
West Central Reporter

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Winchester Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met March 12

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Winchester Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met March 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education, Community Unit School District No. 1, 149 South Elm Street, Winchester, Illinois counties of Scott, Morgan and Greene, met in regular session on Tuesday March 12, 2019 at 6:30 PM in the Board of Education office located at 149 South Elm Street in Winchester, Illinois.

President Steve Moore called the meeting to order with the following members answering roll call: Ron Coultas, Phyllis McGuire, Trista Freeman, Jody Clanton, Joe Little and Steve Moore. Steve Weder entered at 6:32 PM. Also present were Superintendent David C. Roberts, Administrative Assistant Becky Lashmett, District Bookkeeper Angie Slagle, WHS Principal Denny Vortman and WGS Principal Andy Stumpf.


Coultas motioned, with a second from McGuire, to approve the minutes of the February 12th regular meeting. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; McGuire, yea; Freeman, yea; Clanton, yea;, Little, yea; and Moore, yea; there being six yeas and no nays, the motion passed.

Freeman motioned, with a second from Coultas, to approve the bills as presented for payment. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Freeman, yea; Clanton, yea;, Little, yea; and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed.


The principals reported on student achievements, as well as recent and upcoming events. Mr. Roberts reported that an early roll-over of the bus lease due to expire in 2020 was declined by Central States Bus Sales, and there have been recent purchases of technology items for WGS under the REAP grant.


Coultas motioned, with a second from McGuire, to approve rental of the WGS gym by Emily’s Dance Studio on May 14th. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Freeman, yea; Clanton, yea;, Little, yea; and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed.


Coultas motioned, with a second from Weder, to approve the FY20 renewal of the Student Insurance plan offered as an option to families through Markel. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Freeman, yea; Clanton, yea;, Little, yea; and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed.


Coultas motioned, with a second from Weder, to approve renewal of IESA and IHSA memberships for FY20. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Freeman, yea; Clanton, yea;, Little, yea; and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed.


Coultas motioned, with a second from Weder, to approve the annual request to use the facilities by Little League. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Freeman, yea; Clanton, yea;, Little, yea; and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed.


President Moore asked the status of any outstanding Freedom of Information requests, and Superintendent Roberts reported there were none pending. President Moore asked for questions or comments from the audience, and Kara Anne Nash encouraged the Board to consider her for a fifth-year tenure for the 2019-2020 school term. Several adults and students also spoke in favor of Ms. Nash. Jacob Schumacher noted the Music Department fundraiser has garnered over $400 to date.


McGuire motioned at 6:57 PM to enter into executive session for personnel matters and student discipline. Freeman seconded the motion and roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Freeman, yea; Clanton, yea; Little, yea; and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed.

Freeman motioned, with a second from Little, to return to open session at 8:00 PM. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Freeman, yea; Clanton, yea; Little, yea; and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed. President Moore announced the purpose of the executive session was to consider personnel matters, campus security and student discipline.


Coultas motioned, with a second from Weder, to adopt the Resolution of Non-Reemployment of 4th year teacher Kara Anne Nash, as read. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Freeman, yea; Clanton, yea;, Little, yea; and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed.

Coultas motioned, with a second from Weder, to approve administrative recommendations to grant tenure to Elana Moran-Cortes and Karen Rueter, issue notices of non-reemployment due to licensure to Sami Killebrew and Tiphani Gregory, re-employ all remaining non-tenured teachers for FY20, employ Lauren Reichert as first grade teacher for FY20, issue reduction-in-force notices to nine non-certified staff members; the four certified aides with the least seniority Tina Brown, Ann Jones, Jenna Lawson and Kessia Melanson, the two bus drivers with the least seniority Cory Suhre and Norvin Adams, part-time employees John Peters and Jackie Blanton and LPN aide Dianne Potter, and to approve coaches; Nate Davis / WCC Golf, Candy Miller / WCC Cheer, Brittany Peterson / WGS Cheer, WGS Track volunteer Chris Fuller and WCC golf volunteer Jeff Davis. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Freeman, yea; Clanton, yea;, Little, yea; and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:06 PM.
