
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Illini West High School District #307 Board of Education Met August 19

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Illini West High School District #307 Board of Education met Aug. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1) The Regular Meeting of the Illini West High School District 307 of Hancock, McDonough, and Henderson Counties, IL was called to order at 7:00 PM. The meeting was held in IW gym.

2) Roll Call:

1. Beth Pence-on phone 

2. Shannon Pence 

3. John Huston 

4. Betsy Wujek 

5. Holly Wilde-Tillman 

6. Tracey Anders

3) Pledge of Allegiance

4) Motion by Anders, seconded by S Pence to approve Minutes of the Special Meeting, July 9, 2020; E-Learning Plan/Regular Meeting on July 15, 2020 and Executive Session of July 15, 2020; Executive Session of July 23, 2020; and Special Meeting August 10, 2020. Roll Call: S Pence/yes; B Pence/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; Anders/yes; Wujek/yes; Huston/yes. Motion carried.

5) Motion by Anders, seconded by B Pence to approve the bills as presented. Roll Call: Wilde Tillman/yes; Anders/yes; Huston/yes; B Pence/yes; Wujek/yes; S Pence/yes. Motion carried.

6) Recognition of Visitors

Kevin Deitrich 

Zak Huston 

Christine Murphy 

Chris Greenhalge 

Scott Schneider 

Jim Short

7) Public Comment

a. Kevin Deitrich read a letter, ISBE/IHSA/IDPH, participation in sports is not impacted by the type of school/educational place. Please consider allowing sports for this year.

b. Zak Huston - guidelines and restrictions set forth by IHSA maybe difficult but doable. Wants fall sports.

c. Christine Murphy - will follow the guidelines and wants these sports to be allowed.

8) Consent Agenda

Motion by Anders, seconded by S Pence to approve all consent agenda items as presented. Roll Call: Huston/yes; B Pence/yes; Wujek/yes; Anders/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; S Pence/yes. Motion carried.

a. Approve Agenda 

b. Surplus Items/for immediate disposal

i. 19 Desktops 

ii. 18 Laptops 

iii. 4 Boxes Extra Cables/Et.

iv. 3 Switches 

c. Policy Updates - First Reading Issue 104

7:40 Nonpublic School Students, Including Parochial & Home-Schooled Students 

2:220 School Board Meeting Procedure 

7:190 Student Behavior 

7:340 Student Records 

2:220-E9 Exhibit-Requirements for No Physical Presence of Quorum and Participation by Audio or Video During Disaster Declaration 

7:345 Use of Educational Technologies; Student Data Privacy and Security 

4:180 Pandemic Preparedness; Management; and Recovery

9) Reports

a. Assistant Principal: Nothing new 

b. Principal: Finished freshman loop - will have a virtual tour 

c. Superintendent: Nothing new

10) Discussion/Action

a. FY 2021 Budget

Reviewed preliminary budget pages, does not need approved tonight but in September. First time we are in the red, but there is a plan to get out.

b. Continue Farm Lease

Motion by Anders, seconded by Wilde-Tillman to continue the farm lease with current Lessee. Roll Call: Huston/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; S Pence/yes; B Pence/yes; Anders/yes; Wujek/yes. Motion carried.

c. Updated 2020/2021 Risk Management Plan

Only change is adding COVID-19.

Motion by Anders, seconded by S Pence to approve the new 2020-2021 Risk Management Plan as presented. Roll Call: B Pence/yes; Huston/yes; S Pence/yes; Wujek/yes; Anders/yes; Wilde Tillman/yes. Motion carried.

d. Fall Sports (Cross Country/Golf)

Zak has been very open with Mrs. Schilson through all this. IDPH approved this plan on Friday, August 14. Must take a bus. 15 Golf and 10 Cross Country. Coaches must ride the bus and take temps etc. Head coach for golf and cross country. Two volunteers Corey Housewright and Shane Murphy.

Motion by Wilde-Tillman, seconded by B Pence to allow fall sports of Cross Country and Golf effective immediately with a sign up through Sunday, August 23 at 7:00 pm. Roll Call: Huston/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; S Pence/yes; B Pence/yes; Anders/yes; Wujek/yes. Motion carried.

e. Trapshooting/Bass Fishing

Trapshooting and Bass Fishing - together attorney said we could send a letter indicating the two sports are not IW sponsored, but that IW could sponsor them. We will provide these athletes pins for their letter jackets. Bass Fishing gets reimbursed. They practice one day a week. Trapshooting is outside the school year.

Motion by S Pence, seconded by Anders to donate $2500 to the Trapshooting team with the stipulation that they sign the letter provided by our district attorney. Roll Call: Huston/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; S Pence/yes; B Pence/yes; Anders/yes; Wujek/yes. Motion carried.

11) Motion by Anders, seconded by Wujek to leave regular session for the purpose of entering executive session at 8:05 pm to discuss:

a. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2[c] (1)

Roll Call: Wilde-Tillman/yes; S Pence/yes; Huston/yes; B Pence/yes; Wujek/yes; Anders/yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Anders, seconded by Wujek to leave executive session at 8:22 pm to return to regular session. Roll Call: Huston/yes; B Pence/yes; S Pence/yes; Anders/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; Wujek/yes. Motion carried.

12) Action

a. Personnel

i. Employ

Motion by Anders, seconded by S Pence to confirm the employment of Gloria Simmons as Bus Driver/Aid/Custodian. Roll Call: Anders/yes; B Pence/yes; S Pence/yes; Wujek/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; Huston/yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Wilde-Tillman, seconded by S Pence to approve Cory Housewright and Shane Murphy as volunteer golf coaches. Roll Call: Anders/yes; B Pence/yes; S Pence/yes; Wujek/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; Huston/yes. Motion carried.

ii. Recall

Will not recall Brandi Simmons as Bus Aid/Custodian until students are back in the building

iii. Resignation

Motion by Anders, seconded by Wilde-Tillman to accept with regret the resignation of Darrell Sutton as school board member. Roll Call: S Pence/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; Wujek/yes; Anders/yes; Huston/yes; B Pence/yes. Motion carried.

13) Adjourn

Motion by Anders, seconded by Wilde-Tillman to adjourn the August 19, 2020 Regular Illini West Board Meeting at 8:27 pm. Roll Call: Anders/yes; B Pence/yes; S Pence/yes; Wujek/yes; Wilde-Tillman/yes; Huston/yes. Motion carried.
