
West Central Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Illini West High School District 307 Board of Education met November 20

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Illini West High School District 307 Board of Education met Nov. 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1) The Regular Meeting of the Illini West High School District 307 of Hancock County, IL was called to order at 7:00 PM.

2) Roll Call:

1. Tracey Anders

2. John Huston

3. Beth Pence

4. Shannon Pence

5. Darrell Sutton

6. Betsy Wujek

7. Holly Wilde

3) Pledge of Allegiance

4) Motion by Anders, seconded by Sutton to Approve Minutes from the Special Meeting on November 5, 2019, Regular Meeting on October 16, 2019 and Executive Session on October 16, 2019. Roll Call: Wilde/yes; Huston/yes; S. Pence/yes; Sutton/yes; B. Pence/no; Wujek/yes; Anders/yes. Motion carried.

5) Motion by Anders, seconded by B. Pence to approve bills as presented. Roll Call: Anders/yes; Wujek/yes; S. Pence/no; Sutton/yes; Huston/yes; Wilde/yes; B Pence/yes. Motion carried.

6) Motion by S. Pence, seconded by Sutton to approve all consent agenda items as presented:

a. Approval of Agenda

b. Git R Done Club and Deputy Reserves Emergency Buckets

c. Overnight Trip Request

d. Shop Class Surplus Items

e. Policy Updates – First Reading

2:20 Powers and Duties of the School Board; Indemnification

2:70 Vacancies on the School Board – Filling Vacancies

2:70-E Exhibit – Checklist for Filling Board Vacancies by Appointment

2:100 Board Member Conflict of Interest

2:105 Ethics and Gift Ban

2:110 Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers

2:200 Types of School Board Meetings

2:220-E2 Exhibit – Motion to Adjourn to Closed Meeting

2:220-E6 Exhibit – Log of Closed Meeting Minutes

2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure

4:15 Identity Protection

4:30 Revenue and Investments

4:60 Purchases and Contracts

4:80 Accounting and Audits

4:150 Facility Management and Building Programs

5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment

5:20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited

5:30 Hiring Process and Criteria

5:50 Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace; E-Cigarette, Tobacco, and Cannabis Prohibition

5:90 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting

5:100 Staff Development Program

5:120 Employee Ethics; Conduct; and Conflict of Interest

5:200 Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal

5:220 Substitute Teachers

5:250 Leaves of Absence

5:290 Employment Termination and Suspensions

5:330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays and Leaves

6:20 School Year Calendar and Day

6:60 Curriculum Content

6:150 Home and Hospital Instruction

6:300 Graduation Requirements

7:20 Harassment of Students Prohibited

7:150 Agency and Police Interviews

7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment

3:40-E Exhibit – Checklist for the Superintendent Employment Contract Negotiation Process

5:20-E Resolution to Prohibit Sexual Harassment

7:270 Administering Medicines to Students

8:30 Visitors to and Conduct on School Property

f. Policy Updates – First Reading Delete

7:310 Restrictions on Publications

Roll Call: Anders/yes; Wilde/yes; Huston/yes; B. Pence/yes; S. Pence/yes; Sutton/yes; Wujek/yes. Motion carried.

7) Recognition of Visitors - Zak Huston, Joy Swearengin, Ryan Johnson (Buckets) Country financial supplied the buckets for the group of students and wanted the students to make the presentation. 15 students, Mr. & Mrs. Hoener. 3-4 years; kids worked hard, collective effort, proud that all of this was completed in Hancock County; Maddie Finch bucket will go to the family; Moore Medical called about the blood stop kits saved lots of lives; Pepper spray, bag (elastic bags), medical kit, gloves (8), zip ties for restraints/doors paper towel, , rope, hammer, nails, distraction - horn, flashlight, duct tape, etc. Looking to put additional buckets throughout the entire county. Medical - bandages, tourniquets, gauze. Information will be provided to every school and a state trooper, Charles M. Harris, will do a presentation. Biggest job is to keep the kids safe.

Git R Done Club - Lara Pence - toys for tots, special Olympics basketball, community service day, organize benefits, help with special circumstances etc. - special project under Maddie Finch - started with what items should be in the bucket - law enforcement worked with school to create a list of items necessary for safety. First two buckets will be presented to the Finch Family since Maddie started this. 120 buckets and 20 medical buckets.

