City of Dallas Center City Council Met May 12.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Chairman Rayho Calls the meeting to order with the following members present and answering roll call: Bechtle, Forneris, Illies, Jackstadt (6:37), Moss, Popov, Rayho.
Absent: Hellige
Motion to approve the minutes from the March 11, 2021, Planning Commission meeting made by Popov, seconded by Illies.
Vote: All Ayes (7-0). Motion Approved.
RZ 21-03 Two Men and a Truck (Rezoning)
Motion to open Public Hearing made by Illies, seconded by Bechtle
Vote: All Ayes (7-0). Motion Approved
Associate Planner Rice presents a request by Two Men and a Truck to rezone property located at 19 ABC Parkway from “BP-3” Business Park District to “P-BP-3” Planned Business Park District in order to permit the operation of a household moving and storage company.
Rice gives a brief history of the property, the proposed use, the surrounding area, and the proposed landscape plan submitted by the applicant. Rice then advises Staff recommends approval of the rezoning application.
Moss and Rice then have a brief discussion regarding the state of the landscape plan, the point system, and the applicant’s proposal.
Motion to close Public Hearing made by Moss, seconded by Forneris.
Motion Approved.
Motion to recommend approval of the rezoning made by Popov, seconded by Illies.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes – 7, Nays - 0
Motion Approved.
Community Development Director Taylor notes that the item will be forwarded to City Council with a favorable recommendation for the Council hearing on Tuesday.
TA 21-01 Accessory Structure Regulations (Text Amendment)
Motion to open Public Hearing made by Jackstadt, seconded by Illies.
Vote: All Ayes (7-0). Motion Approved.
Associate Planner Hardin presents the staff report outlining a myriad of modifications to the existing Accessory Structure regulations with an emphasis on the size of accessory structures and allowing larger structures on larger lots. Hardin notes a minor amendment proposed tonight which would limit the size of the accessory structure to 25’, but no higher than the principal structure. Hardin also asks for input on the regulations on building materials and to what extent they should be consistent with the primary structure.
Staff and the Commission discuss, ultimately deciding that the language should allow discretion by staff to make a determination as to if the materials are complimentary and consistent with the primary structure.
Moss asks for clarification on the language which provides for a minimum allowable structure on smaller lots. Staff discusses the language with the Commission and notes that the language should be modified to clearly state that this is the maximum allowable.
Ron Deedrick with the Illinois Realtor’s Association is sworn in and states that he supports the proposal and looks forward to staff potentially looking into allowing Accessory Dwelling Units in the future.
Illies questions staff’s intent on not allowing “pole barn” style structures. Staff and the Commission discuss with the ultimate determination of removing the pole barn language and allowing different construction types as long as the structure can meet the City’s design guidelines and is permittable under the building code.
Motion to close Public Hearing made by Illies, seconded by Bechtle.
Vote: All Ayes (7-0). Motion Approved.
Motion to recommend approval made by Popov, seconded by Bechtle with the following amendments: 1. Revise the language allowing for a “minimum” size of the accessory structures to be more clear that this is the maximum.
2. Revise the language to allow for building materials which are complimentary to and consistent with the principal structure.
3. Strike “pole barn” language from the ordinance.
4. Limit the height of the structures to 25’ or the height of the principal structure, whichever is less.
Roll Call Vote: All Ayes (7-0).
Motion Approved.
TA 21-02 Fence Regulations (Text Amendment)
Motion to open Public Hearing made by Jackstadt, seconded by Forneris.
Vote: All Ayes (7-0). Motion Approved.
Associate Planner Hardin presents the staff report outlining a myriad of modifications to the existing fence regulations with an emphasis on outlining allowable materials.
Staff and the Commission discuss the proposal and make minor recommendations.
Staff makes the recommendation that the Commission continue the hearing to allow for staff to make revisions.
Motion to continue Public Hearing made by Moss, seconded by Popov.
Vote: All Ayes (7-0). Motion Approved.
Taylor advises that staff is exploring ways to expand training opportunities for the Commission and continuing their education. City Manager Bair discusses continued support for staff and the Commission. The Commission and City Manager Bair discuss the Commission’s role, upcoming projects, and the importance of the Commission.
Taylor notes that the Zoning Practice Report included in this month’s packet discusses Mitigation Buyouts. ANNOUNCEMENTS:
Taylor advises that there is one announcement before Chairman Rayho’s announcements. Associate Planner Hardin states that the Planning Commission meeting is her last as she will be leaving the City to work for a consulting firm out of St. Louis. Taylor, Bair, and the Commission discuss her contributions to the City and wish her well.
Chairman Rayho discusses his monthly announcements.
Chairman Rayho makes comments regarding happenings around the City.
Community Development Director Taylor updates the Planning Commission members with items for the next meeting: Townes at Westview Rezoning and Site Plan; Thrivent Site Plan; and the Fence Regulations in the future
Motion to adjourn made by Illies, seconded by Bechtle.
Vote: All Ayes (7-0). Motion Approved.
Adjournment at 8:30 p.m.