City of Bushnell Council met Nov. 19.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Pro Tem Lorton called the meeting to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was given.
Roll Call
Ald. Miller made a motion to approve the consent agenda, which include the following items;
1. Acceptance of November 5, 2018 Minutes
2. Acceptance of October Financial Report
3. Approval of Ham or Turkey for City Employees for the Holidays
It was seconded by Ald. Coates. A roll call vote was taken and the results of that vote are as follows:
Ald. Coates “aye” Ald. Miller“aye”
Ald. C. Howell “aye” Ald. Steelman“aye “
Ald. M. Howell Absent Ald. Lorton“aye”
Ald. Norton “aye” Ald. Glisan “aye”
Where upon Mayor Pro Tem Lorton declared the motion carried.
Treasurers Report
1. Treasurer Cortelyou advised that the Tax Levy has been given to Attorney Humbert and they will have an update at the next City Council Meeting.
Free Little Pantry – Clerk Bradford presented the council with an idea to have a free little pantry on the side of the City restrooms in the downtown area. Bradford explained that she and her daughter, Jaelea had seen one in Lewistown being utilized and they would like to see one here in Bushnell. The Free Little Pantry is a small cupboard on a pole that will hold non-perishable food items for people to take at any time. Bradford explained that the Free Little Pantry allows anyone use and anyone to fill it. She explained that the project will not be governed by the City, only sitting on City property and there may be times that the cupboard is empty and it will be up to the citizens of the community to fill it as they see fit. The responsibility does not fall on one person or organization. Bradford also explained that the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Act from 1996 would protect the citizens and the City from liability if someone were to claim becoming ill after eating food taken from the Free Little Pantry. Ald. Glisan expressed his concerns with the Free Little Pantry and asked that the City Attorney look over the Act to be sure the City wouldn’t be liable for anything before making a decision weather Clerk Bradford can put the pantry on City property. It will be decided at next council.
Christi Steelman – Ald. Steelman advised that effective following this city council meeting she will resign as Alderperson. Steelman expressed that she is resigning the position to make herself more accessible to her family at this time. She advised that this will provide Mayor Wilt the opportunity to appoint someone to fill the remainder of her term.
Clerk Bradford read the following statement from Mayor Wilt, who is out of town at this time:
“Christi Steelman has been such an asset and shining light for Bushnell. When Christi accepted the call to be on the Bushnell City Council (as surprised as she was!), I knew that I not only had found a new friend but Bushnell had found a new advocate. Christi has ideas that provide such profound movement for our Community that I am forever grateful. There have been many challenges but among those challenges often emerged a new element for our Community. Forward thinking and well thought ideals were often the agenda that Christi follows, and for that and so much more, she has my gratitude and respect. Christi will be missed on City Council, but I know that her future will gain so much from her wherever she goes.”
Caucus Update – The Citizen’s Party is hosting their Caucus here at City Hall on December 3rd following the City Council meeting at 6:30pm. Clerk Bradford is waiting to hear back from the Republican and Democratic Parties to see about when and where their Caucus’ will be held.
1. Ald. Norton handed out Health Insurance renewal binders for review. There will be an increase that is a little less than 11% starting Jan. 1, 2019
Ald. Norton made a motion to approve the almost 11% health insurance increase. The motion was seconded by Ald. Miller.. A roll call vote was taken and the results of that vote are as follows:
Ald. Coates “aye” Ald. Miller“aye”
Ald. C. Howell “aye” Ald. Steelman“aye “
Ald. M. Howell Absent Ald. Lorton“aye”
Ald. Norton “aye” Ald. Glisan “aye”
Where upon Mayor Pro Tem Lorton declared the motion carried.
2. Next meeting will be held November 29, at 5pm
Public Works – Street/Sewer/Alley
1. Public Works Director, Griffith, advised he had held 3 interviews for the open Meter Reader Position. Griffith recommended Austin Howe for the position, as he already works in the Street Department as a WOIA (Work Force) worker. Griffith will reach out to Robert Penney with WOIA to see about getting another person to fill the position in the Street Department.
Ald. Glisan made a motion to approve Austin Howe to fill the Meter Reader position. The motion was seconded by Ald. Miller. A roll call vote was taken and the results of that vote are as follows:
Ald. Coates “aye” Ald. Miller“aye”
Ald. C. Howell “aye” Ald. Steelman“aye “
Ald. M. Howell Absent Ald. Lorton“aye”
Ald. Norton “aye” Ald. Glisan “aye”
Where upon Mayor Pro Tem Lorton declared the motion carried.
1. Ald. Lorton advised that the VFW is holding a craft show on December 2nd and are asking that the City Council approve them to serve alcohol at 12pm, which is earlier than normal.
Ald. Miller made a motion to approve the VFW to be able to serve alcohol starting at 12pm on December 2nd, 2018 for the Craft Show. The motion was seconded by Ald. Steelman. A roll call vote was taken and the results of that vote are as follows:
Ald. Coates “aye” Ald. Miller“aye”
Ald. C. Howell “aye” Ald. Steelman“aye “
Ald. M. Howell Absent Ald. Lorton“aye”
Ald. Norton “aye” Ald. Glisan “aye”
Where upon Mayor Pro Tem Lorton declared the motion carried.
2. Police Chief Fosdyck advised that the benefit committee for Mitch Williams is asking that there be a road closure on December 8th from 2-6pm at E. Main Street and Hurst Street as people will be walking between the Depot and Tellers for a Silent Auction.
Ald. Miller made a motion to approve the road closure at E. Main Street and Hurst Street on December 8th from 2pm to 6pm. The motion was seconded by Ald. Steelman. A roll call vote was taken and the results of that vote are as follows:
Ald. Coates “aye” Ald. Miller“aye”
Ald. C. Howell “aye” Ald. Steelman“aye “
Ald. M. Howell Absent Ald. Lorton“aye”
Ald. Norton “aye” Ald. Glisan “aye”
Where upon Mayor Pro Tem Lorton declared the motion carried.
1. Ald. Glisan reminded the council that the Light Parade is December 1st at 7pm.
2. Ald. Glisan advised that Hart’s Nursery will have Memorial trees for $20.00 for those that would like to have a memorial tree set up North of the Santa House to decorate. All decorations will need to be removed by January 2nd.
Real Estate
1. Coates advised she spoke with Kevin Weinhardt with WIRC concerning a grant to clean up abandoned houses. Coates advised the council that neither trailer nor abandoned businesses will be covered by the grant. Coates asked the council to let her know if they know of any houses that are abandoned in their Wards.
Economic Development
1. Ald. Steelman advised that Attorney Humbert has been working to track down the owner of the old Brickhouse building with no luck. Steelman also advised that a citizen of Bushnell has paid taxes that last 3 years. Ald. Steelman advised that the hope is that the new owner will be willing to work with the city to get the spot cleaned up. Ald. Glisan advised that there is an Engineering Report that covers all of the issues that the surrounding buildings have and what will need to be addressed when the area is cleaned up. Nicole will look into the report. Ald. Steelman expressed that there are some groups and organizations that are looking for projects to build up the city and not to write that option off. More information will be available at a later date.
2. Ald. Steelman advised there is an Economic Development meeting scheduled for November 29th, however she will not be in attendance and she is not sure if Mayor Wilt would like to continue with the meeting.
Engineering Report
1. Eric Moe advised that it has been a couple of years since the City visited the Deep Well Project and he would recommend taking the project to committee for further discussion.
Ald. Miller made motion to adjourn.
Ald. Steelman seconded motion.
Meeting was adjourned