Carthage Elementary School District 317 Board met Feb. 20.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The regular meeting of the Carthage E.S.D. #317 Board of Education was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Board President Brent Ufkes.
Roll call: Brent Ufkes/present; Ryan Blue/absent; Robert Menn/present; Andrea Jones/present; Brandon Gooding/present; Trish Markley/present; Amy Graham/present.
Additional agenda items: None
The 7th grade boys basketball team was recognized for advancing to state competition.
Recognition of individuals wishing to speak on stated agenda items: None
Administrative Reports – Mrs. Hardy reviewed her report.
Mr. Butcher was absent.
Mr. Snowden reviewed his report and noted that we would be hosting the 8th grade girls volleyball regional at the middle school this year.
It was moved by Mrs. Markley and seconded by Mrs. Graham to approve the consent agenda as presented. Roll call: Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/absent; Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes. Motion carried 6-0.
2019-2020 School Calendar was discussed, including the possibility of adding 10 emergency days.
It was moved by Mr. Menn and seconded by Mrs. Markley to approve the 2018-2019 school calendar changes as presented. Roll call: Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/absent; Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes. Motion carried 6-0
It was moved by Mrs. Markley and seconded by Mrs. Graham to enter into executive session at 7:29 p.m. for the purpose of discussing personnel. Roll call: Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/absent; Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes. Motion carried 6-0
It was moved by Mrs. Graham and seconded by Mr. Gooding to exit executive session at 7:46 p.m. Roll call: Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/absent; Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes. Motion carried 6-0
It was moved by Mrs. Markley and seconded by Mrs. Graham to approve new elementary principal contract as presented with Mike Snowden for the 2019-2020, the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 school years. Roll call: Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/absent; Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes. Motion carried 6-0
It was moved by Mr. Menn and seconded by Mrs. Graham to adjourn the meeting at 7:47 p.m. Roll call: Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/absent; Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes. Motion carried 6-0