
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

V.I.T. Community Unit School District #2 Board of Education met August 19

Webp chairs

V.I.T. Community Unit School District #2 Board of Education met Aug. 19.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Additional Items for the Agenda

15H - Consider the approval of Judy Tilton retiring at the start of the 20/21 school year with regret

5. ELearning Hearing (Mr. Klaska, Board Discussion)

6. Consent Agenda (Matters to be handled with one motion unless individual items are Removed from the consent agenda before board action.)

A. Approval of Board Minutes

Minutes from Regular 15 July 2020 Meeting

B. Approval of Financial Reports

1. July Revenue/Expense Statement Summary

2. Treasurer’s Report

3. Revenue/Expenditure-Current/YTD

4. Imprest Fund

C. Approval of Bills and Payroll

D. Approval of Activity Fund Reports

July Activity Funds

7. Board Correspondence/Announcements

8. Teacher Input

9. Public Hearing, Petition, or Public Input

10. Scheduled Visitors

Joe Gray

Becky Cannon

Michelle Wenndt

Frank Tournear

Charlie Lascelles

Aaron Bucher

11. Informational Discussion and/or Pending Action Items

Discussion on Archery Club

Discussion on film list for cinematography class

Discussion on Back to School Plan

Discussion on Hazard pay for non-certified staff

Discussion on storage shed

Discussion on elementary freezer repairs

Discussion on band instrument

Discussion on student’s grade who was taking edgenuity spring semester of 2020

Discussion on project updates

Discussion on start of 20/21 school year

Discussion on retiring aides

12. Jr./Sr. High School Report – Mr. Darr

Monthly Report

13. Elementary School Report – Mr. Klaska

Monthly Report

14. Unfinished Business/ Executive Session: The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body.

15. Action Items after Executive Session:

Consider approval of adding an archery club for the 2020/2021 school year

Consider approval of film list for 20/21 cinematography class

Consider the approval of tuition reimbursement towards grad classes for special education teacher

Consider the approval of repairs to elementary freezer

Consider the approval of hazard pay for non certified employees when in contact with students

Consider the approval of selling band instrument

Consider approval of adjustments made to VIT Back to School Plan

15. Announcement:

Next Regular Board Meeting is Wednesday, September 16th at 7pm

16. Adjournment
