City of Dallas City Council met Feb. 27.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The Dallas City City Council held its regular meeting on February 27, 2019, at 5 p.m. Mayor Kevin Six called the meeting to order with the following commissioners present: Lila Gittings, Esther Newberry, Harold Northup Jr., and Greg Olson.
Others attending the meeting were Anne Thompson, Deana Ferrill, Charles Newman, Doris Harman, Doug Erickson, Gary Smith, and Mariah Wallace.
A motion was made by Gittings, and 2nd by Newberry to accept the minutes of the February 13, 2019, meeting. Gittings, Newberry, Northup, and Olson AYE.
Deana Ferrill informed the council that they are going to be having the annual Easter Egg Hunt for the local children again this year. She asked the council if they would be willing to make a donation for this years event. A motion was made by Newberry, and 2nd by Olson to donate $225 to Deana Ferrill for the 2019 Easter Egg Hunt. Gittings, Newberry, Northup, and Olson AYE.
Doris Harman thanked the council for having the city's maintenance man repair the sidewalk by her house. She also asked about a vehicle that has been parked along West Fourth Street all winter without being moved. She doesn't believe that the registration on the vehicle is current. The police department will check on this.
Doug Erickson reported on the sewer project. He presented the council with Change Order #3 for the sewer project for a credit amount of $11,249.65. He also presented Pay Estimate #6 to Insituform Technologies USA, LLC, in the amount of $124,101.87 and an invoice for Benton & Associates in the amount of $12,731.70 for engineering fees. Mr. Erickson also reported that the sewer project contractor, Insituform Technologies USA, LLC, has requested a 60 day extension, to May 2, 2019, to have their work completed due to the extremely bad weather that we have had this winter.
A motion was made by Northup, and 2nd by Newberry to approve Change Order #3 and approve the 60 day extension request by Insituform Technologies USA, LLC. Gittings, Newberry, Northup, and Olson AYE.
Discussed the road survey and preliminary engineering design work that needs to be done for the CGB Enterprises Inc., project to re-locate the portion of West First Street by the elevator. The estimated cost to do this survey and the preliminary engineering design work is $8,500.00. Mr. Erickson and the city attorney recommended that this work be done on condition that an intergovernmental agreement is made between the city and CGB Enterprises Inc., that states that CGB Enterprises Inc., will reimburse the city for these survey and preliminary engineering design work fees. A motion was made by Northup, and 2nd by Gittings to approve the proposal to have Benton & Associates do the road survey and preliminary engineering design work for an estimated cost of $8,500.00, conditional that an intergovernmental agreement is made with CGB Enterprises Inc., that states that CGB Enterprises Inc., will reimburse the city for these fees. Gittings, Newberry, Northup, and Olson AYE.
Discussed applying for a DCEO Grant for the re-locating of two lift stations so that they are not located in flood plains. Josh Mercer from WIRC is going to try to attend the next council meeting to discuss this more.
Discussed applying for a grant to build a bicycle/walk path to and around the Wetlands area.
Anne Thompson asked about the city burn pile. This appears to be on ground that is owned by Ameren Illinois. She asked if the city could purchase this ground. The city attorney will check on deeds and title insurance issues with this property.
Police Chief Gary Smith is working on pre-grant work for the police department so that we will be able to apply for grants for police department items that may become available at a later date.
Discussed setting a date for the registering of non-highway use vehicles, such as ATV's and golf carts. It was decided to have a registration day on April 6, 2019, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the city maintenance building (old bus barn).
Commissioner Olson recently received a call from NICOR saying there had been an excessive amount of natural gas used at the city maintenance building. Someone from NICOR is going to be checking on this.
Mayor Six reported that Doris Nelson had sent the council a “THANK YOU” for spreading sand in front of the entrance to the local Food Pantry recently when we had some very icy weather.
Discussed the new garage. Due to the recent cold weather, it is now scheduled to be delivered in approximately three weeks.
The new parking signs for Oak Street have been put up. It appears that new poles are going to have to be installed so that the signs can be located at the correct locations.
Discussed the mowing of the city cemetery. Commissioner Newberry reported that the person who mowed it last year is interested in doing it again this year. She will contact him to see if he is willing to do it for the same price as last year. The council decided that if he will do it for the same price as last year, to have him do it this year. The city attorney will draw up a contract.
Discussed an area of Fourth Street that needed two loads of gravel due to the weather and the recent sewer project work. The city feels that Laverdiere Construction should reimburse the city for this gravel since it was a part of the sewer project.
A motion was made by Northup, and 2nd by Newberry to adjourn the meeting. Gittings, Newberry, Northup, and Olson AYE.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:53 p.m.