
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Virginia City Council met November 12

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City of Virginia City Council met Nov. 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Brunk opened the regular meeting at 6:58pm. Roll was called. Alderman French, Pratt, Bowman, Wulf, and Behrends all were present. Alderman Cox was not present. The council reviewed the agenda. Alderman Pratt made a motion to approve the agenda and Alderman French seconded, motion carried unanimously. The minutes of the October meeting were presented, Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the minutes and Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly bills were presented to the council. Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the monthly bills, Alderman Behrends seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurer Barrett stated that everything is going well, just going through normal parts of this time of year but there are no big changes. Treasurer Barrett has been working with Jeannette Lacy on getting the new debt payments issued on the VRWS side. The TIF filing was due October 31st. We still don’t have the city audit back and haven’t gotten any response but we have an extension to get us through the end of the year. Attorney Veith and Mayor Brunk have submitted their documents so when we get the audit back we will submit everything. Treasurer Barrett also stated that they have been working on getting the tax levy prepared. Video gaming was $3237.16 and Sales tax was $11520.58 for the month of October

Guests: Mike Finn

Public Comment: none

Monthly Reports

Public Works: McClure stated that Hardin St is open now, they are going to let winter pass and complete the little that is remaining in the spring. McClure also stated that Myrtle St is also 90% done, they are going to let it settle then finish with blacktop. The manhole has also been fixed on Front St/Hardin St, there is new concrete bottom in it and on the sides. Fall clean up is about 90% finished, still few things in the alley and then we need to go back to get the brush. The EPA permit is coming for the alley to fix the water line, had to get permit because we are moving the line over. McClure would like to thank Buck Fanning/Tom Henry for the use of their backhoe and the dump truck.

Police Chief (Fanning) 185 calls, 110 service, 39 traffic, 4 arrests, 8 county assists, 1 minor accident, did get the new vehicle yesterday (Dodge Durango)

Fire Chief (Reynolds)1 traffic accident on main. The Trunk or Treat Halloween at the fire house was a big success. Chief Reynolds stated that the city wide clean up looks like a success, people had a lot of things out to get rid of.

Zoning Officer: nothing to report

Board Reports

Park Board: nothing to report

Library Board: nothing new to report Economic Development nothing to report

Cemetery Board: meet next Tuesday November 19th

Attorneys Report: Attorney Veith stated that he hopes at next months meeting to introduce an ordinance to clarify the emergency clause. Attorney Veith also stated that he has been working on property maintenance cases and will continue to work on those as well as follow up with Chief Kennedy. The south side of the square is still an issue and that particular owner has another building in another community that is trying to get a hold of his as well because there are issues there. The issue is that there is a problem getting him served because the address we have is a PO Box. Once he is serviced we may have the same issue that we had on the west side of the square. Attorney Veith advised the council to prepare for that and that we will continue to discuss going forward. Alderman French asked if this was going to be a long road to get resolved. Attorney Veith stated that he doesn’t know if it is fixable without investing a lot of money as well as trying to find him and get him served. The other community has talked with him and he refused to give a physical address. We may want to investigate other options in the Illinois Municipal Code to resolve this.

Aldermanic Reports

Cox not present

Behrends Alderman Behrends asked if there were any updates on budgets getting together? Alderman Wulf states that Chief Kennedy is working on his will get together next week. Alderman Behrends wants to stress on getting these done so that Treasurer Barrett has plenty of time to get everything taken care of. Treasurer Barrett suggested to get a finance committee meeting set in December to figure out what we need to do would be helpful.

Wulf Alderman Wulf thanked Randy and Crew for city wide cleanup and also would like to thank them for getting Hardin St open. Alderman Wulf asked if the backhoe is running now? McClure stated no, we have lost 3rd and 4th gear in it. Alderman Wulf also stated that many people thanked the city of picking up and the trash and the debris and that it was helpful so they didn’t have to burn it or get rid of it.

Bowman nothing to report

Pratt Alderman Pratt asked if there was any update on Shireman, the company that is doing the demo? Mayor Brunk stated that he called and Shiremans said that he was shooting for mid Nov, he is a farmer so Mayor Brunk said he can call him again and see where he is at with an update.

French Alderman French wanted to thank Randy and the crew for all their hard work. Alderman French stated that everything is good in his ward, the pole lights are fine and that he thinks all have been replaced that needed it. Alderman French also stated that there are still issues with Ms. Newcomer’s neighbor, and at this point not sure what to do. The Mayor states that he was told that she got up and the neighbor was burning leaves and it was getting in her house, per the city code he is allowed to do that as long as it is prior to 4pm. There have also been issues with noise and traffic, Alderman French stated that he will refer her to contact the city police if there are issues in the future.

City Clerks Report

Reminding everyone that Christmas on the Square is on December 6th starting at 430pm and running until 830pm.

Mayors Report

Mayor Brunk asked McClure about the light by the school on the curb, it wasn’t working but it is working on It is solar powered. Mayor Brunk also stated that the alley that goes behind Mr. Finn’s apartments has some pretty large craters in there that we need to put some gravel in. McClure said that they have been through there but some of the holes are on private property and the city cant do anything about those. McClure informed the council that they city is out of the black stuff as all they had has been used. There was some work on the abstract building that is falling down, measured it off of what her deed calls for her and where her property ends. The fire department now has a little more room to park their vehicles. Pictures have been taking and this will be something that we will be addressing. We have a little more clean up back there and she has a van sitting there that has been sitting there for a while, it is tagged though. The camper is also on the property line.\

Unfinished Business


New Business

A. Tax Levy

Treasurer Barrett stated that the increase of 4.8% is under 5% so we don’t have to have a hearing. The assessed value for county went up a little bit so that helped us out last year and have looked at next year. Treasurer Barrett also stated that we did a good job at maximizing dollars. We are currently working with Library, as it is a separate levy, they could budget $18300, they only did $16300 for a few years. Treasurer Barrett stated that he can help with that. The total :$237550.00, last year’s total: $227514.28. The question was asked when you have a truth in taxation does that go to the public? Attorney Veith says it goes to a public hearing, but hat’s only if you go over the 5%. With nothing further to discuss, Alderman French made a motion that the Tax Levy be approved, and Alderman Pratt seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

B. 2020 meeting dates

Mayor Brunk states what we have done in the past has created some issues, and it is difficult for the girls in the office to get the bills out and paid on time. As well as it is hard to remember the dates. So Mayor Brunk requests that we go back to the 2nd Monday every month. Alderman French asked so these are the dates we aren’t changing, 2’d Monday at 7pm? Mayor Brunk stated correct. Alderman French made a motion to approve the 2020 meeting dates and Alderman Wulf seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

With nothing further to discuss, at 7:31pm Alderman Wulf made a motion to adjourn the council meeting and Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
