
West Central Reporter

Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Mt. Sterling City Council met May 20

Webp hall

City of Mt. Sterling City Council met May 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Bradbury calls the general City of Mt. Sterling Council Meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with roll call. ROLL CALL -Ernest absent, Schenk here, Myers here, Scranton here, Burge here, Jennings here.

Public Works Director Dusty Buss, Fire Chief Brian Gallaher, City Attorney Lonnie Dunn, City Administrator Vada Yingling, City Treasurer Cheryl Flynn, City Clerk Dane Flesner, and Police Chief Brandon Norris are all present.

Mayor Bradbury - I would like to entertain a motion to approve the April minutes.

Alderman Myers makes a motion to approve the April minutes as presented, seconded by Schenk. Schenk yes, Myers yes, Scranton yes, Burge yes, Jennings yes, Ernest absent.

Mayor Bradbury- I would like to entertain a motion to approve the April expenses.

Alderman Burge makes the motion to approve April expenses, seconded by Scranton. Myers yes, Scranton yes, Burge yes, Jennings yes, Ernest absent, Schenk yes.

Guest/Citizens Opportunity to address the Council- Buck Henken addressed the council over a couple concerns. Mr. Henken first asked council what could be done about the lot where Kitchell's Automotive keeps their junked cars. Buck voiced his concern not only with the looks of the property but the potential leaking hazards of oil or gas into the ground. Buck asked at least if nothing else for a fence to be put up. Mayor Bradbury sent Mr. Henken's concern to the City Planning Committee for review and recommendation. Second, Mr. Henken voiced his concern about Western Grain Marketing purchase of the property across the street from him. He was told there were to be grain bins and dryers to be erected. He doesn't believe the current zoning of light commercial would allow for such a project. Mayor Bradbury asked if any permits were pulled for project on the city's side and there were none as of yet. Mayor Bradbury assured Mr. Henken when the city knows something we will be sure to let him know. City Administrator Vada Yingling also told him if they request a zoning change he and all the neighbors must be notified and there would be a public hearing. Mr. Henken was ok with the information he received and asked to be kept in the loop if possible. Third, Mr. Henken asked for sidewalks and street lights to be put down beings they were annexed into the city and his concern about the increase in traffic his way. Public Works Director Buss said he would contact Ameren to see about lights and sidewalks would be discussed as there are potentially some others down by there that have been requested as well.

Eric Hendricks addressed council about potentially being a buyer on the excess ground if there were to be any on the Miller Property the city purchased for the new public works building. Mr. Hendricks told council he would like to see it not get annexed into the city as he would like to potentially have a few cows on it. Mayor Bradbury stated there have not been any official meetings to discuss any binding ideas for the ground. Mayor Bradbury would like to see the new Public Works Building get built and then see what the rest looks like and ideas be tossed around in formal meetings at that time.

Old Business – Director Buss asked for an hourly engineering agreement with Hutchison to start working on the storm sewer in the alley behind Sportsman's Club running west towards the bank. Director Buss estimated the engineering around $12,000-$15,000 for this project.

Alderman Burge made the motion to accept request as presented by Buss, seconded by Schenk. Scranton yes, Burge yes, Jennings yes, Ernest absent, Schenk yes, Myers yes.

Alderman Myers made a motion to table approving Ordinance #2019-4, seconded by Alderman Burge. Schenk yes, Myers yes, Scranton yes, Burge yes, Jennings yes, Ernest absent.

New Business - Mayor Bradbury started new business by thanking Alderman Myers for all his years of service to the city as an Alderman. Alderman Myers in turn thanked everyone for everything as well and offered his support to incoming Alderman Ransom.

Oath of Office - Alderman Allen Schenk was sworn in by Mayor Bradbury for a four year term as Alderman of the second ward. Alderwoman Jennings was sworn in for a four year term as Alderwoman of the third ward. Alderman Kerry Ransom was sworn in for a four year term as Alderman of the first ward. Mayor Bradbury did the honor of swearing in all the newly elected officials and wished them all good luck.

A motion was made to go out of order on the agenda Alderman Burge, seconded by Jennings. Jennings yes, Ernest absent, Schenk yes, Ransom yes, Scranton yes, Burge yes.

Director Buss presented council with the water rate change that was handed down to the city from Clayton/Camp Point Water Commission. Base charge for inside corporate limits will be $12.50 for the first 2,000 gallons and base charge of outside corporate limits will be $20.50 for the first 2,000 gallons. Effective June 15, 2019 inside limits $5.17 each additional 1,000 gallons, and outside limits $5.37. Effective May 1st, 2020 inside limits $5.27, and outside limits $5.47. Effective May 1st, 2021 inside limits $5.37, outside limits $5.57.

Effective May 19, 2022 inside limits $5.47, outside limits $5.67. Effective May 19, 2023 inside corporate limits $5.57, outside $5.77.

Alderman Scranton makes motion to accept water rate changes as presented by Buss, Seconded Burge. Burge yes, Jennings yes, Ernest absent, Schenk yes, Ransom yes, Scranton yes.

Approving the Bluestem Energy alternative energy proposal was put off until a little research could be completed on the city's side. It will be on next month's agenda for approval.

Alderman Schenk makes the motion to approve 2x4's for Hope to shut down alley running north and south by the Veteran Home build site June 22nd and 23rd for construction purposes, seconded by Jennings. Jennings yes, Ernest absent, Schenk yes, Ransom yes, Scranton yes, Burge abstain.

Alderman Schenk makes the motion to approve Legion Auxiliary poppy day's collection at the four way stop on May 24 and 25', seconded by Burge. Ernest absent, Schenk yes, Ransom yes, Scranton yes, Burge yes, Jennings yes.

Alderman Scranton makes the motion to accept the Ordinance repealing Mt. Sterling City Code Chapter 20, Library, The Brown County Library is governed by the Brown County Public Library District rendering this ordinance null and void, seconded by Jennings. Schenk yes, Ransom yes, Scranton yes, Burge yes, Jennings yes.

Alderman Scranton makes the motion to approve City Wide Cleanup Friday, June 7th and Saturday June 8th, seconded by Schenk. Ransom Yes, Scranton yes, Burge yes, Jennings yes, Ernest absent, Schenk yes.

Mayor Bradbury had a brief discussion on his thoughts about employee raises and how he got to the number he would like to recommend. Mayor Bradbury recommended a 2% raise for all full time employees except police and dispatch. This recommendation included department heads as well.

Alderman Scranton makes the motion to accept recommendation from Mayor, seconded by Jennings. Scranton yes, Burge yes, Jennings yes, Ernest absent, Schenk no, Ransom yes.

Treasurer's Report - Cheryl presented her report with no questions, comments, or motions being made.

Public Work's Report - Dusty presented report and no concerns or motions were made.

Committee Reports Ad Hoc - Airport - Cemetery - City Planning - Finance/Budget Fire - Lake/Lake Development - Personnel - Plan Commission - Police - Street and Alley - TIF Water/Sewer - Zoning - Zoning Board of Appeals -

Other Business

Alderman Burge makes the motion that the council has received and filed all reports for the 5/20/2019 council meeting, seconded Schenk. Jennings yes, Ernest absent, Schenk yes, Myers yes, Scranton yes, Burge yes.

Executive Session

Motion to Adjourn made by Alderman Ransom, seconded by Schenk. Schenk yes, Myers yes, Scranton yes, Burge yes, Jennings yes, Ernest absent.
