
West Central Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Beardstown Community Unified School District 15 Board of Education met October 16

Webp meeting 11

Beardstown Community Unified School District 15 Board of Education met Oct. 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


The Board of Education Community Unit No. 15, Beardstown, IL was called to order on October 16, 2019 by President Mike Seaman at 7:00 p.m. in Beardstown Middle/High library 500 East 15th Street, Beardstown, IL. Pledge of allegiance. Kim Watson called the roll with the following members present: Barbara Hobrock, Kim Watson, Wells Petersen, OJ Simpson and Mike Seaman. Joe Englebrecht and Jimmy Hymes were absent. Also in attendance were Ron Gilbert and Kelly Herter.

PUBLIC QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS-Lisa Riddle asked about the 7% raise for non-BEA members. Mike Seaman responded with these employees were part of the freeze and it needed to be made up.

Nakita Vaughn-She recognized the MS students on cell projects. Kim Watson thanked her for her work with the district


Building and Grounds-Met on Sept 30th Simpson gave a report on the meeting. Snow removal was discussed. South East playground will wait and see until the elementary renovation is discussed. Gard School Renovations were discussed and the architect will get back with the district on items discussed. Gard steps replacement will have a recommendation to the whole board. Gard boiler was discussed. Maintenance of the building was discussed. Will get bids on new 1⁄2 ton and a 3⁄4 ton truck.

Personnel-The committee will have a recommendation for raises for the non-union employees


Lori Young-Evaluations have begun, we have some amazing teachers that are doing some amazing things

Matt Klett-He commended Mrs. Anderson and Ms. Sheppard on a successful homecoming.

David Scott-Getting ready for parent/teacher conferences. Everything is going well

Tammee Petersen-Nothing more than her report.

Lauren Smith-Sharing a vision conference. Having some good discussions from the conference.

Denise Wittler-PBIS team attended team training in Springfield.

Jim Childers-Nothing more than his report.

Ann Chilton-The transmission is out of the maintenance truck. The board asked if Ann would call out and see if the deal with the truck is still on.

Ron Gilbert-TIF money for possibly the replacement of the football bleachers. Need to schedule a meeting to discuss the Elementary building plans. He will look into the bonding options. The building permit was received today. Motorola update: The licensure for the second antenna has been applied for this is needed to be able to continue to upgrade the district’s radios. The district is waiting on the rebate check from Ameren to proceed with replacing the lighting in the Auditorium. The board directed Mr. Gilbert to proceed with replacing the lights in the Auditorium and use the general fund to pay until the rebate check is received.


Mr. Shaw gave a presentation about information on the abroad trip to Portugal or Spain. Straw poll of the board with moving forward with getting information and setting up a meeting with parents with everyone voting to proceed.


On a motion by Watson, second by Simpson to approve consent agenda 1, 2, 3, and 4. Roll call Hobrock-yes; Watson- yes; Petersen-yes; Simpson-yes; and Seaman-yes.

New Business: Our district will never be able to employ an RN to teach the CNA class. The guidance office states there are four students that are interested. The district is talking to surrounding districts to see if there is any interest. We would need a commitment of 8-9 students. We are looking into times and interest. A student can not miss a day of class. Watson would like the district to look into area nursing homes and hospitals to maybe cover the costs with a work commitment.

Simpson-AD board report HLS first aid kits because we are not using Passavant Hospital for athletic training at ball games for injuries. Mr. Gilbert will talk to AD about the kits.

On a motion by Watson, second by Simpson to approve FY20 Budget. Roll call Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Petersen-yes; Simpson-yes; and Seaman-yes.

On a motion by Petersen, second by Watson to approve FFA request to attend National FFA Convention from October 30, 2019-November 2, 2019 in Indianapolis Indiana. Roll call Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Petersen-yes; Simpson-yes; and Seaman-yes. Mr. Gilbert stated Mr. Capp’s wife is going as a chaperone.

Finger Printing-Crystal has finished her training for the finger printing machine, Amanda has not started because she has been out of the office.

On a motion by Simpson, second by Watson to approve the health life safety bid from Steve Morthole Masonry in the amount of $14,789.00 to replace the South East Gard Elementary entrance steps. Roll call Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Petersen-yes; Simpson-yes; and Seaman-yes. Steve Morthole suggests core drilling for the handrails.

On a motion by Watson, second by Petersen to enter closed session for the purpose of discussing litigation, land acquisition, negotiations, student disciplinary cases, and to consider information regarding the appointment, employment, or dismissal of an employee or officer. Roll call Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Petersen-yes; Simpson-yes; and Seaman-yes. 7:56 p.m.