Mrs. Kathy Hoener read a letter to everyone regarding Mr. Hoener’s successes. We recognize the fine ability of Mr. Hoener and all his efforts at IW and the surrounding communities.

8) Public Comment - None

9) Reports

a. Principal - Good news; Veterans day ceremony 30+ (full house), Band and Chorus did a great job. Guest speaker was a former IW student, PBIS trip - 200 kids eligible, scholastic bowl won a tournament and have qualified for a national competition. 4 kids joined the conversation with Mr. Frese. LaHarpe - visit 8th grade math and went well. Mr. Bliss going to Carthage and Mr. Schneider going to DC.

b. Superintendent - Mr. Frese visit - Building for the Future - special board meeting in December to pass the referendum.

10) Discussion/Action

a. School Report Card - Math low - English - okay - now on the rise; confident that the interventions and classes begin put in have helped. We will not see an immediate improvement; Commendable is a good rating. Double up as an 8th grade opposed to doubling up as a junior.

b. Tax Levy Resolution - Resolution - no changes - rate stays constant - increase will depend on EAV. Truth and taxation meeting at December meeting. Motion by Anders, seconded by Sutton to approve the tax levy resolution as presented. Roll Call: Anders/yes; Sutton/yes; Huston/yes; S Pence/yes; Wujek/yes; B Pence/yes; Wilde/yes. Motion carried.

c. Building for the Future - Nothing new to report - set an early December meeting date: Wednesday, December 11th @ 7. Language will be prepared to review and vote whether to put it on the ballot in the spring.

11) Motion by Anders, second by B. Pence to leave regular session for the purpose of entering Executive Session at 7:38 p.m. to discuss:

a. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)

Roll Call: S. Pence/yes; B. Pence/yes; Huston/yes; Sutton/yes; Wujek/yes; Anders/yes; Wilde/yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Anders, seconded by Sutton to leave Executive session at 7:43 p.m. Roll Call: Wujek/yes; B. Pence/yes; Wilde/yes; Anders/yes; S. Pence/yes; Sutton/yes; Huston/yes. Motion carried.

12) Action

a. Personnel

Motion by Anders, Seconded by B. Pence to confirm the appointment of Tim Schilson as a Volunteer Wrestling Coach. Roll Call: S. Pence/yes; B. Pence/yes; Sutton/yes; Wilde/yes; Wujek/yes; Anders/yes; Huston/yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Anders, seconded by Sutton to confirm the 6% early retirement TRS incentive for Kim Johnson for her third year of retirement. Roll Call: Wilde/yes; Anders/yes; Wujek/yes; S Pence/yes; Sutton/yes; B Pence/yes; Huston/yes. Motion carried.

13) Hearing on Ban from District Grounds & Facilities – The hearing started at 7:54 p.m. Mr. Brunton conducted the hearing. Betsy Wujek excused herself and would return to the meeting when completed.

14) Motion by B. Pence, seconded by Anders to leave regular session for the purpose of entering Executive Session at 9:57 p.m. to discuss:

a. Evidence or testimony presented in open hearing, or in closed hearing where specifically authorized by law, to a quasi-adjudicative body, as defined in the Open Meetings Act, provided that the body prepares and makes available for public inspection a written decision setting forth its determinative reasoning. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(4)

Roll Call: S. Pence/yes; B. Pence/yes; Huston/yes; Sutton/yes; Wujek/absent; Anders/yes; Wilde/yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Sutton, seconded by Anders to leave Executive session at 9:57 p.m. Roll Call: Wujek/absent; B. Pence/yes; Wilde/yes; Anders/yes; S. Pence/yes Sutton/yes; Huston/yes. Motion carried.

15) Action

a. Hearing Decision on Ban from District Grounds & Facilities

Motion by Wilde, seconded by Sutton to Uphold the parent ban from district ground and facilities. Roll Call: Huston/yes; B. Pence/yes; Anders/yes; Wilde/yes; Sutton/yes; Wujek/Abstain; S. Pence/yes. Motion carried.

16) Motion by Anders, seconded by Sutton to adjourn at 9:59pm. Roll Call: Wilde/yes; Wujek/yes; Anders/yes; Sutton/yes; S. Pence/yes; Huston/yes; B. Pence/yes. Motion carried.
