
West Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Greenville City Council met August 29.

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Greenville City Council met Aug. 29.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Call to Order: A special meeting of the Greenville City Council was called to order on Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 7:07 p.m. by Mayor Alan Gaffner.

Roll Call: Present: Mayor Alan Gaffner, Councilman Bill Carpenter,

Councilman John Gillard, Councilman Mike Heath and Councilman Kyle Littlefield.

Also Present: City Manager Dave Willey and City Clerk Sue Ann Nelson.

Pledge: The pledge of allegiance to the United States flag was recited.

Notice of Meeting: Notice of the special meeting having been given as provided by law, said meeting was called for consideration of the following agenda:

1) Roll Call

2) Pledge of Allegiance

3) Public Comment

4) Fiscal Year 2018 Audit Presentation

5) Additional Work for Street Improvement Project

6) Discussion and Action of Oak Street Alley

7) Approval of Network Fiber Upgrade

8) Proposal for Employee Health Insurance

9) Chamber and Tourism Changes

10) Occupancy Permit – Special Meeting

11) Appointment to Boards and Commissions

12) Executive Session: Purchase of Real Estate, Section 2(c)(5); Sale of Real Estate, Section 2 (c)(6); Personnel, Section 2 (c)(1-2)  and Pending Litigation, Section 2 (c)(11) of the Open Meetings Act

Public Comment: With no comments being expressed, public input was closed.

Fiscal Year 2018 Audit Presentation: Representatives with Scheffel Boyle, Mark Korte, Howard Held, Lisa Winkeler, Amber Mettler, and Emily Keevin were in attendance to present the audit for fiscal year ending April 30, 2018. Ms. Winkeler went through the various schedules, and reported the audit received a clean opinion from the firm. Ms. Winkeler provided a general analysis of the financial statements and positive trends exhibited. The city received a positive financial audit report in terms of financial performance and internal controls and procedures.

Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Update: Randy Alderman, president of the Greenville Chamber of Commerce, was present and announced that after a 25 year relationship between the Chamber of Commerce and the City of Greenville sharing an employee to jointly serve both organizations promoting Greenville, the Chamber of Commerce has provided the City with a termination notice to dissolve the partnership. City staff will assume the Tourism tasks and will work to determine ongoing staffing for the Tourism function.

Oak Street Alley Repairs: In 1999 a new water main was installed in the Oak Street Alley. Subsequent oil and chip layers have caused the alley to become uneven with a raised center. Property owner is experiencing water runoff from the alley being directed to his home and causing water damage. Mr. Rinella was present and provided additional input. City Manager Willey provided an engineering letter from Heneghan & Associates with an assessment of the problem and possible solutions. Quote was received from Rooters to mill, install concrete curb along affected side and restructure alley with depressed center for $24,500. Motion by Gaffner, seconded by Littlefield, to approve recommended improvements to Oak Street Alley by Rooters for $24,500 and necessary engineering, staking and survey by Heneghan & Associates.

Ayes: Gaffner, Littlefield, Carpenter, Gillard, Heath

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Additional Street Improvement Project Work: At the June meeting, city council approved street improvement program for $196,035, plus an additional $15,900 for future Dewey Street curb and gutter work. In July, council approved additional $36,280 of work identified when the project walk through was performed. Contractor has milled surfaces and it was discovered that the base is insufficient on Allen Street and St. John Street both west of Killarney, and Spruce Street, from College to South Street. City Manager exercised emergency spending authority and approved additional milling and binder to be installed on Allen Street and St. John Street for $25,315. Two options were proposed to strengthen the base on Spruce Street with the recommended option being to remove additional 10½” subgrade, place 8” rock base, 2½” binder and 1½” final asphalt paving for $53,045. Motion by Gillard, seconded by Carpenter, to approve additional improvements by Rooters of $25,315 for Allen Street and St. John Street and rebuild on Spruce Street for $53,045.

Ayes: Gillard, Carpenter, Heath, Littlefield, Gaffner

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Network Fiber Upgrade: Improvements are necessary to the city’s network for fiber infrastructure project underway. Proposal from IT managed service provider, Acropolis Technology group for $7,745.96. Motion by Littlefield, seconded by Heath, to approve quote from Acropolis Technology Group of $7,745.96 to upgrade existing switch controller, establish WAN connectivity and configure new police LEADS connection.

Ayes: Littlefield, Heath, Carpenter, Gillard, Gaffner

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Employee Health Insurance Proposal: Employee health insurance policy period extends from October 1st to September 30th each year. Quote was recently received for the new policy period, and action is necessary to allow for employee open enrollment period. Proposals were received from three healthcare providers with the renewal proposal from Aetna SJ 6000 plan the lowest proposal, a 21.85% increase in premium costs. Upturn is due to increase in participant experience rating. Motion by Gillard, seconded by Littlefield, to approve renewal proposal for Aetna GS 6000 plan for policy period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019.

Ayes: Gillard, Littlefield, Carpenter, Heath, Gaffner

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Occupancy Permit Meetings: Mayor Gaffner indicated that he would like to call a special council meeting in September to discuss occupancy permits. He asked that each councilmember provide available dates to determine when I meeting can be scheduled.

Appointments to Boards and Commissions: None.

Adjourn to Executive Session: At 8:57 p.m., motion by Gillard, seconded by Carpenter, to adjourn the special council meeting.

Ayes: Gillard, Carpenter, Heath, Littlefield, Gaffner

Nays: None

Motion carried.
