Brown County Community Unit School District 1 Board met May 27.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The regular meeting of the Board of Education was held at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom video conference. The meeting was called to order by Blakeley. The minutes were recorded by McKenzie Taute.
On roll call: Fullerton, yea; Heinecke, yea; Hughes, yea; Blakeley, yea; Blaesing, absent; Krupps, absent; McCaskill, yea.
In attendance via Zoom & in person at the Board of Education Office: Vicki Phillips, Tracy Conley, McKenzie Taute, Matt McCaskill
In attendance via Zoom: Kris Gallaher, Shelly Sheffler, Pollee Craven, Karen Jirjis, Dave Phelps, James McKay, Dan Long, James Blakeley, Brian Heinecke, Dawn Hughes, Heath Fullerton
In attendance via phone: Jacques Reynolds
Motion by Hughes, seconded by McCaskill, to approve the Consent Agenda.
Roll call: McCaskill, yea; Hughes, yea; Heinecke, yea; Fullerton, yea; Blakeley, yea.
Motion by Fullerton, seconded by Hughes, to approve the Financial Report.
Roll call: McCaskill, yea; Blakeley, yea; Fullerton, yea; Heinecke, yea; Hughes, yea.
The board discussed bid options for insulation, insulation replacement and air flow measures at Brown County Elementary School. A bid from Trotter General Contracting in the amount of $87,500.00 was accepted for the insulation/air flow project upon their apparent low bid.
Motion by Fullerton, seconded by Hughes, to accept the bid from Trotter General Contracting for new insulation, insulation replacement and air flow measures at Brown County Elementary School. One other bid was received from Laverdiere Construction for $121,750.00.
Roll call: McCaskill, yea; Blakeley, yea; Fullerton, yea; Heinecke, yea; Hughes, yea.
The board discussed bid options for science room renovations at Brown County High School. Board Member Heinecke inquired why there was a difference in the lowest bid from Trotters at $208,900 and the original estimate of $90,000. The districts architect, Jacques Reynolds, explained via phone that upon deeper investigation of the project, it was realized that to provide plumbing and sewer to the biology room, the water lines and piping in chemistry room, which is across the hall from the biology room, must be accessed. This requires the floor of the chemistry room and the hallway to be cut. The bid price reflects the additional plumbing and replacement of the flooring in the chemistry room and the hall between the rooms. Jacques explained that the flooring in the chemistry lab would need to be removed and replaced during the process of connecting plumbing lines between the renovated biology room and the current chemistry room. A bid from Trotter General Contracting in the amount of $208,900.00 was accepted for the science room renovation project upon their apparent low bid. Other bids received were from Peoria Metro - $215,800.00, Laverdiere Construction - $219,500.00, Hein Construction - $248,000.00 and D Joseph Construction - $263,000.00.
Motion by Heinecke, seconded by Hughes, to accept the bid from Trotter General Contracting for science lab renovations at Brown County High School.
Roll call: McCaskill, yea; Hughes, yea; Heinecke, yea; Fullerton, yea; Blakeley, yea.
Motion by Fullerton, seconded by Heinecke, to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Mt. Sterling YMCA and the Brown County School District for the purpose of summer daycare for essentials workers’ children. There will be no rent charged to the YMCA for the use of the middle school by BCSD, but the YMCA will reimburse 3 hours per day M-F of custodial work at the given rate of pay. The utilization of the BCMS is allowable by order of ISBE and the Governor for the use of not-for-profit entities to utilize school buildings as day care centers during the COVID-19 emergency.
Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Heinecke, yea; Hughes, yea; Blakeley, yea; McCaskill, yea.
Motion by McCaskill, seconded by Hughes, to approve a budget hearing to be held on June 24 at 5:45 P.M. to amend the fiscal year 2020 budget.
Roll call: McCaskill, yea; Blakeley, yea; Fullerton, yea; Heinecke, yea; Hughes, yea.
The board discussed proposed plan that had been presented by Tom Little, Head Football Coach for Brown County HS that followed various recommendations standard to the health practices of groups of ten people or less, social distancing and thorough and regular cleaning and sanitizing. Revisions to the proposed plan were shown that had been recommended by David Penn as Legal Counsel to the BOE. These changes reflect the recommendation that no conditioning activities take place in the school buildings including the gym, weight room, or any other parts of the school building due to the fact that all buildings are officially closed by the COVID-19 Emergency Order of the Governor and ISBE. A breach in that action would be a liability that the district is not willing to take at this time.
Motion by Heinecke, seconded by McCaskill, to approve athlete and coach guidelines for the summer of 2020.
Roll call: Hughes, yea; Blakeley, yea; Heinecke, yea; Fullerton, yea; McCaskill, yea
Motion by Fullerton, seconded by McCaskill, to authorize the Superintendent to prepare a tentative budget for the 2020-2021 school year.
Roll call: McCaskill, yea; Blakeley, yea; Fullerton, yea; Heinecke, yea; Hughes, yea.
Motion by McCaskill, seconded by Fullerton, to approve the second reading of Press Plus Issue 103 which includes the following policy section changes:
4:50 Payment Procedures
7:130 Student Rights and Responsibilities
7:325 Student Fundraising Activities
8:80 Gifts to the District
2:125 Board Member Compensation; Expenses
2:160 Board Attorney
5:150 Personnel Records
5:280 Duties and Qualifications
5:60 Expenses
6:135 Accelerated Placement Program
6:280 Grading and Promotion
7:70 Attendance and Truancy
7:90 Release during School Hours
8:10 Connection with the Community
8:110 Public Suggestions and Concerns
8:30 Visitors to and Conduct on School Property
Roll call: Blakeley, yea; Heinecke, yea; Hughes, yea; Fullerton, yea; McCaskill, yea.
Personnel Listing – May 27, 2020 BOE Meeting
Kelsey Jones – Speech Teacher - Beginning 2020-2021 school year
Shawn Conley – Regular Route Bus Driver - Beginning 2020-2021 school year
Alicia Grady – Part time Summer Kitchen Supervisor
Tammy Kendrick – Part time Summer Cook
Karen Dewitt – Part time Summer Meal Assembler
Kim Bowen – Part time Summer Meal Assembler
Nicole Hester – Part time Summer Meal Assembler
Amanda Ketchum – Part time Summer Meal Assembler
Motion by Hughes, seconded by Heinecke, to approve recommended personnel action.
Roll call: Hughes, yea; Blakeley, yea; Heinecke, yea; Fullerton, yea; McCaskill, yea.
Reports: Mrs. Craven spoke about plans to disburse class of 2020 activity monies which will be unused. A Zoom meeting of the interested students from the class of 2020 and their class sponsors in consultation with Mrs. Craven and then Mrs. Phillips held a meeting to discuss what students’ thoughts were on how the money should be used since the monies has been earned by the students for a senior trip that cannot occur now. The funds were all raised by the students through various concession stand work and fundraisers. Over the past four years, the sponsors have kept detailed records of who has been actively involved in assisting to raise these funds by working at the concession standards or active in the fund-raising efforts. The recommendation by the students and class sponsors was to split the money into two uses. The first is $1500 that will go into an account owned by the class outside of the school that they can use for future class reunions. The balance will be split amongst those who have participated in fundraising activities over the course of the four years.
Motion by McCaskill, seconded by Hughes, to adjourn at 6:59 p.m.