Brown County Community Unit School District 1 Board met June 27.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The 2018-2019 budget amendment hearing was held on Wednesday evening, July 27 at 5:45 pm in the Board of Education Office at 503 NW Cross Street, Mt. Sterling, Illinois. The floor was opened for questions or comments regarding the budget and Superintendent Phillips provide an overview of the final budget numbers for the fiscal year of 2018 for Brown County School District. Overspending in the Education Fund and Operations/Maintenance Fund continue to be a problem for the long-term outlook of the district finances. Operations/Maintenance Fund is the fund that pays for ongoing building repairs and upkeep, and this fund is being heavily utilized and is greatly needed. It was noted that the Transportation Fund is the healthiest of all funds and will soon be utilized to pay for three new school buses and a new van for student transportation. Another healthy fund is the Capital Projects Fund which derives its revenue from the 1% Sales Tax which can only be used for building/capital improvements of District facilities. It was also noted that there had been $400,000 moved from the Working Cash Fund last summer to cover the district while waiting for the County Property Tax proceeds. Since the Brown County Property Tax proceeds are not available to the school at the beginning of the fiscal year, which would be July or even August, it is important to keep that amount of money in the Education Fund rather than move back to the Working Cash in order to be able to make payroll for employees while waiting on the property tax proceeds to be forwarded to the School District from the County.
The regular meeting of the Board of Education was held on Wednesday evening, June 27, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. in the Brown County High School Auditorium, 500 E Main Street, Mt. Sterling, Illinois. The meeting was called to order by Jennifer Blaesing. The minutes were recorded by Casey Perry.
On roll call, Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Fry, yea; Fullerton, yea; Hughes, yea; Krupps, absent; McCaskill, yea.
In attendance:
James McKay, Pollee Craven, Karen Jirjis, Shelly Eager
A motion by Blakeley, seconded by Fry, to approve the consent agenda.
Roll call: Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Fry, yea; Fullerton, yea; Hughes, yea; Krupps, absent; McCaskill, yea.
Motion carried.
A walkthrough of the Elementary School and High School was conducted by IT Director Kris Gallaher and Maintenance Director James McKay. The purpose of the walkthrough was to provide board members a clear picture of the condition of these two aging buildings. The hard work and time put in by our custodians and maintenance crews has resulted in buildings that cosmetically appear in good shape. However, the large majority of infrastructure in the buildings is where the problems lie. Both schools have many Health Life Safety issues that aren’t seen by the naked eye or casual glance. The Elementary School has numerous leaks at the roof and foundation levels caused by a variety of issues, there are mold issues, and the building is beginning to crack and slip away from the foundation just to name a few. The High School also has many Health Life Safety issues and has very few areas of handicap-accessibility. Water supply lines in the High School are galvanized which is leading to numerous pinhole leaks in a variety of areas. The supply lines are also full of build-up and residue which has led to brown water and faucets clogging up with sediment. The main electrical panel is operating at its fullest capacity and old wiring is causing issues with modern electronics. Many laptops have trouble charging properly due to dirty power. Most areas in both schools have asbestos under the carpet, asbestos tiles, and even asbestos above ceilings and in storage areas. Asbestos glue is visible in multiple places of each building and where tile and carpet is raising, asbestos is visible. Having as much information as possible will assist the board and the district with decisions on how to address these issues on behalf of the students and staff.
Personnel listing for June, 2018 BOE Meeting:
Kathleen Macgregor – HS Spanish Teacher
Approval for Hiring:
Denise Wittler – HS Spanish Teacher
Kara Cox – Kindergarten
Motion carried by acclamation to adjourn at 8:39 pm.