
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Illini West High School District #307 Board of Education Met June 17

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Illini West High School District #307 Board of Education met June 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1) The Regular Meeting of the Illini West High School District 307 of Hancock, McDonough, and Henderson Counties, IL was called to order at 7:02 PM. The meeting was held as at IW gym.

2) Roll Call:

1. Betsy Wujek 

2. Beth Pence-absent 

3. Shannon Pence 

4. John Huston 

5. Darrell Sutton 

6. Holly Wilde-Tillman 

7. Tracey Anders

3) Pledge of Allegiance

4) Motion by Anders, seconded by Sutton to approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting on May 20, 2020 and Executive Session on May 20, 2020. Roll Call: Anders/yes; S Pence/yes; Wilde Tillman/yes; Sutton/yes; Wujek/yes; Huston/yes; B Pence/absent. Motion carried.

5) Motion by Anders, seconded by Sutton to approve the bills as presented. Roll Call: Wilde Tillman/yes; B Pence/absent; Wujek/yes; Anders/yes; S Pence/yes; Sutton/yes; Kuston/yes. Motion carried.

6) Recognition of Visitors

Joy Swearingen 

Chris Greenhalge 

Scott Schneider 

Keith Hartweg(Hamilton): discussed the Scholastic Trap Shooting, 30+ participants since 2015. 8-NRA distinguished expert awards, super great job! 6 volunteer coaches-NRA certified handlers; invited the board to visit.

7) Public Comment - No public comment - No emails provided

8) Motion by Anders, seconded by Sutton to approve the Consent Agenda items as presented. Roll

Call: Wujek/yes; Huston/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; Anders/yes; B Pence/absent; Sutton/yes; S Pence/yes. Motion carried.

a. Approve Agenda 

b. Approve Final 2020-2021 School Calendar 

c. Policy Updates - First Reading

4:50 Payment Procedures 

6:280 Grading and Promotion 

7:130 Student Rights and Responsibilities 

7:325 Student Fundraising Activities 

8:80 Gifts to the District 

2:125 Board Member Compensation 

2:160 Board Attorney 

5:150 Personnel Records 

5:280 Duties and Qualifications 

5:60 Expenses 

6:135 Accelerated Placement Program 

7:70 Attendance and Truancy 

7:90 Release During School Hours 

8:10 Connection with the Community 

8:11 Public Suggestions and Concerns 

8:30 Visitors to and Conduct on School Property 

2:125-E1 Exhibit-Board Member Expense Reimbursement Form 

2:125-E2 Exhibit-Board Member Estimated Expense Approval Form 

2:160-E Exhibit-Checklist for Selecting a Board Attorney 

5:60-E1 Exhibit-Employee Reimbursement Form 

5:60-E2 Exhibit-Employee Estimated Expense Approval Form

9) Reports

a. Dean of Students 

b. Principal 

c. Superintendent

i. Blended-be mindful; Dallas City - Monday/Wednesday, LaHarpe - Tuesday/Thursday; Temperature before students get on the bus for HS 

ii. Planning: Remote, Blended/Full Pay 

iii. CARES Grant $77,000 - masks, sanitizers, laptops, hot spots

10) Discussion/Action

a. Adopt Amended FY 2020 Budget

I. Motions by Anders, seconded by S Pence to Adopt Amended FY 2020 Budget. Roll call: S Pence/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; Huston/yes; Wujek/yes; Anders/yes; Sutton/yes; B Pence/absent. Motion carried.

b. Triple I Convention-November 2020 Chicago

i. Board appointed John Huston as the delegate to the IASA

c. Building for the Future

i. Motions by Anders seconded by Sutton to approve 800 amp service. Roll call: B Pence/absent; Sutton/yes; Huston/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; Anders/yes; Wujek/yes; S Pence/yes. Motion carried. 

ii. Motions by Anders seconded by Sutton to approve the electrical work in shop-1 phase; 3 phase. Roll call: Anders/yes; B Pence/absent; Huston/yes; S Pence/yes; Wujek/yes; Sutton/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes. Motion carried.

11) Motions by Anders, seconded by S Pence to leave regular session for the purpose of entering Executive Session at 8:22 PM to discuss:

a. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees for the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. 5 İLCS 120/2(c)(1)

Roll Call: Wilde-Tillman/yes, Anders/yes, Huston/yes, Sutton/yes, Wujek/yes; S Pence/yes, B Pence/absent

Motions by Sutton, seconded by Anders to leave executive session at 9:00 PM to return to regular session. Roll call: Huston/yes, B Pence/absent, S Pence/yes, Anders/yes, Wilde Tillman/yes, Sutton/yes; Wujek/yes. Motion carried.

12) Action

a. Personnel

i. Retirement

1. Motions by Anders seconded by Sutton to accept with regret the retirement of Linda Hartweg. Roll call: Wilde-Tillman/yes; B Pence/absent; S Pence/yes; Wujek/yes; Anders/yes; Huston/yes; Sutton/yes. Motion carried.

ii. Salary

1. Motions by Anders seconded by Wilde-Tillman to confirm salary increases as recommended by administration. Roll call: Wujek/yes; B Pence/absent; Huston/yes; Sutton/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; Anders/yes; S Pence/no. Motion carried.

a. Scott Schneider 

b. Chris Greenhalge 

c. Tyler Schilson 

d. Shannon Short

13) Motions by Sutton, seconded by S Pence to adjourn the June 17, 2020 Regular Board meeting at 9:12 PM. Roll Call: Huston/yes, B Pence/absent, S Pence/yes, Wujek/yes, Anders/yes; Sutton/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes. Motion carried.
