City of Barry City Council met Aug. 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Rennecker opened the 2nd Public Hearing at 6:45 p.m. for zoning changes for Parcel # 46-027-07E & Parcel # 46-027-07C from I-1 to B – 2. This land was is where Innoventors was going to build and is now owned by IL Rural Electric. There were no Public comments. Hearing ended at 7:00 p.m.
Mayor Rennecker called the regular meeting of the Barry City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. All elected officials were present except Scott Harris. He then led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Lance Kendrick made a motion to approve the minutes from the July meeting and Bob Dieker seconded the motion. Motion carried with 5 ayes, 0 nays and 1 absent.
Bob Dieker made a motion to approve payment of the bills and Bruce Kendall seconded the motion. Motion carried with 5 ayes, 0 nays and 1 absent.
Bob Dieker gave the Streets and Alley Committee report. Those present at the meeting were: Bob Dieker, Robert Snyder, Scott Harris, Marynel Corton and Jeff Hogge. The Committee toured the streets around town and made notes of areas at intersections that that tree and bush trimming was needed to improve visibility. The Committee decided the bridge by the township building needed some work. They discussed putting some type of guardrails at the bridge along with a one-way bridge sign since it is a narrow bridge. Committee also discussed adding rip rap to the Northeast corner due to the wash out. Robert and crew have worked on fixing the problem by the bridge.
The Police report was given by Officer John Pennock from the Pike County Sheriffs office. He said there were 4 arrests: 3 traffic and 1 felony arrest.
Robert Snyder gave the Public Works Director report. He said the guard rail and sign is up at the bridge by Township building and crew has been doing a lot of weed eating and mowing. They worked on Bow Lake drainage – put drop box in and pipe laid and gravel put in. Also patched holes in streets, trimmed trees and did some spraying. We also fixed a couple small service line leaks.
Jeff Hogge gave the City Administrator report. Jeff met with a census official from Chicago and the census is going to try to do most on line showing 73% in Pike County online. Mayor Rennecker said it is important that we get an accurate count because much of our budget revenue takes into account our population count. Jeff also attended several meetings including a newly elected officials meeting in Griggsville and traveled to Vandalia, Mo to attend City Council as guest speaker on our Medical Marijuana grow house. He helped with job fair for American Fresh Water Fish and Cindy Galinis of Tiny’s Place asked for a Special Event License for Apple Festival. The Lantern planned a Cruise night on August 10th from noon to 5 p.m. and asked for Mortimer Street to be blocked off from Bainbridge Street to Decatur Street. Darren Fee talked to the Restaurants on Mortimer Street and they were in favor of doing this.
The action on zoning change for Parcel # 46-027-07E and # 46-027-07C from I-1 to B- 2 was tabled to September meeting. Bob Dieker said he was all for changing and Steve Schultz thought it was a good idea. Mayor Rennecker said he would have the ordinance ready next month.
Mayor Rennecker discussed the number of dogs someone can have. He asked do we want to write something saying how many cats and dogs a person can have. Jeff Hogge said that Quincy has maximum 5 dogs and 5 cats. Bob Dieker said people are entitled to descent night’s sleep and it needs to be enforced. John Pennock said a complaint has to be signed and that no one wants to go to court to testify. Griggsville has limit of 4 and a kennel permit. Mayor Rennecker said attorney recommends 4 dogs and 4 cats.
Bob Dieker said that something needs to be done with the Tad Oitker building before Apple Festival. Lance Kendrick asked if it had been officially condemned. Mayor Rennecker said tax buyer is in process of purchasing tax deed. Marynel Corton said it would be good to put up some kind of fence and Debbie Harshman said they take vendors for the Apple Festival clear to the alley. Debbie asked for people to contact her about the festival in place of Flynn’s.
Bob Dieker asked if anyone came up with a different name for Revolution Rd. Council decided that Revolution Rd will return to its 911 address: 310th Avenue.
Steve Schultz made a motion to go into executive session for Sale of Property and Bruce Kendall seconded the motion. Council went into executive session at 7:50 p.m.
Council returned from executive session at 8:00 p.m.
No action was taken and Steve Schultz made a motion to adjourn and Marynel Corton seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:01 p. m.