Beardstown Park District Board met May 22.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The May meeting of the Beardstown Park District board of commissioners was held on May 22id at the Schewe Community Center. Travis Schroll called to order and roll was taken. Commissioners present included Travis Schroll, Becky Jones, Johnny Hardwick, Bob Schaefer and Nathan Carls. Also in attendance were Park Director Jason Brockschmidt and Secretary-Treasurer Julie Robertson.
Election of officers for the new fiscal year were aS follows:
Johnny Hardwick was elected president after a motion by Mr. Schaeffer and a second by Mrs. Jones. Mr. Hardwick then took over the meeting- Mr. Schaeffer was elected vice president on a motion by Mr. Hardwick and a second from Mrs. Jones.
The following appointments were made:
Secretary-Treasurer: Julie Robertson
Financial lnstitutions: First Nalional Bank, Beardstown Savings and West Central Bank Auditor: Myers & Myers, CPA'S, Ltd.
Attorney: Carrie Magerl
Meeting days and time: 4rh Wednesday of each month at 12:00 noon at the Schewe Community Center
The minutes of the April meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Schaeffer and a second by Mr. Schroll.
The Treasurers report was approved on a motion by Mr. Schroll and a second by Mrs_ Jones
The Claims List was approved on a molion by Mrs. Jones and a second by Mr. Schaeffer.
The budget for the new year was approved on a motion by Mrs. Jones and a second by Mr. Schaeffer.
Mr. Brockschmidl then presented the Directods Report. He gave the board an updale on the parking loUentrance widening project, also an update on the tornado repairs. He also told them that park programs are set and the flier has gone out in the paper.
Mr. Schroll made a motion to transfer funds from Social Security or Liability to cover the deficil in the Recreation and Corporate funds. This passed with a second from Mrs. Jones.
It was also discussed that the Park District needs to acknowledge Doug Birdsley and the City workers that have helped with the tornado repairs. ldeas lhat were discussed included placing an ad in the newspaper or buying them a gift certificate.
Mrs. Jones said it was brought to her attention that Ted Danner had an altercation at the Little League Park last year. She discussed that he should no longer be affiliated with the Park District because of the violent behavior he exhibited, She made a motion that the Park should discontinue the rental agreement with Ted and his Tae Kwan Do business. There was a second by Mr. Schaeffer and the decision passed. The meeting adjourned at 1:10 pm when they entered into executive session.