
West Central Reporter

Friday, January 24, 2025

Hancock County Board Met December 22

Webp meeting41

Hancock County Board met Dec. 22.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Opening of Meeting 

A. Call to Order 

B. Invocation - Mark Menn 

C. Pledge of Allegiance - Clerk 

D. Roll Call 

E. Approval of Minutes

II. Communications 

A. Welcome Visitors

B. Comments and correspondence to Board

1. Veterans of lowa City Affairs Health Care System extends thanks and appreciation for your gift.

III. Committee Reports

A. County Highway, Road and Bridge

1. Approval of the Resolution to Establish Temporary Weight Restrictions

2. Acceptance of all proposals from all bidders for aggregate (quarry) products and bituminous mixtures furnished to Hancock County. 

3. Acceptance of all proposals from all bidders for aggregate (quarry) products and bituminous mixtures furnished to the various townships of Hancock County

B. Finance, Fees and Salaries

1. Resolution for State's Attorney Appellate Prosecutor-$8,000.00 for December 1, 2020 to November 30, 2021 

2. Resolution for Tax Deed to Mary Clanin for parcel 12-30-000-384 

3. State's Attorney's request for Prosecutor by Karpel 

4. Approval of MTC phone system for the Courthouse

C. Building, Grounds and Insurance

1. Tablets for County Board Members

D. County Health and Miscellaneous

1. Contractual Write off as of November 2020 $30,807.09 for approval 

2. Write off Bad Debt Collections $14,071.16 sent to collection agency for further collection efforts.

IV. Unfinished Business

V. New Business

1. Revised Holiday Schedule 

2. Assignment of Tax Cert. 02-09-000-023 to Jennifer and Dominic Curtean

VI. Executive Session concerning personal, property acquisition

VII. Appointments:

A. Appointment of Weed Control Superintendent

VIII. Adjournment
