentioned he was present at the closed session meeting on 2/15/18 but it stated he was absent. Mrs. Enzeroth stated he was marked absent because he was not present during roll call but it was noted in the minutes when he arrived.
Shasta Heidbreder arrived at 7:04 p.m.
The consent agenda was presented to the board for review. A motion was made by Greenhalge, seconded by Ryan, to approve the items on the Consent Agenda as presented. (Roll call)
Castillo Aye Webster Aye
Lionberger Absent Heidbreder Aye
Schaefer Absent Ryan Aye
Greenhalge Aye
Motion carried. 5 Ayes, 2 Absent
Sarah Schaefer arrived at 7:07 p.m.
The Bills were presented to the Board for payment. Chris Greenhalge questioned the bill for Outlaw Tee’s for 17 employee shirts. Mrs. Tucker said the employees paid for the shirts. There
was a question on the budget for Para’s in which Dr. Olson will check into. Question on the 2 new projectors; if they were promethean boards or just the projectors. Also there was a question on the Psych bill for $2400.00. Each evaluation is $600 each. Dr. Olson stated we are trying to hire a Psychologist to share with Laharpe for next year. A motion was made by Webster, seconded by Heidbreder, to approve payment of all bills as presented. (Roll call)
Castillo Aye Webster Aye
Lionberger Absent Heidbreder Aye
Schaefer Aye Ryan Aye
Greenhalge Aye
Motion carried. 6 Ayes, 1 Absent
Dr. Olson present a quote (Ameren discount included) to replace all indoor bulbs with LED bulbs. Lowman Electric thinks we could actually install the bulbs ourselves, so that would take an additional $7,600 off the quote, bringing the total to 7,429.60. We should actually see a significant savings in our electric bill as a result. It was noted it would take about 6 months to pay the cost based on what we save on energy cost. Monika wondered if there is somewhere we have to get of old bulbs due to mercury.
Moved by Heidbreder, seconded by Greenhalge to approve the quote from Lowman Electric as amended (roll call).
Castillo Aye Webster Aye
Lionberger Absent Heidbreder Aye
Schaefer Aye Ryan Aye
Greenhalge Aye
Motion carried. 6 Ayes, 1 Absent
Dr. Olson submitted a written Superintendent’s Report which was presented to the Board. Questions from the Board were answered. We received transportation and Title 1 payments. We should receive all payments by the end of the year is what they are claiming. More information coming out in May on the evidence based funding. Also, he mentioned as the board had requested we had gotten pricing for online registration. The board had many questions and many members thought the cost was too much for our district. Dr. Olson said we will hold off on online registration for now.
Principal’s Report which was presented to the Board. There were no questions.
A motion was made by Heidbreder, seconded by Schaefer to enter the Closed Meeting at 7:37 p.m. to discuss items per 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)(10) which is:
A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body (Section 120/2(c)(1))
B. The placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students. (Section 120/2(c)(10))
Roll Call:
Castillo Aye Webster Aye
Lionberger Absent Heidbreder Aye
Schaefer Aye Ryan Aye
Greenhalge Aye
Motion carried. 6 Ayes, 1 Absent
A motion was made by Webster, seconded by Ryan to return to open meeting at 9:15 p.m. (voice)
6 Aye’s, 1 absent
No Personnel report.
A motion was made by Ryan, seconded by Schaefer, to adjourn at 9:22 p.m. (voice vote)
Motion carried. 6 Ayes, 1 Absent
The next regular Board of Education meeting will be held Thursday, April 19, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.