City of Jacksonville Historic Preservation Commission met Oct. 7.
Here is the minutes provided by the commission:
Attendees: Mary Greenwood, Bill Scott, Rick Stevens, Jim Stollard, Lauretta Scheller, Steve Hardin and Judy Tighe
The monthly meetings for July and August were cancelled. The minutes for June were read and approved without corrections.
In old business, Rick met with Kelly to discuss COAs not needed for referral to the commission. There are significant roof replacements, without change to previous materials that the commission receives that don’t need our approval. Kelly says any building permit that is completed for a building within the historic district or one that is landmarked will continue to be referred to us.
We approved all COAs that were completed prior to our meeting: 518 S. Diamond (deck), 1507 Mound (roof and bedroom addition), 325 W. State (roof), 138 Prospect (roof), 601 W. Morgan (roof leak repair), 1330 W. State (roof), 1018 W. State (roof), 128 Finley (fence), 619 W. College (roof), 1249 (replace fence), 517 S. Church (roof), 421 W. College (fence), 906 Grove (roof), 225 Lockwood Pl. (demo garage with replacement with 3 car garage), 1019 W. State (roof), 278 Sandusky (roof) and 225 Westminster (roof).
The 2020 budget request for homeowner’s grant program needs to be completed as soon as possible for submission to the council. Rick, Bill and Judy agreed to meet and write the proposal and will email us with the rough draft for our review.
We discussed officers for the next year. Lauretta declined chair but would like to continue as recording secretary. Jim might consider taking over as chair but will let us know.
The design guidelines project needs to be worked on. Judy had referred several different examples of guidelines from cities in and outside of Illinois. Steve printed out quite a few of them for our quick review. We discussed the pros and cons of a few of them. We agreed to have two separate guidelines – one for commercial and one for residential. We will meet on October 23 at 2 p.m. in the Main Street office and October 28 (same time and same place) to begin our rough draft.
In reviewing the October meeting agenda, there was an item noted for a request from MacMurray College but we are unaware of the request.
Motion to adjourn approved. Our next meeting with be November