
West Central Reporter

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Beardstown Park District Board Met July 22

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Beardstown Park District Board met July 22.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The July meeting of the Beardstown Park District board of commissioners was held at the Schewe Community Center. President Nathan Carls called the meeting to order and roll was taken. Commissioners present included Nathan Carls, Becky Jones, Bob Schaefer and Travis Schroll. Also in attendance were Park Director Jason Brockschmidt, Secretary-Treasurer Julie Robertson and Stephen Sloan.

The minutes of the June meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Schaefer and a second by Mrs. Jones.

The Treasurers report was approved on a motion by Mr. Schroll and a second by Mrs. Jones.

The Claims List was approved on a motion by Mrs. Jones and a second by Mr. Schaefer.

Mr. Brockschmidt then presented the Director’s Report. First, the final budget was passed with a motion from Mr. Schroll and a second from Mrs. Jones with a unanimous roll call vote. Then, the replacement of Mr. Schaefer’s position on the board was discussed. It was decided that the open position on the Board would be offered to Joe McClenning. This passed with a motion from Mr. Schaefer and a second from Mr. Carls.

The meeting entered into executive session at 12:48 with a motion from Mrs. Jones and a second by Mr. Schaefer. They discussed personnel issues with no decision made and adjourned executive session at 1:37pm with a motion from Mr. Schaefer and second from Mr. Schroll. The regular meeting was then adjourned at 1:38 pm with a motion from Mr. Schroll and second from Mr. Schaefer.
