
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Virginia City Council met November 9

Webp meeting240

City of Virginia City Council met Nov. 9

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Brunk started the meeting at 704pm. Roll was called. Alderman Bowman and Cox answered present. Alderman French, Pratt, Wulf, and Behrends were not present. The agenda and minutes were presented to the council. Alderman Behrends joined the meeting. Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the agenda, and Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the October minutes and Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Monthly bills were reviewed and Alderman Bowman made a motion to approve monthly bills, Alderman Behrends seconded. Motion carried unanimously

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Barret stated that the meter loan is now paid off. It was set to mature on September 1st, 2021. The $5 meter charge will continue until the maturity date. Treasurer Barrett got the city signed up for the CURE program. The city does qualify and could receive up to $66459.00 from that program. The payroll for police officers is an eligible expense and looking at that category we have about $35000 that we can submit. Treasurer Barrett stated that he is continuing to work on that. He also stated that water and sewer are right on track. Virginia is still behind on past bills with VRWS but we are making headway. Treasurer Barrett stated that tonight is the first reading of the tax levy. Our budget turns into our appropriations and the appropriations are used to file the levy. We are down a little over $14000 in comparison to this time last year which is mostly due to sales tax. The local sales tax is up though. The budget looks good and there are no concerns at this time. October sales tax was $9882.54 and October video gaming was $3798.87.

Guests none

Public Comment none

Monthly Reports

Public Works (McClure) McClure stated that he had a company come in and cut down 7 trees east of the highway. They did a really good job, they drug the stumps out and filled the holes. He hopes to get them back soon to do the west side of town as well. The city clean up and brush pick up is finished. The crew was starting to work on blacktopping the streets but the grater broke down today. The sale on used equipment went well, everything sold. McClure thinks the sale totaled around $5000-$6000

Police Chief (Fanning) 89 calls, 13 traffic stops, and a few issues with lose dogs running at large. There were a few citations issued for that because there are kids out enjoying the weather and we want to make sure they are safe. The police department is trying to get back on track. Fanning stated that he submitted the post to hire part time officers.

Fire Chief (Reynolds) fire drill at the school, false alarm on Gilbert Rd, vehicle accident on 125 with rescue, garage fire, and a field fire

Zoning Officer (Merriman) nothing to report

Board Reports

Park Board Alderman Cox stated that the ballpark concession stand, ball park bathrooms, Dave Sinclair Memorial Gazebo have all be repainted. The pool house is being worked on. It has been painted and the holes have been filled. The doors and windows are replaced. There has been clay hauled to the small diamond. There is concrete work that needs to be done at the pool but that probably wont be done until spring. Alderman Cox thanks the Park Board for all their hard work and hopes that there will be no more vandalism. The next meeting is 11/16 at 7pm

Library Board nothing to report

Economic Development nothing to report

Cemetery Board nothing to report

Zoning Board nothing to report

Attorneys Report

Attorney Veith stated that in regards to the property maintenance case, the owner is selling. There is a buy and they will be signing the acknowledgement that they will be responsible for the building. If the owner transfers the property without the acknowledgement signature then the owner will be cited again for violating the code. Attorney Veith has been working with the realtor and hopefully it will get cleared by before the next court date on the 17th. Alderman Cox asked which property. It is the property on Pitt St. Attorney Veith also stated that in the packet there is a resolution to accept a dedication of improvements from Windsor Development and Cass Homes/Cass County Housing Authority. They have put the improvements in and now they are turning them over to the city. This resolution is just basically saying the city accepts it.

Aldermanic Reports

Cox stated that there are several street lights out. There is one on Illini St, it looks like the electric company put in a new power line and after they did that the street light went out. Fanning states that he started tagging them but then got called away. The square is marked, he will follow up on this.

Behrends stated that people have been asking when building will be down on the square. McClure said they were there today.

Wulf absent

Bowman nothing to report

Pratt absent

French absent

City Clerks Report

Cox reminded all who are up for election next year that they are to be getting their petition signatures now.

Mayors Report

Mayor Brunk stated that he was going to bring up Christmas on the Square but it seems that the committee has decided to cancel this year due to the pandemic. Mayor Brunk asked McClure how do we put up some signs like “Slow Down, Children at Play” or adding more speed limit signs? McClure stated that he wasn’t sure if there were so in the shed. Mayor stated he would like to put some up on East St. Alderman Cox stated that it wouldn’t hurt to put some up on Illini as well. McClure stated that he needed to get some street signs up on South East St as well because there was an issue with the ambulance not being able to find a house over there. Mayor stated the in town speed limit is 25mph and very few go 25mph. Alderman Behrends asks if we need to pass an ordinance to do this? Attorney Veith stated to just add children at play and additional speed limit signs it would probably just need to be posted. Mayor also told the council that there needs to be a special meeting soon and asked when would be a good time? The council decided November 18th at 7pm. Mayor Brunk also added that there was supposed to be a meeting this week with the auditors but it got cancelled.

Unfinished Business


New Business

A. Tax Levy (1st reading)

Treasurer Barrett stated that the tax levy is what we prepare for when the city does the budget for the year and we have to stay under 5%. We are at 4.8%. Last year the levy was $237550.00. This year the city is looking at the levy being $248955.00. If any of the council members had questions, Treasurer Barrett stated that he would be happy to answer. The council reviewed the information provided in their packets. With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the first reading of the tax levy, and Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

B. 2021 Meeting Dates

The council reviewed the meeting dates for 2021. With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Bowman made a motion to approve the 2021 meeting dates, Alderman Behrends seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

C. “Resolution Accepting Dedication of Improvements and Southern Acres Subdivision from Windsor Development and Cass Homes/Cass County Housing Authority”

The council reviewed the resolution that was provided in their packets. With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Behrends made a motion to approve the resolution accepting dedication of improvements and Southern Acres Subdivision from Windsor Development and Cass Homes/Cass County Housing Authority, Alderman Cox seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Fire Chief Reynolds made a comment in regards to the street lights. He stated that it is really dark by Duncan St too on 125. He also suggested that maybe Sheriff Ohrn would let us borrow the speed sign and put it on South East St. to make people slow down through there. Mayor Brunk stated that he would talk to Sheriff Ohrn about that.

With nothing further to discuss at 734pm, Alderman Cox made a motion to dismiss the meeting and Alderman Behrends seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
