
West Central Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

A-C Central Community Unified School District 262 Board of Education met November 20

Webp meeting41

A-C Central Community Unified School District 262 Board of Education met Nov. 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


V. Todd Jokisch

Garrett Savage 

Dan Cuba 

Jennifer Fanning 

Jennifer Knapp 

Debra Petefish 


Troy DeFord

Others present: Superintendent - Tim Page; Principals – Deb Rogers, Candi Shaver; Technology -; A-CCEA - Spencer Laughlin, Abby Dyson, Stephanie Lindsey; Citizens - Parents - Michelle Bartels, Josh Bartels, Amy Richardson; Students - Lainey Bartels; Other – Roxanne Filson; Media Michael Kloppenburg; Unit Staff - Ann Henry.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.

Proposed Agenda 

Cuba/Knapp - Motion to approve the proposed agenda as presented. Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Recognition of Visitors and Guests 

V. Todd Jokisch welcomed everyone to the board meeting.

Special Presentations

. Student of The Month - HS - Kyia Privia; MS – Lainey Bartels

Executive Session 

(Exceptions 1 & 9) Petefish/Cuba - Motion to go into Executive Session at 7:03 p.m. in accordance with State Statute to discuss the following:

• The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District...

• Student discipline 

Roll call: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Return to Open Session 

Petefish/Savage - Motion to come out of executive session at 7:21 p.m, and to approve and seal the minutes of this executive session. Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Consent Agenda 

Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting, October 16, 2019 

Approval of Treasurer's Report Approval of Activity Fund Reports 

Approval of Board Bills for an amount of $242,560.94 

Approval of September Journal Entries. 

Personnel Report

Hire – Derrick DeGroot as a Volunteer Weightlifting Sponsor

Cuba/Tanning - Motion to approve, Minutes of Regular Meeting on October 16, 2019, Treasurer's Report, Activity Fund Reports, Board Bills for an amount of $242,560.94, Approval of September Journal Entries, and Personnel Report. Roll call vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Superintendent's Report 

First Student - Has expressed doing a feasibility study and giving us a quote.

Distance Learning Room Grant - We got accepted for this grant. This will allow us to purchase equipment to pipe into other schools. The difficulty will be scheduling.

Shooter Drill – It is state law that we start including students in the shooter drill. It is scheduled for November 26, 2019.

New School Report Card Info. – All schools are commendable. We are still locked into the learning partner for three years. Teachers have been doing a lot of work and it is paying off.

E-Learning – We finally got the guidance document from ISBE on what we need to do in order to have an e-learning day as opposed to a snow day. It's fairly extensive but the highlights are we have to develop a way to insure and verify that at least 5 clock hours of instruction or school work is done, insure access from home or other appropriate remote facility for all students participating, insure that non-electronic materials are available for students participating who do not have access to the required technology, insure appropriate learning opportunities are available for students with special needs, monitor and verify each student electronic participation, insure that the protocols are communicated to teachers, staff, and students at least 30 days prior to utilizing an e learning day, and we have to have newspaper publications, electronic notifications, and public hearings.

Property Tax Relief Grant – Mr. Page has applied for a Property Tax Relief Grant based on the EBF formula. On paper we qualify for up to $300,165. Given the method that funds are distributed, we do not expect the state to have sufficient funds to abate any of our eligible taxes, but it doesn't hurt to try!

Administrators Reports - Both principals will present information regarding our standardized testing scores.

Elementary Report - The last faculty meeting Sheryl Fry, who is a physical therapist from SASED, presented an evacuation plan for a student who has Muscular Dystrophy. We will try this plan the next time we have a fire drill. The Elementary collected over 700 items for their annual food drive for the Cass County Food Pantry. On October 29th the Cass County Health Dept. administered flu shots to the staff members who signed up. The Elementary (Pre-K – 4th grade) Christmas concert is scheduled for Wednesday, December 4th at 6:30 p.m.

MS/HS Report - All meetings and trainings have been scheduled through December 10th RTI incentives was a movie day for the students. Celebrating gains on school report card, IL Science assessments scoring proficient or above, and growth on MAP tests. Homecoming is scheduled for December 7th, The A-C Central Jr. Class will be having a spaghetti dinner before the HS boys' basketball game held on December 10th in Ashland.

Roxanne Filson is with the State Board of Education. Roxanne works for IL Empower and has been working with A-C Central over the past year. IL Empower is a part of the Federal support to the State that is called the State Wide System of Support. The Federal Government gives Title I funding to each of the States. A portion of that Title I funding bucket must go to supporting its most challenged schools. Each State must submit a plan on how they are going to use that funding, submit it to the Federal Government, then approved and monitored and audited. In Illinois that is called IL Empowered. Roxanne presented a slide show and explanation of how IL Empower working to help our district.

Technology Report - The Universal Service Administrative Company has approved reimbursement for our 18-19 school year. That total is the $6,930 we received yearly as 90% reimbursement for our fiber Internet connection from Cass Communications. The district's forms for the 20-21 school year will be submitted in February. Senergy has finished with installing cameras throughout the district. The security camera software training is set this week for administration,

Old Business

New Business

Tax Levy Presentation - Need to set the annual Truth-In-Taxation Hearing for December 16th at 6:45.

Cuba/Petefish - Motion to hold our annual Truth-In-Taxation Hearing at 6:45 p.m, on December 18, in the Unit Office. Roll call: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Tuition Reimbursement – Trisha laienarro is requesting Tuition Reimbursement as per the CBA.

Cuba/Knapp – Motion to approve the request for Tuition Reimbursement for Trisha Iaienarro as presented. Roll call: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Ed Direction Renewal - As a result of our 2018 School Report Card Designation (regardless of the fact that we moved to "Commendables in 2019) we are obligated to continue using an IL Empower approved learning partner. Ed Direction has served us well, as noted by our improved score, The initial contract revolves around the IL EMPOWER Quality Framework and includes a new appraisal of current practice, classroom observations, completion of the IL EMPOWER Quality Framework Rubric, an Executive Summary, and a root cause analysis of all results. This initial contract is $14,400, and there will be significant follow up work to do based on the results of the findings of this study. (All money is grant funded and must be approved by ISBE in the grant process.)

Motion to approve the contract with Ed Direction for $14,400 and further consulting work not to exceed a grand total of $100,000 as presented. Roll call: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Press Policy Update 102 - It's a big one! Many are not really substantive and many are required by changes to school code. There are several that we need to look at. They are listed below:

2:105 - Question to answer 

2:110 - Question to answer 

4:190 - Threat Assessment Team 

5:30 - Question to answer 

5:50 - Cannabis/vaping – 2 Questions to answer 

6:60 - See #13(f). State law now requires this to be taught. Mr. Page has made his view on this known privately to you. Assuming you agree, the questions is – approve it as written and do what we do (which is a violation of policy/law), strike this part and just be in violation of law. Again, Mr. Page would like to avoid attracting attention to this issue if at all possible. There are also two questions to answer. 

7:150 -- reflects a new law that parents MUST be contacted and be given an opportunity to be present before police question a student. 

7:270 --- Deals with Medical Cannabis. There is one question to answer. 

8:30 - Question to answer, Remember, these have two readings before we vote which will be in December.

Board Conference Info. - Dan has information on Resolutions.


Cuba/Petefish - Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:44 pm. All members present voted aye. Motion-carried.
