
West Central Reporter

Friday, January 3, 2025

Village of Chapin Board of Trustees Met June 9

Meeting 05

Village of Chapin Board of Trustees Met June 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting was called to order at 7:01pm by Village President Ken Drake followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustee Leslie Forsman present, Trustee Mary Rae Brockhouse present, Trustee Mark Lovekamp present, Trustee Loren Hamilton present, Trustee Kevin Scott absent, Trustee Rex Brockhouse present. 5 Trustees present. Also present were Christina Courier – Village Clerk, Allen Yow – Village Attorney, Dalton Surratt – Public Works Superintendent, Scott Pahlmann – Chapin Fire Chief, Steve Helmich – Chapin Police, Steve Edwards, Brock Hoots, and Todd Clayton.

Minutes of May 12th, 2021

Trustees reviewed the minutes of the previous regular meeting. A motion to approve the minutes of the May 12, 2021 Regular meeting was made by Trustee M. Lovekamp. A second was made by Trustee R. Brockhouse. Roll Call: Trustee L. Forsman yea, Trustee M. Lovekamp yea, Trustee L. Hamilton yea, Trustee M. Brockhouse yea, Trustee K. Scott absent, Trustee R. Brockhouse yea. Motion carried. 5 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent.

Minutes of May 26th, 2021 Special Meeting

Trustee reviewed the minutes of the May 26, 2021 special meeting. A motion to approve the May 26, 2021 special meeting minutes was made by Trustee R. Brockhouse. A second was made by Trustee M. Brockhouse. Roll Call: Trustee L. Forsman abstain, Trustee M. Lovekamp yea, Trustee L. Hamilton yea, Trustee M. Brockhouse yea, Trustee K. Scott absent, Trustee R. Brockhouse yea. Motion carried. 4 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent, 1 abstain.

Minutes of June 7th, 2021 Bid Opening

Allen Yow – Village Attorney pointed out that the title of the minutes should be revised from “Chapin Board of Trustees Special Meeting” to “Minutes of Bid Opening” as there was not a quorum present from Trustees, therefore the title needs revised. Christina Courier – Village Clerk apologizes for the error and will revise prior to posting in an official channel. A motion to approve the minutes of the June 7, 2021 bid opening was made by Trustee R. Brockhouse. A second was made by Trustee M. Lovekamp. Roll Call: Trustee L. Forsman yea, Trustee M. Lovekamp yea, Trustee L. Hamilton yea, Trustee M. Brockhouse yea, Trustee K. Scott absent, Trustee R. Brockhouse yea. Motion carried. 5 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent.

Chapin Fire Report

Scott Pahlmann reports the following activity since May 12th.

May 13th– Members had a meeting which was cut short by a standby request for Jacksonville Fire.

May 26th– Mark Lovekamp attended the County Fire and EMS Meeting for Chief Pahlmann. At the firehouse, members trained on Conditions, Actions, Needs (CAN) Reports. CAN reports are first used at arrival at a scene and as needed during a response. Members reviewed their IFSI training records. Afterwards, vehicles were checked and ran.

Scott reports the following Calls:

May 3rd– Vehicle Accident at US 67/Concord Arenzville Rd.

May 13th– Standby/Stage for Jacksonville Fire Department for a structure fire at 872 Grove St.

May 13th– Respond for Jacksonville Fire Department to a possible structure fire at 800 Hoagland Blvd.

May 13th– Respond for Jacksonville Fire Department for a medical alarm at 840 Northwood Ln.

May 14th– Standby/Stage for Jacksonville Fire Department for a structure fire at 336 E. Wolcott St.

May 23rd– Standby/Stage for Jacksonville Fire Department for a structure fire at 741 N. Main St.

May 24th– Vehicle Accident at US67/E. of Ore Rd.

June 5th-6th– MABAS Request for 4 members to respond with MABAS 65 to the Wood River Incident

Trustee M. Lovekamp wanted to thank the individuals that went and explained how the individuals that went were ready to respond and leave hours later. Chief Pahlmann explained further what this was a very short notice call to drive to Wood River and work a 6-hour shift with other departments from various other departments.

Scott reports the following June and Upcoming Activities:

June 10th– Meeting followed by Training

June 24th– Training

July 3rd– Work Day/Training Day

Scott is requesting to have Todd Clayton and Brock Hoots sworn in as full members as they have completed their probationary period.

Scott provided a preliminary budget and roster of all members to the Board for their review.

New Business #5 – A motion to add Todd Clayton and Brock Hoots as full members and swear in was made by Trustee M. Lovekamp A second was made by Trustee R. Brockhouse. Roll Call: Trustee L. Forsman yea, Trustee M. Lovekamp yea, Trustee L. Hamilton yea, Trustee M. Brockhouse yea, Trustee K. Scott absent, Trustee R. Brockhouse yea. Motion carried. 5 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent. Todd Clayton and Brock Hoots were sworn in by Village President K. Drake.

