
West Central Reporter

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Village of Concord Village Council met April 9

Webp meeting 10

Village of Concord Village Council met April 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Council Members Present: Jeremiah Bush, Jeff Jackson, Tom Norris, Mike Lovitt, Ashley Meeks and Kyle George.

Council Members Absent: T. Casey

Public Present: A. Losey, K. Wyatt, B. Smith, S. Lauer, Deputy L. Jacobson, DPW Director J. Blossom, and Village Clerk J. Lefere.

For their review, Council Members were e-mailed or given: Bills to be paid in Amount of $12,579.53; Former Flower Basket Building Fascia Fix-up Date Email; Fire Board Minutes Jan 2019 thru March 2019; Revenue & Expenditure Report thru 3/31/2019; Concord Area Police Blotter March 2019; 3/26/19 Village Council Meeting Proposed Minutes; 4/9/2019 Council Meeting Agenda.

Motioned by A. Meeks, seconded by J. Jackson, to accept the minutes from the 3/26/2019 meeting as presented. The motion was approved by all.

Public Comments:

B. Smith attended the meeting to voice his concerns once again about the condition of several buildings in the Historic Downtown Business District. When he attended the meeting several months ago, he discussed crumbling bricks on the back of the former Shannon's building. There is now a hole in the back of the building where the bricks have crumbled. He asked if there was something the council could do. J. Bush stated that Deputy L. Jacobson had tried to contact the owner of the building several times with no response. Deputy L. Jacobson has issued a civil infraction ticket to the owner and a ticket will be issued every month until the owner is actively working on the repairs. The council asked that clerk J. Lefere contact Village building inspector, Mike Levy to do an inspection on the building.

S. Lauer attended the meeting to ask the council for additional time to make repairs to the former Flower Basket building. The council agreed to give him extra time to compl anything can be done about all of the feral cats behind his building on N. Main St. He disposes of the dishes that people are feeding the cats out of and they dig them out of the trash and continue to feed them. J. Bush and Deputy L. Jacobson stated that there is nothing that the council can do. The council mentioned that there is a shelter in Albion that will take the cats if someone trapped them and delivered them to the shelter.

The Payment of Bills in the amount of $12,579.53 was presented. Motioned by A. Meeks, seconded by M. Lovitt, to approve the payment of bills in the amount of $12,579.53. Motion approved by all.

J. Blossom discussed Superior Sales selling the old mower. It hasn't sold yet but it's still early in the season. He has ordered the new mower. He also talked to K. Williams from Concord Excavating and the steps at the front office entrance should be replaced next week, the bench will also be put in next week, weather permitting. The Town Clock will be installed on April 11h. Water project plans were dropped off by Village engineer J. Ripstra. The next step is UDSA approval of the plans and then the project can go to bid.

L. Jacobson discussed his March 2019 Police Blotter. He did have the following comments from people he pulled over for speeding: On S. Main St. @ Harmon St. 57 in a 25 - ". I'm afraid of the dark.” On N. Concord Rd, near King Rd. - 76 in a 55 - ". I was bored."

J. Bush mentioned the following events that will be taking place in May: Tire clean-up day will be May 18th at the Hanover Township office from 8 am - noon. This is for Concord residents as well. Concord community clean-up day will be held on May 18th as well at Gottschalk Park from 9 am - 1 pm. He also mentioned an email he received about a MHSDA Neighborhood Beautification Grant Opportunity. He will be checking into this. J. Bush and J. Blossom have been invited to a meeting in Pulaski on May 1st to discuss the Swains Lake South side sewer.

Council Comments: None.

With no other business to discușs, it was motioned by A. Meeks, seconded by J. Bush, to adjourn at 7:57 pm. Motion approved by all.
