The report is based on results from the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) exam, a state-mandated exam used to assess the school and student performance in several states nationwide.
In the Scott Morgan Community Unit School District 2, 16.7 percent of students scored proficient on the ELA portion of the PARCC exam in 2018, and 29.5 percent were proficient in math.
In Illinois overall, 36.9 percent of students passed the PARCC ELA exam in 2018, and 31.3 percent were proficient in math.
PARCC passage rates of area schools in 2018
School | ELA School Proficiency | Math School Proficiency |
Alexander Elementary School | 56 | 45.3 |
Pikeland Community School | 37.8 | 10.5 |
Triopia Grade School | 45.7 | 43.2 |
Virginia Elementary School | 36.9 | 36.4 |
Hamilton Elementary School | 51.4 | 38.6 |
A-C Central Elementary School | 38.6 | 26.4 |
Carthage Primary School | 34.1 | 28.6 |
Lincoln Elementary School | 14.8 | 14.7 |
Edison Elementary School | 35.4 | 26.9 |
Meredosia-Chambersburg Elementary School | 22 | 9.8 |
La Harpe Elementary School | 22.2 | 23.8 |
Warsaw Elementary School | 40.2 | 22.1 |
Waverly Elementary School | 34.4 | 20.6 |
West Prairie North Elementary | 42.1 | 47.3 |
West Prairie South Elementary | 38.6 | 31.8 |
Western Barry Elementary School | 22.5 | 23.3 |
Gard Elementary School | 9.9 | 12 |
Brown County Elementary School | 34 | 32.1 |
Brussels Grade School | 39.1 | 20 |
Bushnell-Prairie City Elementary School | 17.2 | 21.2 |
Washington Elementary School | 27.1 | 16.2 |
Lincoln Elementary School | 20 | 12.5 |
Murrayville-Woodson Elementary School | 30.5 | 18.3 |
North Jacksonville School | 33.6 | 38.1 |
South Jacksonville Elementary School | 24.3 | 19.4 |
Eisenhower Elementary School | 56.3 | 44.3 |
Webster Elementary School | 26.2 | 26 |
Bluffs Elementary School | 18.6 | 41.5 |
Southeastern Elementary School | 49.3 | 31.5 |
North Greene Elementary | 40.9 | 30.1 |
Griggsville-Perry Primary School | 28.8 | 28.8 |
Pleasant Hill Elementary School | 12.2 | 5.7 |
A-C Central Middle School | 10.5 | 8.1 |
Calhoun Elementary/ Junior High School | 46.1 | 39.5 |
Carrollton Grade School | 26.2 | 19.2 |
Carthage Middle School | 57.4 | 34.9 |
West Prairie Middle School | 34 | 10.2 |
Winchester Elementary School | 26.9 | 28 |
Dallas City Elementary School | 35.1 | 17.5 |
Brown County Middle School | 24.5 | 11.8 |
Nauvoo Elementary School | 36.3 | 12.8 |
Greenfield Elementary School | 38.3 | 34.3 |
Griggsville-Perry Middle School | 9.7 | 7.1 |