
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Beardstown Park District Board met March 5

Webp meeting8213

Beardstown Park District Board met March 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The February meeting of the Beardstown Park District board of commissioners was held on March srh at the Schewe Community Center. Travis Schroll called to order and roll was taken. Commissioners present included Travis Schroll, Becky Jones, Johnny Hardwick, and Bob Schaefer. Also in attendance were Park Director Jason Brockschmidt and Secretary-Treasurer Julie Robertson.

The treasurer's report was approved on a motion by Mr. Schaeffer and a second by Mrs. Jones. The claims list was approved after a motion by Mrs. Jones and a second by Mr. Schaeffer.

Mr. Brockschmidt then presented the directors report. He told the board that because of the repayment of funds back to the Liability, Workman's Compensation, Unemployment and Historical funds, the Corporate fund is now overdrawn. He proposed transferring $6,000 from Liability to restore the Corpo€te fund account to a positive balance. There was a motion made by Mr. Schaetfer and a 2nd by Mrs. Jones then passed by the remainder of the board.

Mr. Brockschmidt also let the board know that the new pool parking lot and entrance expansion was

going to happen this spring. He said if there is any concrete left over from this project, it would be used to repair othe. areas in the park. He then presented the Spring work list to the board and they discussed possible maintenance staff. He said the Beardstown Baseball Association is still working on the dugout construction at Rice field. They will be in a time crunch to complete that before the season starts this month. The Baseball Association is also replacing the sod on the Little League Park.

Mr. Brockschmidt also made the Board aware that there is a dangerous, high pine tree limb hanging over the road at Kiwanis Park. They discussed who could remove this limb. Mr. Brockschmidt said he would reach out to the city employees first to see if they can remove it with a backhoe. He then gave the board an update on all of the tornado repairs. Dawson and Son's Construction had the lowest bid on the Lewis field job and the roof has already been completed. They will begin work on the new building when weather allows. Beardstown Baseball Alumni are going to replace the Lewis field backstop with netting. The power at Lewis and Jones field is on hold untit the building can be built. The new transformer is currently in Jacksonville. Doug Birdsley will be reconnecting the power when ready. There has been a replacement light ordered for Lewis field, and when this is installed Mr. Birdsley will re-align the other light poles that were twisted during the tornado. The replacement bleachers for Jones field have arrived and need to be assembled. We are hoping to salvage what is left of the damaged bleachers and use them at another location in the park. The replacement sign for the park entrance has been ordered and should be arriving soon. We are also still expecting to be reimbursed for loss of income from programing that was cancelled because of the tornado damage. There is still a lot of debris in the back of the park from the storm. Areas of this ground actually belong to Dale Hobrock. So until the permission is given from him to clean these areas up, we intend to put up a no trespassing sign to prevent injuriea as a result of the debris.

Mr. Brocksmidt also said that co-ed Volleyball will not take place this year because we still have not received the go ahead from the National Guard. Also, there will not be a tumbling recital this year. As a replacement, we will be having a pizza party for the tumblers next week. Upcoming programs include baseball and softball clinics.

There was a motion from Mr. Schaeffer and a second from Mr. Hardwick to appoint Nathan Carls to the board. Discussion about how to acknowledge Larry Kight's years of seNice to the park board included either an open house or dinner with the other board members. They will reach out to Larry and find out which he prefers. They also discussed sending letters out to two local lawyers to have them bid on becoming the park's attorney. Will revisit this at the next meeting with the bids that are received.

The meeting adjourned at 1:11 pm on a motion by Mr. Schaetfer and a second by Mrs. Jones.
