
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Illini West High School District #307 Board of Education Met August 10

Webp meetingroom01

Illini West High School District #307 Board of Education met Aug. 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1) The Special Board Meeting of the Illini West High School District 307 of Hancock, McDonough, and Henderson Counties, IL was called to order at 7:00 PM. The meeting was held in the IW gym.

2) Roll Call:

1. Beth Pence 

2. Shannon Pence 

3. John Huston 

4. Betsy Wujek 

5. Holly Wilde-Tillman 

6. Tracey Anders

3) Pledge of Allegiance

4) Recognition of Visitors 

5) Public Comment - None

6) Discussion/Action

a. School Opening

Hancock County Superintendents, Memorial Hospital, and Hancock County Health Department have been meeting routinely.


1. Health & Safety of Students & Staff 

2. Education of our Students

Summarized the recommendation to delay the start of school until August 31. Hancock County doubled in last two weeks. These numbers are county numbers not true reflection of just Carthage. Parents want to know timelines so they can prepare.

Are Students Ready for Remote:

1. Need to train the staff first. Once staff knows how to do this the students will come along

2. Students are going to have to move even in cohorts which means they will be in the hallway. Simply can't social distance in the hallway. 

3. There are many cleaning supplies that were ordered in May and still not in. No idea when the supplies will be received. lllini West does not have the manpower to clean in between each class period. Teachers and students may need to wipe down the tables and chairs. 

4. If Illini West does not follow local guidance, we are putting ourselves at a heightened risk of liability. 

5. If Illini West goes remote, what does this do to extra-curricular? Not approved by IDPH. 

6. Difficulty securing bus drivers and driver licenses. None willing to drive extra routes. 

7. It is unavoidable, but when you bring students to school, it is inevitable that we will have increased cases. 

8. No contamination issues will occur if students choose to use their own device and not an Illini West assigned device. 

9. Connectivity - we have ordered 40 hotspots. There are some areas in Illini West district that can't get internet service; not even a hotspot. 37/40 already taken or assigned. Pro Accounts have higher security settings.

Inservice will be Thursday, August 13 and Friday August 14, 2020 Then 5 days of remote learning Start remote learning - August 24 for 1 quarter (Kim's recommendation) Carl Sandburg starts on August 19. Teachers in the rooms - custodians will clean regularly

Motion by Anders for Remote Learning for First Quarter, no second of motion.

Motion by Anders, seconded by Huston to start Remote Learning on August 24 with students for four weeks ending September 18. Remote learning will be re-evaluated on or before September 18. Roll Call: B Pence/yes; S Pence/yes; Huston/yes; Wujek/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; Anders/yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Anders, seconded by S Pence to adjourn the August 10, 2020 Special Illini West board meeting. Roll call: Huston/yes; B Pence/yes; Wujek/yes; Anders/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; S Pence/yes. Motion carried.
