
West Central Reporter

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Village of Concord Village Council met May 28

Webp meeting 04

Village of Concord Village Council met May 28.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The Village Council of Concord met at 7:00 pm in the Village Commons Meeting Room.

Council Members Present: Jeremiah Bush, Jeff Jackson, Tom Norris, T. Casey, Mike Lovitt, Ashley Meeks and Kyle George.

Council Members Absent: None

Public Present: K. Wyatt, B. Jones, B. Martines, R. Dawson, C. Dawson, Village Attorney F. Lucas, Deputy L. Jacobson and Village Clerk J. Lefere.

For their review, Council Members were e-mailed or given: Bills to be paid in Amount of $28,801.47; Food Truck in Park Email; April 2019 Fire Run Report; May 2019 Fire Board Minutes; Jacobson's Shannon's Building Ordinance Update Email; N. Main Business District Sewer Bid Email; June 2019 Village Voice; 5/14/19 Village Council Meeting Proposed Minutes; 5/28/2019 Council Meeting Agenda.

Motioned by J. Jackson, seconded by A. Meeks, to accept the minutes from the 5/14/2019 meeting as presented. The motion was approved by all.

Public Comments:

K. Wyatt stated he heard loud fireworks over the weekend and it seemed like they were coming from the north and he wondered if anyone knew who was setting them off. B. Jones said he thought they were coming from a place on Eckert Rd.

B. Jones stated he has lived in the Concord area all his life and never knew there were two Railroad Streets in the Village.

The Payment of Bills in the amount of $28,801.47 was presented. Motioned by A. Meeks, seconded by M. Lovitt, to approve the payment of bills in the amount of $28,801.47. Motion approved by all.

F. Lucas informed the Council they need to decide on a fee structure for the Foreclosed, Vacant and Abandoned Property Registry Ordinance. Once that is done F. Lucas will revise and have ready for adoption at the next meeting.

J. Bush informed the Council they needed to reapprove the International Property Maintenance Code Ordinance and the Village Property Maintenance Code at tonight's meeting as they were not published in the time frame allowed. Motioned by J. Bush, seconded by M. Lovitt to adopt the International Property Maintenance Code Ordinance as the Village Building Property Maintenance Code Ordinance. All were in favor. Motion approved. Motion by J. Bush, seconded by M. Lovitt to adopt the Village Property Maintenance Code Ordinance. All were in favor. Motion approved.

L. Jacobson mentioned a call he responded to in the Township where two neighbors were cutting their grass, neighbor one's grass blew over on neighbor twos yard, neighbor two threw the grass back over on neighbor one's yard and the grass hit neighbor one. Neighbor one called 911 and wanted to file assault charges. He also mentioned he has been monitoring the Village for overgrown lawns and warning letters are being mailed.

J. Bush discussed the email regarding the Food Truck in the Park. The Martines family has purchased a mobile food vending trailer and has asked the Council for approval to set up in the park during ball tournaments. The Council is concerned this might take sales away from the Village's brick and mortar businesses and particularly the Lions Club Concession Stand, a local non-profit who has volunteered to run concessions in the Park for last 38 years and regularly donates profits to improvements in the park, Concord Baseball and Softball Club, Concord Schools, and other charitable endeavors. The Council discussed putting together a Mobile Food Vending Ordinance to address their concerns which could include possibly allowing some mobile food vending operators deemed non-competive, while not allowing other vendors, parameters of a permit process discussed, and etc. The Council tabled a decision on allowing or not allowing mobile food vendors in the Park and surrounding community until next meeting when more research could be completed.

J. Blossom was unable to attend the meeting. He emailed these comments to the Council - The USDA project is moving along very well! Fred finished up his part of the paper work last week. Judy spent numerous hours last week hammering out a list of 16 items that USDA sent us which had to be done before we can start the bid process. Jack should be done later this week with the final bid documents and then the 30-day advertising period can start. Fingers crossed we can open bids the first of July.

Jack looked over the bids of the sewer for the easement behind the businesses on the west side of N. Main St. in the Downtown Business District and everything checked out so the job was awarded to RJT Construction at a cost of $28,500.00. I made contact with the business owners adjoining the alley and as I expected it did not go well with one particular business owner who is concerned. However, the project will continue and the Village and the construction company will do our best to accommodate them. RJT plans on starting the project next week and they figure it will take 2-3 weeks depending on weather.

Council Comments:

J. Bush mentioned the Planning Commission is pretty much done with the Master Plan. No one showed from the Township at the last meeting. A. Cavasin was reached and will attend the next meeting to review and the Planning Commission will then be ready to roll out the Master Plan in a public meeting for public review and comments.

With no other business to discuss, it was motioned by A. Meeks, seconded by M. Lovitt, to adjourn at 7:46 pm. Motion approved by all.
