City of Dallas City Council met March 27.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The Dallas City City Council held its regular meeting on March 27, 2019, at 5 p.m. Mayor Kevin Six called the meeting to order with the following commissioners present: Lila Gittings, Esther Newberry, and Greg Olson. Harold Northup Jr. was absent.
Others attending the meeting were Anne Thompson, Doris Harman, Mike Dill, Sheryl Clark, Candi Dennis, Gary Smith, and Chris Classen.
A motion was made by Newberry, and 2nd by Olson to accept the minutes of the March 13, 2019, meeting. Gittings, Newberry, and Olson AYE. Northup ABSENT.
Discussed the repair work at the city hall/police station building that involves the removing of the dividing wall in the room that is used as the meeting room. It was decided that there needs to be some other work done, in addition to the work that the estimate was for that was approved at the March 13, 2019, meeting. Mike Dill presented the council with an updated estimate of $1,610.69 to do the proposed job, including the additional work. A motion was made by Olson, and 2nd by Gittings to hire Mike Dill to do the proposed job, including the additional work, on the city hall/police station building for $1,610.69. Gittings, Newberry, and Olson AYE. Northup ABSENT.
Sheryl Clark discussed the flooding. At this time, everyone is on their own for sand bagging.
Anne Thompson told the council that she has had someone tell her that the city cemetery has a lot of issues that need to be taken care of.
Mayor Six discussed a meeting that was put on by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and IEMA that he recently attended. The meeting was regarding buyouts. It would require the city to put up money, but then we would be reimbursed.
Police Chief Gary Smith discussed ordering targets for shooting practice. Summer uniforms have been ordered for Christopher Dausch. He also discussed purchasing some magazine ammunition for their rifles. He reported that Officer Scott Rosson has resigned. He has spoken to Joshua Smith, and he is willing to work some Saturdays.
Chris Classen discussed by-passing the lift station at the elevator.
Discussed a resident's high water bill. Max Faul told Chris Classen that he had checked on this and that a stool upstairs had to be shut off.
Discussed spring Clean-Up Days. Commissioner Gittings has checked with Jackson Disposal, but they do not have dumpsters available April 25-28. Therefore, spring Clean-Up Days will be held April 11- 14.
Discussed the removal of the tree at 281 West Third Street. Brian McEntee still has not gotten the city a bid for the removal of this tree. A motion was made by Olson, and 2nd by Gittings to hire Chris Akers to remove the tree at 281 West Third Street. Gittings, Newberry, and Olson AYE. Northup ABSENT.
Chris Classen reported that the consumer confidence reports are being sent out, and that he is also including a sheet regarding people putting baby wipes into the city's sewer system.
A motion was made by Newberry, and 2nd by Olson to adjourn the meeting. Gittings, Newberry, and OlsonAYE. NorthupABSENT.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m.