
West Central Reporter

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Village of Concord Village Council met May 14

Webp meeting 06

Village of Concord Village Council met May 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The Village Council of Concord met at 7:00 pm in the Village Commons Meeting Room.

Council Members Present: Jeremiah Bush, Jeff Jackson, Tom Norris, T. Casey, Mike Lovitt, Ashley Meeks and Kyle George.

Council Members Absent: None

Public Present: A. Losey, K. Wyatt, DPW Director J. Blossom, and Village Clerk J. Lefere.

For their review, Council Members were e-mailed or given: Bills to be paid in Amount of $59,085.04; Revenue & Expense Report thru 4/30/2019; April 2019 Concord Area Police Blotter; Swains lake Sewer System Meeting Summary Email; Cascade Humane Society Cat Spay/Neuter Program Email; Foreclosed, Abandoned & Vacant Property Ordinance Email; 4/23/19 Village Council Meeting Proposed Minutes; 5/14/2019 Council Meeting Agenda.

Motioned by A. Meeks, seconded by K. George, to accept the minutes from the 4/23/2019 meeting as presented. The motion was approved by all.

Public Comments:

K. Wyatt stated he had heard rumors from different people the Village and/or Fire Department had given the thumbs down on the burning of the large brush pile on M-60/Millpond. J. Bush informed him the Village has not been approached. A. Meeks stated there has been no mention of it at the Fire Board meetings.

The Payment of Bills in the amount of $59,085.04was presented. Motioned by M. Lovitt, seconded by A. Meeks, to approve the payment of bills in the amount of $59,085.04. Motion approved by all.

J. Bush discussed the vacant lot on Coxon St. which the Village has first right of refusal due to it going to the tax sale for delinquent taxes. Motioned by M. Lovitt, seconded by J. Jackson to refuse the property. All were in favor. Motion approved.

Motioned by J. Bush, seconded by A. Meeks to approve the fireworks permit allowing fireworks to be displayed in the Village for Concord Classic Weekend. All were in favor. Motion approved. He also mentioned that M&K Jetting has donated $8,000.00 for the fireworks.

Motioned by M. Lovitt, seconded by J. Bush to approve the Application for Special License allowing the Cadet Tavern to provide alcohol outside in designated areas during Concord Classic Weekend. Roll call vote as follows: J. Bush - aye, J. Jackson - aye, T. Norris - aye, T. Casey - aye, A. Meeks - aye, M. Lovitt - aye, K. George - aye. Motion approved.

Motioned by J. Bush, seconded by T. Casey to approve the needed ITRight Computer Upgrade at a cost of $2,058.00. all were in favor. Motion approved.

J. Blossom mentioned he and Village Engineer J. Ripstra will be bidding the sewer replacement for the utility easement located behind the businesses on the West side of N. Main Street in the Downtown Business District on Thursday. J. Ripstra will tabulate the bids and give his recommendation. Motioned by J. Bush, seconded by A. Meeks to allow the Village engineer and the DPW Director to accept the bid they see fit. All were in favor. Motion approved. J. Blossom also discussed the USDA Water Project and that he hopes to have the bidding done in June and have the project start by July 1, 2019.

L. Jacobson was unable to attend as he was on a call. J. Bush discussed his April 2019 Blotter and had the following to note: Heads up on this! A recently terminated Dish Network employee was going out and visiting old customers in the company's name. He has a DN magnet he put on his vehicle. Once inside to conduct a 'check-up,' he steals valuables. In one instance he stole two firearms. He's been identified and handled, but be very careful who you let into your home! If you have any doubts, call the company directly or 911 and we'll check them out for you! These guys are slick! J. Bush also read from Jacobson's Blotter, The Village was hit with a night of trouble in April when subject(s) went around looking into unlocked vehicles for valuables. One unfortunate resident lost app. $400 when he mistakenly left his wallet and cash in his unlocked truck. Remember - SECURE YOUR VALUABLES each night and LOCK YOUR VEHICLES! The subject(s) ended up going through 3 or 4 vehicles, but app. 30 more along their route were not bothered because they were locked up! So far, no one has been identified. 

Bush also read, Village residents, DO NOT MOW YOUR GRASS CLIPPING INTO THE STREETS!!! The clippings plug up the drainage system, resulting in costly repairs. J. Bush also mentioned Deputy jacobson has been making his rounds in the Village identifying properties which need to be mowed, leaves and brush clean up. Deputy Jacobson will be sending out warning letters soon allowing the resident ten days from the date of the letter to complete the tasks.

J. Bush discussed the email regarding the Cascade Humane Society Cat Spay/Neuter Program. The program will spay/nueter up to 85 cats in the County. The cats must be taken to the Humane Society in a accepted animal transfer crate/box and upon completion of the spay or neuter they are given back to the person which brought them in to return to their original place.

Council Comments:

T. Casey asked what the rules were on people living in travel trailers in the Village. You cannot live in a travel trailer in the Village; however, people are allowed to stay in a trailer for up to two weeks if visiting. He also asked about the Shannon's Building and what is going on with that. J. Bush informed him the owner J. Bufalino has not returned phone calls or responded to emails or letters sent. Bufalino has been fined for an ordinance violation and will be fined every thirty days until the ordinance violation is taken care of. T. Casey also inquired about what was going on with the offer on the Concord Café Building. J. Jackson stated the deal fell through as one of the investors backed out.

J. Jackson stated he liked the letters the Council had sent out in the past acknowledging residents and businesses for improvements they made on their home or business. He recommended letters be sent to Concord Veterinary Clinic and Concord Chiropractic thanking them for the improvements they have made to their buildings and the community.

J. Bush mentioned there is a Harwood meeting on Wednesday May 15, 2019 at 7 pm at the Concord Branch of the Jackson District Library.

J. Bush also mentioned he may be running late to some meetings from now through June as he is coaching T-Ball and games are on Tuesdays. K. George could also be late as his kids play T-Ball as well. J. Blossom will not be attending meetings until ball season is over as his games are on Tuesday nights. A. Meeks is unable to attend the meetings in June.

With no other business to discuss, it was motioned by A. Meeks, seconded by M. Lovitt, to adjourn at 7:49 pm. Motion approved by all.
