City of Bushnell City Council Met March 1.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Wilt called the meeting to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was given.
Roll Call
Ald. Donna Coates - P Ald. Greg Yocum –P Mayor Robin Wilt – P
Ald. Chuck Howell – P Ald. Stacey Allen – P City Clerk Teresa Ebbert - P Police Chief Joe Fosdyck – A
Ald. Mike Howell –P Ald. Bruce Lorton –P Treasurer Dan Cortelyou-A Street Superintendent David Raymond –A
Ald. David Norton –P Ald. Brent Glisan – P City Attorney Chuck Laegeler-P
Guest – Chan Allen inquired about renting out the gym in the Rec. Center once a month. Ald. Coates stated she would have a meeting to discuss the issue.
*Nothing to report
Consent Agenda
Ald. Lorton made a motion to approve the consent agenda, which included the following items:
1. Approval of Minutes from February 15, 2021
2. Approve January Financial Report
3. Approve and Pay February bills
Ald. Coates seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:
Ald. Coates“aye” Ald. Yocum“aye”
Ald. C Howell“aye” Ald. Allen“aye”
Ald. M Howell“aye” Ald. Lorton“aye
Ald. Norton“aye” Ald. Glisan“aye”
Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried.
Ad Hoc (Mayor’s Report)
*Mayor Wilt stated that Bushnell had been approved for $28,445.57 from the Local Cure
*Spartan sports are being broadcasted on you tube.
*Mayor Wilt expressed congratulations to Bill McDonald who was promoted to Lieutenant.
*Spring is just around the corner and the Bushnell locker will be cooking this year the 1st Friday of the month starting in May. They will be cooking in April on the 9th.
*Mayor Wilt stated that Beth and Friends are closing permantely.
*Ald. Norton stated that Nathan Hyde was leaving so we had another position to fill.
Public Works-Street/Sewer/Alley
*Ald. C Howell wanted approval to hire a street department employee. The council took that discussion to Executive session.
*Nothing to report
*Jeff Rench with ESDA stated that there would be no storm spotter classes this year.
Real Estate/Parks/Recreation
*Ald. Coates stated they had discussed opening the Rec. Center for people to walk while
Meals on Wheels were there.
*Coates stated they also want to open up what was the YMCA. Having people sign up for Memberships for $10.00 a month or $110.00 a year.
Ald. Coates made a motion to set membership dues for the former YMCA at $10.00 per month or $110.00 per year. Ald. Yocum seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:
Ald. C Howell“aye” Ald. Allen“aye”
Ald. M Howell“aye” Ald. Lorton“aye”
Ald. Norton“aye” Ald. Glisan“aye
Ald. Yocum“aye” Ald. Coates“aye”
Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried.
*Ald. C Howell reported that they had started back up drilling for the Deep Well project.
*Kim Pierce with MAEDCO stated that all the reports for the micro grant had to be done by March 1, 2021.
*Nothing to report
Attorney’s Report/Ordinances & Resolutions
*City Attorney Chuck Laegeler stated he just needed the Mayor’s signature to finalize the
Demolition for the Patty Sullivan property.
Ald. Norton made a motion at 5:48 to enter in to Executive session to a)Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of an employee of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, pursuant to Sec. 2(c) (1) of the Open Meetings Act. Ald. C Howell seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:
Ald. M Howell“aye” Ald. Lorton“aye”
Ald. Norton“aye” Ald. Glisan“aye”
Ald. Yocum“aye” Ald. Coates“aye
Ald. Allen“aye” Ald. C Howell“aye”
Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried.
Ald. Lorton made a motion to return to regular session at 6:15. Ald. C Howell seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:
Ald. Yocum“aye” Ald. Glisan“aye”
Ald. Allen“aye” Ald. C Howell“aye”
Ald. Lorton“aye” Ald. M Howell“aye
Ald. Coates“aye”
Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried.
Ald. C Howell made a motion to hire Jordon Thompson for the street department position. Ald. Coates seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with results as follows:
Ald. Yocum“aye” Ald. Glisan“aye”
Ald. Allen“aye” Ald. C Howell“aye”
Ald. Lorton“aye” Ald. M Howell“aye
Ald. Coates“aye”
Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried.
Ald. Allen made a motion to adjourn.
Meeting adjourned at 6:18