
West Central Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Jacksonville City Cemeteries Board met October 18

Webp meeting372

City of Jacksonville City Cemeteries Board met Oct. 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The regular monthly meeting of the Jacksonville City Cemeteries Board was called to order at 8:33 a.m. in the Commission Room of the Jacksonville Municipal Building. The meeting was publicly announced by posting and by written notice to the local newspaper and radio stations.

ROLL CALL: Members present were: Chairman Doug Moore, Tom Newby, Linda Brown, Carolyn Bonjean, Gerald Scott; Treasurer Mary Fergurson (arrived at 8:35 a.m.); Superintendent Jim Pierson; Deputy City Clerk Angela Salyer. A quorum was declared.

AGENDA: Motion was made by Bonjean, seconded by Newby, to approve the October 18, 2019 Agenda as presented in advance. By voice vote, motion carried.

MINUTES: Mr. Newby asked that the Cash Receipts Report be amended by removing the extra “0” from the language regarding the $25,000 withdrawal for the purchase of a CD. Motion was made by Scott, seconded by Newby, to approve the September 20, 2019 as amended. By voice vote, motion carried.


a.) Treasurer’s Investment Report – September 2019:

Chair Moore reported that the $50,000 Ally Bank Certificate of Deposit (CD) that was purchased late September and has been reported on the September Cash Receipts Report. The new CD rate is 1.95% and matures September 26, 2022. Additionally the market value of equity assets is still over $300,000 which is positive in relation to cost. At this point Ms. Fergurson arrived and reported that with regard to the market, politics and trade negotiations will have an effect on the market and will show a lot of movement within the market.

b.) Cash Receipts Report – September 2019:

Ms. Brown gave a brief overview of the Cash Receipts Report, noting that there is a revenue balance of $98,037.63, approximately $10,000 over and above last years balance at this time possibly due to an increase in burials, lot sales and cash interest. A revenue balance of 33.10% and an expenditure balance of 38.89% remain at the end of September.

c.) Cash Receipts Report and Claims Approval – September 2019:

Motion was made by Brown, seconded by Bonjean, to approve the Cash Receipts Report and to pay claims when funds are available. By voice vote, motion carried.

Deputy CC Salyer pointed out that on the balance sheet for Williamson’s Funeral Home, under September burials, Frances Barton was a prepaid burial, thereby reducing the balance due at the end of the month by $1,000. The correct balance due from Williamson’s is $2,250.

SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: Supt. Pierson reported on the following:

 Supt. Pierson has been working on the Capital Improvement (CI) and Operating budgets. Salaries will increase quite a bit due to wage increases for summer help. Bids have been received for the mower trade-in and for the heavy-duty trailer to carry the excavator in, which will be paid from the CI budget. Additionally he will be adding $50,000 to the CI budget for continued work on the Massey addition

 Jeannie Hemphill would like to assist with researching the history of the Jacksonville Cemeteries 

Ms. Brown asked if Supt. Pierson was planning to put funds into the CI Budget for a new columbarium at Diamond Grove Cemetery. Supt. Pierson advised that he would like to get the Massey addition and storage building at East Cemetery complete before moving forward with a new columbarium. Ms. Brown feels funds for the columbarium need to be kept in the CI Budget every year. Supt. Pierson advised that the purchase of a new columbarium is included in the five-year plan. General discussion ensued.

 Supt. Pierson has received an invoice for new trees at both cemeteries to be paid in October 

PUBLIC COMMENT: No discussion.

OLD BUSINESS: Chair Moore continues to work on the rule book and hopes to have a draft for consideration at the next meeting. He has also been scanning historical information on the cemeteries to forward to Georgann Schultz.

1. Discuss Intergovernmental Agreement between the Jacksonville Cemeteries and the State of Illinois for cemetery maintenance. (Regarding Immanuel East, Immanuel West and Immanuel South at Diamond Grove Cemetery.) The current agreement ends in March 2020. Chair Moore would like the Board to consider an increase in charges for maintaining these lots before entering into another five-year agreement. General discussion ensued regarding what transpired during the negotiations for the current contract. Chair Moore feels the current contract does not quite cover the cost to maintain these lots, and wants to make sure the next contract incorporates enough of an increase to cover these costs by the end of the next five year contract. Supt. Pierson will keep in mind the increase for part-time labor when compiling his cost analysis. Chair Moore is not opposed to either another five year contract or an annual contract with cost increases built into each one.

NEW BUSINESS: No discussion.

ADJOURNMENT: Hearing no further business, a motion was made by Newby, seconded by Scott, to adjourn the meeting at 9:02 a.m. By voice vote, motion carried. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Jacksonville City Cemeteries Board will be held Friday, November 15, 2019, 8:30 a.m. in the Commission Room at the City of Jacksonville Municipal Building.