On a motion by Petersen, second by Watson to re enter regular session. Roll call Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Petersen- yes; Simpson-yes; and Seaman-yes. 8:45 p.m.


On a motion by Simpson, second by Petersen to approve for hire Mary Ann Allen-MS/HS dishwasher 3 Hrs/Day; Jeff Swan-Fulltime Bus driver Position; Katie Vitale-Gard Paraprofessional; Johnny Kimani-HS ELASP Teacher; Bozi Kiekie- MS ELASP Teacher; Pilar Zuluaga-Elementary ELASP Teacher; Anissa Mann-Elementary ELASP Teacher; Amy Hemphill-Elementary ELASP Teacher; Emily Smith-Elementary ELASP Teacher; Alma Williams-HS ELASP Teachers Aide; Janet Ramirez-MS ELASP Teachers Aide; Fatima Fernandez-Elementary ELASP Teachers Aide; Jennifer Martinez- Elementary ELASP Teachers Aide; Yecenia Leon-Gard Paraprofessional. Roll call Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Petersen- yes; Simpson-yes; and Seaman-yes.

On a motion by Simpson, second by Petersen to approve 2019-2020 salary increases for the following non-BEA personnel: Jim Childers – Head Maintenance Director 7% Raise; Ann Chilton-Head Transportation Director- 7% Raise on Secretary Salary and 3% Raise on Transportation Director Position; Alex DeSollar-Assistant Maintenance Director-3% Raise; Crystal Bell-District Human Resource/Payroll Secretary-7% Raise; Kelly Herter-District Bookkeeper/Secretary-7% Raise; Amanda Wellenkamp Assistant Human Resource/Payroll Secretary-7% Raise; Wendy McClenning-District Technology Director– 7% Raise. Roll call Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Petersen-yes; Simpson-yes; and Seaman-yes.

On a motion by Watson, second by Petersen to approve 2019-2020 salary increase for Bill Myers–Head MS/HS Principal- 3% Raise. Roll call Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Petersen-yes; Simpson-yes; and Seaman-yes.

On a motion by Watson, second by Simpson to approve 2019-2020 salary increase for Lori Young-Head Elementary/Pre- K Principal-3% Raise. Roll call Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Petersen-yes; Simpson-yes; and Seaman-yes.

On a motion by Watson, second by Simpson to approve 2019-2020 salary increase for Ron Gilbert-District Superintendent-3% Raise. Roll call Hobrock-no; Watson-yes; Petersen-yes; Simpson-yes; and Seaman-yes. The motion passed with a four yes one no vote.

On a motion by Simpson, second by Petersen to approve 2019-2020 salary increase for Lauren Engelke-Smith-Assistant Pre-K Principal-3% Raise. Roll call Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Petersen-yes; Simpson-yes; and Seaman-yes.

On a motion by Simpson, second by Watson to approve the following administrator contract extensions: Lori Young-Head Elementary/Pre-K Principal-2 Year Extension 2019-2020 / 2020-2021; Lauren Engelke-Smith-Assistant Pre-K Principal-2 Year Extension 2019-2020 / 2020-2021. Roll call Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Petersen-yes; Simpson-yes; and Seaman- yes.

On a motion by Simpson, second by Watson to approve all current district administrators current 20-day vacation totals will increase to 30-day vacation effective immediately retroactive to July 1, 2019 start of this school fiscal year. Tammee Petersen, Bill Myers, David Scott, Matt Klett, Lori Young, Denise Wittler, Lauren Engelke-Smith, and Ron Gilbert. Roll call Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Petersen-yes; Simpson-yes; and Seaman-yes.

On a motion by Watson, second by Peterson to acknowledge the following transfers: Sara Brannan to Job 19/20-18 MS/HS 3hrs/Day dishwasher from Gard dishwasher position and Angie Meyer to Secretary position MS/HS 1⁄2 time language acquisition and 1⁄2 time special education. Roll call Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Petersen-yes; Simpson-yes; and Seaman-yes.

On a motion by Petersen, second by Watson to approve the following maternity leaves: Brooke Ford-December 2, 2019- for four weeks; Stephanie Chavez Ayala-January 3, 2020-February 10, 2020. Roll call Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Petersen-yes; Simpson-yes; and Seaman-yes.

The board recognizes the following resignations: Melanie Bracero Diaz-Teacher aid as of October 18, 2019; Mark O’Hara-MS Wrestling coach; and Antonio Quintana-MS/HS wrestling coach.

DISCUSSION: Letter and post card of a 1925 photo of Lincoln School.


On a motion by Simpson, second by Petersen to adjourn. Time 8:58p.m.
