
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Woodford County Zoning Board of Appeals met May 28

Webp meeting909

Woodford County Zoning Board of Appeals met May 28.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

 Call to Order:

 Roll Call:

Others present :

 Approval of minutes for April 23, 2019.

 Swearing in and/or Affirmation:

 Petitions Submitted for Review:

 2019-15-V Partridge Township, filed by Bryce Gillespie for a Variance for a second structure on a lot with no dwelling, in the Conservation District, located on 18.90 acres, Pt. S1/2 SE1/4 Section 32, T28N-R3W of the 3rd P.M. Woodford County, Illinois, and more commonly described as 387 Kapraun Road, Metamora, Illinois.

 2019-16-S Clayton Township, filed by Paul Quiram for a Special Use for a private heliport, located in the (AG) Agriculture District, on a 6.62 acres ± , part of Tract Q-1 in the N 1⁄2 , NE 1⁄4 of Section 35 and T28N-R1E of the 3rd P.M. Woodford County, Illinois, and more commonly described as the ground surrounding 2475 State Route 116, Benson, Illinois.

 2019-17-V Partridge Township, filed by Brian Hines for a Variance for a front yard setback, a shed 100 ft from St Rt 26, a reduction of 50 ft in required set back, in the Conservation District, located on 18.64 acre , S 1⁄2, SW 1⁄4, NW 1/4 Section 11, T28N-R3W & 1.86 acre PT Tract B, SW 1⁄4, NW 1⁄4 Section 11, T28-R3W of the 3rd P.M. Woodford County, Illinois, and more commonly described as 2150 State Route 26, Washburn, Illinois.

 2019-18-S Clayton Township, filed by Randy Koehler for a Special Use for a private heliport, located in the (AG) Agriculture District, on a 26.58 acres ± , in the N 1/3 of N 1⁄2 SW 1⁄4 BLK 16 of Section 16 and T28N-R1E of the 3rd P.M. Woodford County, Illinois, and more commonly described as 2040 County Road 2200 E., Benson, Illinois.

 2019-19-Z Montgomery Township. filed by Phil Zobrist for a for a map amendment from General Commercial District to Residential Multi Family (R-2), on a 3.04 acres , part of Tract 7, E 1⁄2, sec 12, T25N –R2W of the 3rd P.M. Woodford County, Illinois and more commonly described as 360 State Route 117, Goodfield, IL.

 Other Business to Come Before the Board: Permit Extensions

 17287-17 Timothy Lowery for a hoop shed. Permit expired April 24, 2019

 17278-17 Dennis Slape Shop with public facilities, has not completed bathrooms

 Update on previous months petition/s

 Update on next month petition/s – June 25

 IACZO Seminar discussion:

 ZBA By-Law discussion - (if necessary)

 Executive Session (ifnecessary)

 Any action coming out of Executive Session

 Adjournment
