Warsaw Community Unit School District 316 Board of Education met Dec. 18.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. Call to Order/Pledge/Roll Call
II. Public Comments to Agenda Items
The Board of Education welcomes comments and questions from the public. If you wish to address the Board at this meeting, please fill out a Visitor’s Card available in the back of the room and present them to the Board’s Administrative Assistant before the meeting begins. When recognized by the Board President, please stand and approach the podium and state your name. If there is no podium present please stand where you are seated and address the Board. We ask that you limit your comments to five (5) minutes. If more than one person will be addressing the same topic, we ask that you appoint a spokesperson to speak for the group. The Board President may shorten or lengthen an individual’s opportunity to speak. The President may also deny an individual the opportunity if the individual has previously addressed the Board on the same subject within the past 2 months. Personnel matters will not be discussed in open session.
III. Adoption of Agenda
IV. Consent Agenda - (Approval of November 20, 2019 Minutes, Bills, Treasurers Report)
V. Encouraging Words
VI. Administration Reports
VII. Board Discussion and Action
1. Consideration and action to approve the Financial Report.
2. Consideration and action to approve the resolution and adoption of the 2020 Tax Levy.
3. Consideration and action to approve the 2020 Warsaw Board of Education meeting schedule.
4. Consideration and action to approve the Risk Management Plan.
5. Consideration and action to approve various policy updates included in PRESS Plus Issue 102.
6. Consideration and action to approve the Statement of Completion for the Boiler Replacement Project, Building Permit #20-316-02.
7. Consideration and action to approve an overnight trip for Warsaw FFA to the 212 Conference in Decatur, Illinois on February 7-8.
VIII. Future Meetings
January 15, 2020, 7:00 p.m., Board of Education Meeting
IX. Executive Session
1. The appointment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the district or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity.
2. Discussion of lawfully closed meeting minutes, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by section 2.06 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (21).
3. Student Discipline
X. Board Discussion and Action
1. Consideration and action to approve the Personnel Report.
XI. Adjournment