
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Morgan County Board met July 8

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Morgan County Board met July 8. 

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

The Morgan County Board of Commissioners met in the law library on Monday July 8, 2019 at 9am. Chr. Zeller asked County Clk. Waggener to ask for the roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call as follows, Chr. Zeller-answered present, Commissioner Fanning-answered present and Commissioner Meier-answered present. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. that a quorum is present.

Chr. Zeller said that the first item for approval is the agenda. Commissioner Meier made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.

Chr. Zeller said that the next item for approval are the minutes from the July 1 board meeting. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Commissioner Meier seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.

Chr. Zeller said that the approval of the Treasurer’s reports for March and April are the next items on the agenda. Chr. Zeller said Treasurer Geirnaeirt is present. Ms. Geirmaeirt said that the report shows that the general fund is getting low as it does every year at this time due to being close to the end of the fiscal year and the first distribution from real estate taxes not showing yet. Commissioner Meier made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.

Chr. Zeller said that the next items are the bills for $22,541.47 and need approval from the board for payment. Commissioner Meier made a motion to approve the payment of bills in the stated amount. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.

Chr. Zeller said the verifiable payroll for signing on July 12 and distribution on July 15 needs approval from the board. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the verifiable payroll for the stated dates. Commissioner Meier seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.

Chr. Zeller said that awarding of the weatherization bids is the next item on the agenda. Chr. Zeller said that the bids were opened last week and have been put in a detailed report and will be awarded this morning. Chr. Zeller said that this report would be filed in the County Clerk’s office for inspection later today. The bids for the mechanical side of the bids were awarded to Benoist Bros of Springfield, Illinois and Connor Co. of Jacksonville, Illinois. Chr. Zeller said that the architectural side of the bids were awarded to Whole Energy & Hardware, Chaska, Minnesota, EFI, Southborough, Massachusetts, R.P. Lumber, Jacksonville, Illinois and Trone Appliance, Jacksonville, Illinois. Commissioner Meier made a motion to approve the awarding of bids as read. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.

Reports of Departments-none

Public Comment-Willie Smith commented. Joana Ramsey commented.

Chairman’s Remarks-Chr. Zeller said that the petition is being taken into consideration, but with the lack of unincorporated boundaries, it makes it difficult to determine what qualifies someone as an Alexander resident. Chr. Zeller said that further discussion would be held.

Commissioner Meier made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved and the meeting stands adjourned.
