Dallas Elementary School District #327 Board of Education met Jan. 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Members answering roll were:
Monika Ryan Present Sarah Schaefer Present
Beth Webster Present Lee Wibbell Present
Shasta Heidbreder Present Chris Greenhalge Present
Bob Castillo Present
Also present were: Dr. Lee, Mrs. Tucker, Karl Schaefer
A moment of silence was observed.
An announcement was made that Illini West will be coming to the school February 25th at 7 p.m. for an informational meeting regarding the referendum.
Coach Karl Schaefer was in attendance to discuss the need for dividers for the urinals in the boy’s bathrooms. The board was not aware that the bathroom did not have them, and does agree that it should be addressed. Mrs. Tucker will look into the cost of these and report back to the board.
The consent agenda was presented to the board for review. A motion was made by Ryan, seconded by Wibbell to approve the items on the Consent Agenda as presented (Roll Call).
Monika Ryan Yea Sarah Schaefer Yea
Beth Webster Yea Lee Wibbell Yea
Shasta Heidbreder Yea Chris Greenhalge Yea
Bob Castillo Yea
Motion carried 7 Yeas
The bills were presented to the Board for payment. A motion was made by Heidbreder, seconded by Greenhalge to pay the bills as presented (Roll Call).
Monika Ryan Yea Sarah Schaefer Yea
Beth Webster Yea Lee Wibbell Yea
Shasta Heidbreder Yea Chris Greenhalge Yea
Bob Castillo Yea
Motion carried 7 Yeas
The Board Member Code of Conducts rule number 10 and 11 from the IASB Code of Conduct Principles were read.
A motion was made by Webster, seconded by Schaefer to approve the Pre K Instructional Coach and Parent Coordinator Job Descriptions (Roll Call).
Monika Ryan Yea Sarah Schaefer Yea
Beth Webster Yea Lee Wibbell Yea
Shasta Heidbreder Yea Chris Greenhalge Yea
Bob Castillo Yea
Motion carried 7 Yeas
Dr. Lee updated the trend financial data for the district and went over it with the board
A meeting was set for April 4, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. for the board to begin working on establishing goals.
Principal and Superintendent reports were given to the board.
A motion was made by Greenhalge, seconded by Schaefer to enter the Closed Meeting at 7:50 7uyhb p.m. to discuss items per 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)(10)(21) (Roll Call).
Monika Ryan Yea Sarah Schaefer Yea
Beth Webster Yea Lee Wibbell Yea
Shasta Heidbreder Yea Chris Greenhalge Yea
Bob Castillo Yea
Motion carried 7 Yeas
A motion was made by Webster, seconded by Wibbell to leave closed meeting and return to open meeting on January 16, 2020 at 8:53 p.m. (Voice)
A motion was made by Ryan, seconded by Greenhalge to approve the Personnel Report as presented. (Roll Call).
Monika Ryan Yea Sarah Schaefer Yea
Beth Webster Yea Lee Wibbell Yea
Shasta Heidbreder Yea Chris Greenhalge Yea
Bob Castillo Yea
Motion carried 7 Yeas
A motion was made by Wibbell, seconded by Ryan for the semi-annual review of closed meeting minutes. The closed minute meetings for November 8, 2019 and November 16, 2019 were approved to be opened.
Monika Ryan Yea Sarah Schaefer Yea
Beth Webster Yea Lee Wibbell Yea
Shasta Heidbreder Yea Chris Greenhalge Yea
Bob Castillo Yea
Motion carried 7 Yeas
A motion was made by Greenhalge, seconded by Schaefer to adjourn at 9:15 p.m. (Voice).
The next regular Board of Education meeting will be held February 20, 2020 at 7:00 p.m