
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Virginia City Council met March 14

Webp meeting909

City of Virginia City Council met March 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Brunk opened the regular meeting at 7:00pm. Roll was called Anderson, Bowman, Wulf, French, Behrends and Cox were all present. The council reviewed the meeting’s agenda, Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the agenda with Alderman Anderson seconding it. Motion to approve carried unanimously. The minutes of the February meeting were presented. Alderman French made a motion to change the minutes of the meeting in regards to the Discussion of Zoning Matter to state that there was a lengthy discussion on this matter and to name the individuals that spoke on this. Alderman Behrends seconded. Motion to approve carried unanimously. The monthly treasurer’s report was in the council’s monthly packet, the council reviewed. Treasurer Barrett was not present at the meeting, Mayor Brunk stated the video gaming revenue for the month of February was $3292.44. The sales tax figures for the month of February were $11980.20. There was no transfer of funds this month. Monthly bills were presented. Alderman Cox made a motion and Alderman Wulf seconded that the bills be paid as presented. Motion to approve carried unanimously.

Guests: Keri Gaines, Braden Gaines, Brian Gaines, Mike Finn, Judene Stock

Public Comment: None

Students of the month:

Elementary: Braden Gaines: Braden is being recognized for his kindness

Public Works (McClure): There has been many changes to the weather lately. A rainstorm caused issues on Hardin St that had to be barricaded. McClure would like to thank the Virginia Fire Department on their work at the church fire.

Police Report (Kennedy): 98 calls: 59 service, 1 ordinance violation on Liberty St. that has improved, 4 arrests, 9 assists to county, 0 accidents, Chief Kennedy would also like to thank the Virginia Fire Department on their work at the church fire.

Fire Chief (Reynolds): 2 calls: 1 was a smoke alarm at Walker Nursing home, 1 was a fire at a church. Chief Reynolds stated that he would like to thank the residents who live around where the fire occurred, it was hard to get the fire out at the end of it all.

Board Reports

Zoning (Merriman): nothing to report at this time.

Park (Cox): next meeting is March 20th at 7pm at City Hall

Library: nothing to report at this time

Economic Development (Anderson): meeting was cancelled, next meeting is in 3 months

Cemetery (Behrends): Judene Stock stated that the cemetery clean up is March 15th-31st

Attorney’s Report: The draft of the contract for Growmark has been given to Growmark. It will be a working document. The draft for the annexation is being worked on but it is not finished yet. There is an ordinance revising water rates and a resolution authorizing increase in water rates for sales to water districts in the new business.

Aldermanic Reports

Cox: Alderman Cox asked if the street lights had been fixed, Chief Kennedy said that he has been watching for them. He said that sometimes when he drives by, they will be out and then later they will be back on. Cox would also like to thank everyone involved with the Growmark deal and would like to thank Treasurer Barrett for the good job that he has done. Cox also thanked the Virginia Fire Department for their work as well.

Behrends: Alderman Behrends asked Public Works Director McClure the status on the new water meters. McClure stated that they are working on it.

Wulf: Alderman Wulf asked Public Works Director McClure if there was a spring yard waste pick up. McClure stated that at the end of April there will be a clean up for brush and yard waste.

Bowman: nothing to report at this time

Anderson: nothing to report at this time

French: Alderman French asked Public Works Director McClure where the storm drain drained into. McClure stated that Virginia is like a bowl and the creek is at the bottom of the bowl. Eventually everything drains into the creek. Alderman French said that he had people complaining of sitting water and didn’t know where it drained to. Alderman French also would like to remind everyone of the burning ordinance and wants to make sure that it is being followed.

Clerks Report: statements of economic interest have been given to everyone, please return when completed

Mayor’s Report: nothing to report at this time

Unfinished Business:

No unfinished business at this time

New Business:

Cemetery Budget/Agreement

Council reviewed and with no discussion, Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the cemetery budget/agreement, Alderman Behrends seconded. Motion to approve carried unanimously.

Park Budget/Agreement

Mayor Brunk would like to table this until further notice. Alderman French made a motion to table the Park Budget/Agreement discussion until further notice, Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion to approve carried unanimously.

Library Budget

Council reviewed and with no discussion, Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the library budget, Alderman Cox seconded. Motion to approve carried unanimously.

FY 19/20 City Budget

Mayor Brunk stated that if there are any questions that they would need to ask Treasurer Barrett to get an answer. Alderman Anderson said that he had questions on some of the numbers and Mayor Brunk stated that Treasurer Barrett would be able to answer any questions he had. Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the FY 19/20 City Budget, Alderman Behrends seconded. Alderman French, Bowman, Cox, Behrends and Wulf voted yes to approve and Alderman Anderson voted no.

Ordinance Revising Water Rates

Council reviewed. Mayor Brunk stated that the minimum is still $38.00. The rate if use exceeds 1,000 gallons per month for residential and commercial customers will be $8.50 per thousand gallons used. It is a small increase if you don’t use much water. The sewer rate remains the same. Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the ordinance revising water rates, and Alderman French seconded. Alderman Bowman, Behrends, French, Cox, and Wulf voted yes to approve and Alderman Anderson voted no.

Resolution Authorizing Increases In Water Rates For Sales To Rural Water Districts

Mayor Brunk stated that this hadn’t been increases in quite some time. The rural districts are fine with this increase. The increase is $0.30 per thousand gallons of use. Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the resolution authorizing increases in water rates for sales to rural water districts and Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion to approve carried unanimously.

Approval seeking EPA 10 yr Loan Restructure

Loan #L17-4563

Council reviewed and with no further discussion, Alderman Behrends made a motion to approve loan #L17-4563 and Alderman Cox seconded. Motion to approve carried unanimously.

Loan #L17-2506

Council reviewed and with no further discussion, Alderman French made a motion to approve loan #L17-2506 and Alderman Anderson seconded. Motion to approve carried unanimously.

With nothing further to discuss, at 7:35pm, Alderman Cox made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion to adjourn carried unanimously.
