City of Hamilton City Council met Aug. 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The Hamilton City Council met in regular session at 7:00pm with Mayor Walter Sellens, Aldermen Bob Eddings, Dave Bierbaum, Bill Johnson, Beverly Boone, Steve Schlatter and Debbie Summers answering roll call.
Mayor Sellens led everyone in the “Pledge of Allegiance”.
Sellens asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the July 15, 2019 meeting. Bierbaum made a motion to approve the minutes. Schlatter seconded the motion. Roll was called with Eddings, Bierbaum, Johnson, Boone, Schlatter and Summers voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.
Mayor Sellens noted that school will be back in session soon so please be aware of your surroundings and watch for children.
Mayor Sellens reported that Michelle and he had met with Caryl Riley with the U.S. Census Bureau. It is very important that everyone gets counted on Census Day.
Mayor Sellens reported that he and Aron had met with ESDA & FEMA regarding funding from the flood. Thank you to Aron for preparing all of our cost incurred with the flood and presenting to them.
Mayor Sellens reported that he spoke with Jeff Cozadd from WIRC. The state will not be funding the Housing Rehab Grants this year. He encouraged us to apply again next year and our information that was collected this year will still be able to be used.
Mayor Sellens reported that August 17th is Local Official’s Day at the Illinois State Fair. Bob Eddings reported that he and his wife would be attending.
Eddings reported that the City had received the following deposit:
•July 16 $ 1,973.37 Personal Property Replacement Tax
•July 19 $ 27,676.36 State Income Tax
•July 19 $ 4,404.92Video Gaming Tax
•July 19 $ 7,668.74Use Tax
Eddings made a motion to approve the Selected Check Registers. Bierbaum seconded the motion. Roll was called with Bierbaum, Johnson, Boone, Schlatter, Summers and Eddings voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.
Bierbaum reported that the Health and Safety Committee met on July 23rd. He noted that the following items were discussed:
•Fire Chief Helenthal advised that pump testing will be taking place September 5th.
•City will be looking to auction the 1946 Firetruck when the title is located
•The officers are currently working on the old cars around town
•Discussed legalization of cannabis January 1, 2020. Committee needs to look into what policies and ordinances needed to be addressed
•Reviewed two new dilapidated properties one on Broadway and the other on Main Street. Will give to Attorney to look into.
•Discussed demolition permits that are outstanding. Will have City Clerk send out letters to any that the 90 days will be expiring.
Bierbaum made a motion to approve Nick Jamerson and Brendon Glenn to attend First Line Supervision Training in Peoria, September 9th-11th if the schedule allows. The cost would be $375.00/person plus hotel and meals. Schlatter seconded the motion. Roll was called with Johnson, Boone, Schlatter, Summers, Eddings and Bierbaum voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.
Bierbaum made a motion to approve the donation of $100.00 to the Hamilton Classic Auto Fest for the Mayor’s and Police Chief’s Choice. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll was called with Boone, Schlatter, Summers, Eddings, Bierbaum and Johnson voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.
Johnson reported the Building & Grounds, Permits & Zoning committee met on July 23rd. He noted the following items were discussed:
•Police building – Discussed Safford building, felt like there is too much maintenance needed
•Salt building is also on hold looking at other estimates
•Discussed flood plain
•Discussed building/permits – having JULIE notified will work on a revision to the process
Johnson made a motion to approve the following building permits: 20’L x 11’6”W x 10’H Building to MTC Communications at 1250 Laurel Street, and 4’L x 3’W x 10’H Sign to Glenn Cook at 1161 Broadway. Bierbaum seconded the motion. Roll was called with Schlatter, Summers, Eddings, Bierbaum, Johnson and Boone voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.
Johnson reported that we had received a request from Michael Kraft to amend the Flood Plain Ordinance to 506 feet. City Attorney, Stanley Tucker reported that the City does not have the authority to change the level on their own. He noted that it would require a new survey to be completed. Per the Ordinance the requester would be responsible for the cost of the survey. Tucker will contact Mr. Kraft to get the name and number of the FEMA individual that he spoke with to get more information.
Schlatter reported that the Public Works Committee held a meeting on July 29th. He noted the following items were discussed:
•Two telescope valves in wastewater plant being repaired
•Working on proposal to address storm damaged tree removal in the future
•2019 oil and chip program finished – Approximately 8,200 feet of road surface was covered
•Aron and Brent met with IEPA to do the 3 year engineering evaluation on the water system. A few suggestions for change were made but no violations
•Will get more pricing for a salt building
•Discussed Broadway Culvert project – All agreed went well considering it was an emergency with a lot of underground challenges
•Aron and Ryan met with PSBA to discuss culvert on North 7th Street
•Discussed removing three pieces of equipment – Two riding lawn mowers to Sullivan’s and large generator not used for 30 years to Central Iron for scrap
•Discussed 1400 block of Linn Street. Agreed to remove the culvert on the west entrance by Hwy 96 and lock the gate.
•Diamond Map program – use work orders more in the future
•Additional culverts are being purchased to fix damages left behind by heavy rains
Summers reported the Economic & Tourism Committee met on July 29th. She noted the following items were discussed:
New ideas how to get new business in town or Industrial Park. Belynda Allen, from Hancock County Economic Development will be helping us with that.
•Discussed Cannabis Business Establishments and will send to Zoning and Permits to discuss
•Talked with Keokuk Tourism Director and they will again be collaborating with The City of Hamilton to hold the Geode Fest in September
•Discussed future Safety Expos
•Discussed City website. Will reach out to Cindy Stewart with the merchants group on their ideas
Summers made a motion to approve the advertising for the Labor Day Media $75.00 and the Hamilton Hometown Pride $127.00. Schlatter seconded the motion. Roll was called with Summers, Eddings, Bierbaum, Johnson, Boone and Schlatter voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.
There being no further business to discuss, Boone made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:42pm. Schlatter seconded the motion. Roll was called with Eddings, Bierbaum, Johnson, Boone, Schlatter, and Summers voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.