
West Central Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Carthage Elementary School District 317 Board of Education met November 20

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Carthage Elementary School District 317 Board of Education met Nov. 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Carthage E.S.D. #317 Board of Education was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Board President Brent Ufkes.

Roll call: Robert Menn/present; Andrea Jones/present; Brandon Gooding/present; Trish Markley/present; Amy Graham present; Brent Ufkes/present; Luke Burling/present.

There were no additional agenda items.

Amy Graham read a letter from the Mayor addressed to Mr. Snowden regarding the exemplary designation the primary school received recently from ISBE.

The middle school cross country team and speech team were recognized for their performances at state.

Ryan Bliss from Illini West High School presented information on an algebra program for 8th grade students. The program would be taught via video conferencing and have an on-site high school math teacher one day a week. Students would receive high school credit for the class.

There were no individuals wishing to speak on stated agenda items.

Administrative Reports: Mrs. Hardy reviewed her report and went over information regarding the Illinois Report Card results.

Mr. Butcher reviewed his report.

Mr. Snowden reviewed his report and gave an update on participation in the 5Essentials Survey.

It was moved by Mrs. Markley and seconded by Mrs. Graham to approve the consent agenda as presented. Roll Call: Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Burling/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

Final plans for the Triple I Conference were discussed. District goals were reviewed and discussed.

Parent-Sponsored golf for middle school students was discussed and the board agreed with allowing Christine Murphy to move forward. The IESA dues for this activity would be paid by the parents.

The bus lease was discussed and Ben Hanewinkle from Central States Bus will be here next month to present his proposal.

It was moved by Mrs. Markley and seconded by Mr. Menn to approve the FY19 audit as presented. Roll Call: Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Burling/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Mr. Menn and seconded by Mrs. Markley to approve the preliminary levy and authorize the administration to publish the required notice of a Truth in Taxation Hearing to be held just prior to the regular CESD #317 board meeting in December. Roll Call: Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Burling/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Mr. Gooding and seconded by Mrs. Markley to enter into executive session at 7:58 p.m. for the purpose of discussing personnel and bargaining. Roll Call: Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Burling/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Mr. Burling and seconded by Mrs. Jones to exit executive session at 8:07 p.m. Roll Call: Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Burling/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Mrs. Markley and seconded by Mrs. Graham to accept the resignation of Lee Ann Lambert as 5th and 6th grade track coach, effective immediately. Roll Call: Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Burling/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Mrs. Graham and seconded by Mrs. Jones to approve the resignation of Elizabeth (Lee Ann) Lambert as teacher, effective the last day of the 2019-2020 school year. Roll Call: Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Burling/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Mr. Ufkes and seconded by Mrs. Graham to adjourn the meeting at 8:09 p.m. Roll Call: Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Burling/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
