City of Jacksonville Heritage Cultural Center Board met Aug. 2.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
The meeting (held at the Jacksonville Dream Center, 210 W. College Ave.) was called to order at 5:25 p.m. by David Blanchette, Chairman. Those present included David Blanchette, John Clancy, Patsy Erickson, Diane Hollendonner, Kyla Hurt, Laura Marks, James Pisell, Steve Varble, and Judy Tighe (Ex-Officio). Absent were Anne Jackson, John Power, Charles Rice, Samantha Sauer, and Brittany Henry (Ex-Officio).
Minutes of the June 21, 2018 meeting were approved as distributed.
The treasurer’s report was given by James Pisell, with $1004.90 in the city checking account and $45,898.51 in the money market account at the end of July. $2100 was deposited into the money market account in June from the trivia night fundraiser. He has received instructions from the city on how to move the city checking account into the money market account so will proceed with that.
Employee/Staff Management: James Pisell reported that the committee for developing an interpretive plan/permanent exhibits plan held a meeting to look over examples on how to set up display areas professionally and how much various display cases would cost. Steve Varble told about his recent visits to the Hershey Museum in Pennsylvania and a tenement museum in New York, emphasizing the “storyline” theme in each and how artifacts were used to support the story that was unique for each location. He displayed photographs on windows/light protection and exhibit ideas from both museums. James Pisell showed a collection of arrowheads that he found while looking through boxes for items to use in the Bicentennial display, indicating they were good examples and in very good condition.
Diane Hollendonner reported that she had requested information about the city’s emergency plan and had received a copy from Beth Hopkins. She is going to check with the ESDA office and a few other sources for more examples of disaster plans.
Volunteer Recruitment/Management: No report.
Fundraising and Budgeting: David Blanchette reported Kelly Hall at the Inspections Office had OK’d the idea of a fundraising event to be held at the Old Post Office Building as long as he checks it before the event to determine occupancy numbers, etc.
Acquisitions/Archives & Historian: The Nestle sign was delivered to the Old Post Office for storage. A selection of photographs, framed portraits, books, pamphlets, and other material from the Congregational Church’s Rhoads Library was examined at the meeting, and it was voted to accept the donation. The items will be looked over more closely by intern Trevor Lawson to determine which will be appropriate to vote on for accession at a later date. It was voted to accept the Elliott State Bank sign if the bank will deliver it to the Old Post Office. It was voted to accept a child’s wooden sled that had belonged to T. D. Eames and a Jacksonville Producers Dairy gallon glass container that Laura Marks brought to the meeting.
Exhibits/Facilities: James Pisell had a list of the speakers and topics that will be featured at the Chautauqua. He is still collecting items for the Bicentennial display. After showing pictures of several different styles and sizes of cases to be used for our temporary exhibits around town, and noting that it had already been voted at a previous meeting to make the purchase from the trivia fundraiser proceeds, he will go ahead and order what is needed for the display. He needs a credit card or preloaded “payroll” card in order to make an online purchase, so will check with the bank to find out the best way to do this.
Joe Racey of Production Press volunteered to fix up the landscaping around the Old Post Office, and spent over ten hours pulling weeds, trimming bushes, and making everything look good.
Special Events/Public Education & Promotion: A committee is needed for the Hard Hat Ball. Laura Marks indicated she would be willing to work on it, if the date would be next year. This will be an agenda item for the September meeting. It was suggested that we follow a blue jeans/hard hats/sawhorse tables/construction theme. Steve Varble will check with Rich McCoy to see if the “Shadows of Giants” play could be produced next year.
Interns: No report.
NEW BUSINESS: The Old Post Office is going to be included in the National Register Historic District, which might open up funding or grants.
Laura Marks reported that “The Way We Were #3” will be ready by November and another book signing reception in the atrium of Jacksonville Savings Bank is being planned. She can provide a list of what stories will be included in the book so the museum can plan a display of items from the collection to be displayed at the bank.
Prairieland Heritage Museum has offered to donate 3 or 4 glass store jewelry cases after the Steam Show is over this year. The cases are lighted and on wheels, and are in good condition.
There were no public comments.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, September 6, 5:15 p.m., at the Mayor’s Conference Room at the Jacksonville Municipal Building.
With no further business or announcements to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.