
West Central Reporter

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Village of Concord Village Council met March 26

Webp meeting 05

Village of Concord Village Council met March 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The Village Council of Concord met at 7:00 pm in the Village Commons Meeting Room.

Council Members Present: Jeremiah Bush, Jeff Jackson, Tom Norris, Tim Casey, Mike Lovitt, Ashley Meeks and Kyle George.

Council Members Absent: None

Public Present: A. Losey, K. Wyatt, K. Mills, T. Brooks, T. Karr, Deputy L. Jacobson, DPW Director J. Blossom, and Village Clerk J. Lefere.

For their review, Council Members were e-mailed or given: Bills to be paid in Amount of $26,517.82; April 2019 Village Voice; 640 Hanover St Water Sewer Hookup Plans Email; 500 S, Main St Variance Concerns for Franssen Email; 3/12/19 Village Council Meeting Proposed Minutes; 3/26/2019 Council Meeting Agenda.

Motioned by M. Lovitt, seconded by A. Meeks, to accept the minutes from the 3/12/2019 meeting as presented. The motion was approved by all.

Public Comments:

K. Wyatt asked about the Shannon's Building and the back taxes notice which is taped to the door. J. Bush stated that if the taxes were not paid by the deadline the building would go into foreclosure with the County of Jackson.

T. Karr thanked Clerk J. Lefere for putting "Friends of the Library Book Sale" in the Village Voice and asked if she could change the time the Friends meet to 10:00 am. She also asked about picking up trash along the Mill Pond and if there was any type of liability insurance. J. Bush informed her that the bottom of the Mill

Pond and the dam are privately owned and the Village does not have anything to do with it. T. Karr inquired about the trees being cleared on the North side of the Mill Pond and if the Village intended to do anything about it. Bush stated no, it is a private property issue and the Village has no laws or policies in place to address the situation. Karr stated the MDEQ had been contacted.

K. Mills also commented on the trees being removed from the North side of the Mill Pond.

T. Brooks attended the meeting to discuss the Village Dumpster situation.

The Payment of Bills in the amount of $26,517.82 was presented. Motioned by A. Meeks, seconded by J. Jackson, to approve the payment of bills in the amount of $26,517.82. Motion approved by all.

J. Blossom stated hydrant flushing is complete for the Spring. He also stated he had met with the Concord Garden Club and a decision was made on flower pots for the Mill Pond, the pots were ordered and when they arrive, they will go to the Hobbit for plants. He also mentioned the DPW had gone through 6 ton of cold patch and expects to go through about another 6 ton. The Town Clock's tentative installation date is on April 11th.

L. Jacobson mentioned he will be attending court tomorrow because a person he ticketed on Albion Rd. going 43 in a 25 is challenging the ticket. The individual is challenging the ticket because he said when he is driving up the hill on Albion Rd. from M-60 he can see the 35 mile per hour speed limit sign at the top of the hill.

J. Bush informed the Council he request for a land split at 640 Hanover St. was approved by the Planning Commission at their meeting.

J. Bush informed the Council the variance to build a pole barn by the resident at 500 S. Main St. was approved by the Planning Commission at their meeting.

Council Comments:

A. Meeks asked about all the leaves people have raked to the edge of their property and if the yard waste policy could be posted on the Village Voice and online. Clerk J. Lefere stated that the policy is on the website and in the Village Voice. She will also post it on the Village's Facebook page.

With no other business to discuss, it was motioned by A. Meeks, seconded by J. Bush, to adjourn at 7:36 pm. Motion approved by all,
