
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Jacksonville City Cemeteries Board met Dec. 20

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City of Jacksonville met Dec. 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The regular monthly meeting of the Jacksonville City Cemeteries Board was called to order at 8:35 a.m. in the Commission Room of the Jacksonville Municipal Building. The meeting was publicly announced by posting and by written notice to the local newspaper and radio stations.

Roll Call: Members present were: Chairman Doug Moore, Tom Newby, Linda Brown, Carolyn Bonjean, Gerald Scott; Treasurer Mary Fergurson; Superintendent Jim Pierson; City Clerk Skip Bradshaw. A quorum was declared.

Agenda: Motion was made by Bonjean, seconded by Scott, to approve the December 20, 2019 Agenda as presented in advance. By voice vote, motion carried.

Minutes: Motion was made by Brown, seconded by Scott, to approve the October 18, 2019 Minutes as amended and the November 15, 2019 Minutes as presented in advance. By voice vote, motion carried.


a.) Treasurer’s Investment Report – November 2019:

Ms. Fergurson reported that the stock market performed well, bringing the money market accounts to $315,812.93. The redistribution of funds throughout the year has also helped increase earnings. A $100,000 Note will mature December 27th. The Note has consistently yielded 1.25% for the past six years, however, due to the fluctuating market the expected return for 2019 will yield between 1.50% - 1.75%. There is really no economic gain to be made from extending maturities at this point as the yield curve is essentially flat from two years out to ten years and not worth the risk. She will be looking for a maturity of late 2020 for this reinvestment, noting that in the interim funds will stay in the brokerage account and will then go to a negotiable Certificate of Deposit that carries FDIC insurance, which have been yielding 3⁄4 of a percent better than government agencies and high grade corporate debt. Local institutions have stopped issuing specials on short term investments. Brief discussion ensued regarding market values and rates.

b.) Cash Receipts Report – November 2019:

Ms. Brown gave a brief overview of the Cash Receipts Report, noting that there is a cash balance of $104,354.24 remaining in the checking account, slightly more than this time last year, and a remaining balance of $16,204.84 in the Trust Fund Account. A revenue balance of 14.96% and an expenditure balance of 22.75% remain at the end of November.

Chair Moore advised that the annual transfer amount from the General Fund for 2019 increased from $235,000 to $240,000, but the monthly transfer was never adjusted from the previous year, which caused a $5,000 discrepancy. A $5,000 transfer will be made at the end of December to correct the error.

c.) Cash Receipts Report and Claims Approval – November 2019:

Motion was made by Brown, seconded by Scott, to approve the Cash Receipts Report and to pay claims when funds are available. By voice vote, motion carried.

Superintendent Report: Supt. Pierson reported on the following:

- The Jacksonville Rotary Club recently donated three trees to the Cemetery Department. Chris’ Landscaping has planted two trees at Diamond Grove Cemetery and one tree at East Cemetery.

- An engineering estimate for Phase I, surveying and construction, for roadwork at the new division in Diamond Grove Cemetery came in at $37,407. With the Board’s permission engineers will begin the bidding process and report back. Due to the location of various drainage pipes it is necessary to loop the roadway into a teardrop shape in the new addition. General discussion ensued. Treas. Fergurson suggested adding pillars and signs to the entrance at Massey View similar to the entrance at Lincoln Avenue.

It was noted that $50,000 had been put into the Capital Improvement Budget for these improvements. However these funds lapsed at the end of the year due to non-use. Motion was made by Brown, seconded by Bonjean, to approve the preliminary bid of $37,407 for the south loop survey and construction at Diamond Grove Cemetery. By voice vote, motion carried.

Public Comment: No discussion.

Old Business: Chair Moore continues to work on the Rule Book.

Chair Moore has received a draft from Rev. Kelly of Passavant Area Hospital on a set of items that are required for state reporting of fetal burials. She will be preparing a document explaining each participants role in the process for review by the Board and City Attorney Beard in the near future. According to Ms. Kelly, all three local funeral homes have agreed to participate in the program.

CC Bradshaw has been working with the State of Illinois on the mowing contract for the Jacksonville Developmental Center burial grounds at Diamond Grove Cemetery. The current 5- year contract is up for renewal. The City charges the State an annual fee of $11,000 for maintaining those grounds. In order to cover increasing costs relating to the maintenance of those grounds, an increase in fee was suggested. Chair Moore compiled figures to include a 10% annual increase over the next five years and came up with a total of $17,715 at the end of five years. The initial thought was to charge $17,715 annually for another 5 years beginning in 2020. However, he is uncertain that a jump from $11,000 to $17,715 in one year would be acceptable to the State. The only other option is to charge an incremental fee ending with the $17,715 at the end of the 5 years, but the State has previously rejected that offer. CC Bradshaw suggested following past practice with other contracts, and charging an annual 5% increase. It was decided to offer the contract beginning with a 10% annual increase at $12,100, increasing annually by 10%, and work down from there if the State rejects the contract.

New Business: Motion was made by Brown, seconded by Newby, to elect Doug Moore as Chairman of the Cemetery Board for 2020.

Mr. Scott commended Chair Moore, Supt. Pierson and CC Bradshaw for their work and dedication to the Cemetery Board.

Adjournment: Hearing no further business, a motion was made by Bonjean, seconded by Scott, to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 a.m. By voice vote, motion carried. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Jacksonville City Cemeteries Board will be held Friday, January 17, 2020, 8:30 a.m. in the Commission Room at the City of Jacksonville Municipal Building.
