
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Illini West High School District #307 Board of Education Met July 9

Webp meeting 02

Illini West High School District #307 Board of Education met July 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1) The Special Board Meeting of the Illini West High School District 307 of Hancock, McDonough, and Henderson Counties, IL was called to order at 7:00 PM. The meeting was held in the IW gym.

2) Roll Call:

1. Darrell Sutton-on phone

2. Beth Pence

3. Shannon Pence

4. John Huston-arrived at 7:25pm

5. Betsy Wujek

6. Holly Wilde-Tillman

7. Tracey Anders-on phone

3) Recognition of Visitors:

Joy Swearingen, Suzie Holtsclaw, Sandy Morrison, and Jerry Butcher

4) Public Comment: none

5) Discussion/Action:

a. School opening

Team: Jim, Kim, and Ryan met to develop this plan.

If we go½ days, what happens with extra-curricular? They would go home and a shuttle will be run.

Bus drivers will disinfect the bus after they drop kids off- they can sit in the back of the board office or may be offered to assist with cleaning if they want to continue.

Concern is what if a student wants individual assistance? Can they stay? Unsure because of transportation.

Health Dept intern that could assist with medical checks plus 4 more aids for the bus.

Attorney will create a form to sign giving permission to acknowledge that the student may be on camera.

Remote/Blended not ideal

Must follow guidance from ISBE/IDPH

Must wear masks

Survey-on-line, called parents and 2/3 answered


Internet - hot spots

Computers - every student can have one

Waiver of fees


Medically fragile

Don't want to wear masks

How to socially distance at school

Medical check of all students: Yes, Board likes this idea! 

100.4 temp

Those sick or presenting symptoms will be kept in a room until they get sent home.

2 Options:

Blended or Back in full all day everyday

Blended 4-Block:

55 minute classes - committed to a quarter ½ days

4 classes, 30 minutes of homework

1:30 - 3:00 teachers will be on line so students can contact teachers

Those who choose not to wear a mask- will be at home on remote learning Math classes will be for the semester- other courses for a quarter

No lockers

Teachers will rotate except for science labs/computer

Number of students willing to come to school will or can dictate if we go 5 days a week When students leave on ½ day they will pick up a lunch after signing up to eat on the bus ride home

Sandy said be consistent - pick a plan and stick to it

Flexibility- 5 days½ days, if students try 5 days and then want to go remote they can Advertise for aids/bus drivers

6) Adjourn

Motion by S Pence, seconded by Wujek to adjourn the July 9, 2020 special board meeting. Roll Call: S Pence/yes; B Pence/yes; Huston/yes; Anders/yes; Wujek/yes; Sutton/yes; WildeTillman/ yes. Motion carried.
