
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Illini West High School District #307 Board of Education Met July 15

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Illini West High School District #307 Board of Education met July 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1) The Regular Meeting of the Illini West High School District 307 of Hancock, McDonough, and Henderson Counties, IL was called to order at 7:00 PM. The meeting was held IW gym.

2) Roll Call:

1. Darrell Sutton-absent

2. Beth Pence

3. Shannon Pence

4. John Huston

5. Betsy Wujek

6. Holly Wilde-Tillman

7. Tracey Anders

3) Pledge of Allegiance

4) Motion by Anders, seconded by S Pence to approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting on June 17, 2020 and Executive Session on June 17, 2020. Roll Call: Anders/yes; B Pence/yes; WildeTillman/ yes; Wujek/yes; Huston/yes; S Pence/yes. Motion carried.

5) Motion by Anders, seconded by B Pence to approve the bills as presented. Roll Call: S Pence/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; Huston/yes; Anders/yes; Wujek/yes; B Pence/yes. Motion carried.

6) Recognition of Visitors

Chris Greenhalge

Scott Schneider

Jim Short

Joy Swearingen

Connie Flesner

Linda Hartweg

Connie and Linda were recognized and congratulated for the years of service as teachers with Illini West High School.

7) Public Comment - Misty Mitchell asked a question regarding masks for kids with medical issues/asthma. Response: If a student cannot wear a mask, must have a doctor's note and could wear a face shield.

8) Consent Agenda

Motion by Anders, seconded by B Pence to approve all consent agenda items as presented. Roll Call: B Pence/yes; S Pence/yes; Huston/yes; Anders/yes; Wujek/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes. Motion carried.

a. Approve Agenda

b. Approve 2020-2021 Fee Schedule

c. Policy Updates - Board waves second reading and adopts updates

4:50 Payment Procedures

6:280 Grading and Promotion

7:130 Student Rights and Responsibilities

7:325 Student Fundraising Activities

8:80 Gifts to the District

2:125 Board Member Compensation; Expenses

2:160 Board Attorney

5:150 Personnel Records

5:280 Duties and Qualifications

5:60 Expenses

6:135 Accelerated Placement Program

7:70 Attendance and Truancy

7:90 Release During School Hours

8:10 Connection with the Community

8:110 Public Suggestions and Concerns

8:30 Visitors to and Conduct on School Property

2:125-El Exhibit-Board Member Expense Reimbursement Form

2:125-E2 Exhibit-Board Member Estimated Expense Approval Form

2:160-E Exhibit-Checklist for Selecting a Board Attorney

5:60-El Exhibit-Employee Reimbursement Form

5:60-E2 Exhibit-Employee Estimated Expense Approval Form

9) Reports

a. Dean of Students: No Report

b. Principal: Nothing new to report

c. Superintendent: Increase lunch cost by $.SO due to audit

10) Discussion/Action

a. Set FY 2021 Budget Hearing-September 16, 2020@ 7:00 pm

Motion by Anders, seconded by Wujek to set FY 2021 Budget Hearing-September 16, 2020 at 7:00pm. Roll Call: Anders/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; B Pence/yes; Wujek/yes; S Pence/yes; Huston/yes. Motion carried.

b. Approve E-Learning Plan 2020-2023

Motion by B Pence, seconded by Anders to approve the E-Learning Plan 2020-2023. Roll Call: B Pence/yes; S Pence/yes; Anders/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; Wujek/yes; Huston/yes. Motion carried.

c. 2020-2021 School Opening Plans

Illini West will follow guidance to ensure Illini West stays accredited. No lunches provided for kids who are at home remote learning. Plan will be posted on our website after board approval. Zoom meeting, Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at 7:00 pm.

Motion by S Pence, seconded by Wilde-Tillman to approve the 2020-2021 school opening plan as presented. Roll Call: Huston/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; B Pence/yes; Anders/yes; Wujek/yes; S Pence/yes. Motion carried.

d. Trapshooting Team Funding

Keith Hartweg gave a presentation at last board meeting. Illini West has not assisted financially. Shannon asked the board to consider donating money. Concern was expressed about spending money supporting guns/ammunition. Talk to Scott to see if we can protect the district.

11) Motion by S Pence, seconded by B Pence to leave regular session for the purpose of entering executive session at 7:30 pm to discuss:

a. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2[c] (1)

b. Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06.5 ILCS 120/[c] (21).

Roll Call: B Pence/yes; Huston/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; Wujek/yes; S Pence/yes; Anders/yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Wilde-Tillman, seconded by Anders to leave executive session at 7:35 pm to return to regular session. Roll Call: Huston/yes; S Pence/yes; Ander/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; B Pence/yes; Wujek/yes. Motion carried.

12) Action

a. Approve Destruction of all Closed Session Tapes prior to January 1, 2019

Motion by Anders, seconded by S Pence to approve destruction of all closed session tapes prior to January 1, 2019. Roll Call: Wujek/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; Huston/yes; Anders/yes; S Pence/yes; B Pence/yes. Motion carried.

b. Approve to keep all Executive session notes closed.

Motion by B Pence, seconded by Anders to keep all Executive session notes closed. Roll Call: S Pence/yes; B Pence/yes; Huston/yes; Anders/yes; Wujek/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes. Motion carried.

c. Personnel

i. Retirement

1. Motion by B Pence, seconded by Anders to accept with regret the retirement of Roger Duffy. Roll Call: S Pence/yes; B Pence/yes; Huston/yes; Anders/yes; Wujek/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes. Motion carried.

ii. Contract

1. Motion by Wilde-Tillman, seconded by S Pence to approve the contract as presented for Jim Short, Assistant Principal. Roll Call: WildeTillman/ yes; B Pence/yes; Huston/yes; Anders/yes; Wujek/yes; S Pence/yes. Motion carried.

13) Adjourn

Motion by S Pence, seconded by Anders to adjourn the July 15, 2020 Regular Illini West Board of Education Meeting at 7:40 pm. Roll Call: S Pence/yes; B Pence/yes; Huston/yes; Anders/yes; Wujek/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes. Motion carried.