Todd Clayton and Brock Hoots left the meeting at 7:15pm.

New Business #1 – Initially believed that a half load would be enough, however Tipsord’s came down and evaluated the area that was going to be covered and they normally only do a full load or half load, however they were willing to do an in between. The half load covers 45yrds and an additional 10yrds was needed to cover the necessary areas. This added an additional $198 to the price. A motion to approve the extra $198 expense for mulch for the park was made by Trustee

M. Lovekamp. A second was made by Trustee M. Brockhouse. Roll Call: Trustee L. Forsman yea, Trustee M. Lovekamp yea, Trustee L. Hamilton yea, Trustee M. Brockhouse yea, Trustee K. Scott absent, Trustee R. Brockhouse yea. Motion carried. 5 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent.

Bills & Transfers

Trustees reviewed the Bills & Transfers. Treasurer Bridgewater noted in bold in the Fire Protection Fund that a receipt was not received for fuel on 1712. A motion to approve the Bills & Transfers was made by Trustee M. Lovekamp. A second was made by Trustee L. Hamilton. Roll Call: Trustee L. Forsman yea, Trustee M. Lovekamp yea, Trustee L. Hamilton yea, Trustee M. Brockhouse yea, Trustee K. Scott absent, Trustee R. Brockhouse yea. Motion carried. 5 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent.

Financial Reports

Trustees reviewed the Utility Billing & Aging Report. Nothing was specifically noted. Village President K. Drake noted that the lien on 410 Chapin has been released totaling $842.50. Also, the metal dumpster from clean up days collected a total of $190.10 in metal. It was noted that CD #14 is set to expire on June 14th, 2021. If it is decided not to renew the CD the funds will be deposited into the Motor Fuel Tax Fund checking account until a decision is made what to do. The idea was brought up last meeting of looking into investment options to see about the potential to possibly earn more than what a CD could. Trustee M. Lovekamp took the initiative to reach out to Edward Jones and has an appointment for June 15th at 5pm to discuss the options they could offer. The person from Edward Jones has requested a list of CD’s so that they have an idea of what to expect for the future. He has sent over the information that was obtained from the auditors and Allen so that everything is done according to Illinois law. Thoughts were to also make sure other institutions were researched on what they could also offer. There were recommendations for other local institutions. Discussion about who else would be interested in going. Allen Yow pointed out if more than two individuals attend it has to be a meeting so the determination was made that since Trustee M. Lovekamp started the process he should attend and Village President K. Drake. Any information that was obtained could be brought back to the Board and a decision made at that time.

A motion to approve the Financial Reports as presented was made by Trustee M. Lovekamp. A second was made by Trustee L. Hamilton. Roll Call: Trustee L. Forsman yea, Trustee M. Lovekamp yea, Trustee L. Hamilton yea, Trustee M. Brockhouse yea, Trustee K. Scott absent, Trustee R. Brockhouse yea. Motion carried. 5 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent.

Committee & Department Reports

Chapin Water/Sewer

Dalton Surratt reports Regular & Recurring Duties completed include: Daily Water Testing and Water Treatment Inspection, Daily Lift Station Inspections, Daily Wastewater Treatment Inspection, Monthly Water Meter Readings, Monthly EPA Water Sample Collection and Delivery and Monthly EPA Sewer Sample Collection and Delivery.

Dalton noted that one of the aerators at the lagoon still needs reattached, however he has to get the boat out into the lagoon. He will have to have someone out there to help with this. He reports that a leaking shut off valve on Ash St. has been fixed. There was an issue with the account holder thinking that their water bill was high due to this, however the shut off is before the meter so this is not a correlation.

New Business #4 – A bid has been received from Doyle’s for the air relief valve on the forced main to the lagoon. It was recommended to obtain another quote from Milnes however they were not able to get out to quote the job before the meeting. This is needing completed as it was patched temporarily and there is water/sewer pooling there. This was believed to have been caused from the cell tower contractors.

Road & Facility Maintenance continues as needed.

The mulch for the park as arrived and will start getting it spread. The initial order was for 45yrds but increased that to 55yrds since the existing mulch has become buried and sunk into the ground.

Dalton reports that they do have the push mower now, and it has definitely helped at the cemetery. Austin has been helping out with the areas around town and he has been doing the cemetery.

Gary is still helping on the weekends, so Dalton has been able to have a few days off. Bryce has also agreed to help however he is out of town currently. Village President K. Drake noted that Gary was okay with still helping out on the weekends and as needed.

Trustee R. Brockhouse noted that it would be best to start looking for a truck. The current one continues to have issues. Dalton noted that it has throttle issues, and he thinks it is going to die, but doesn’t. We would keep the current one as a backup and have for small runs. The new can be new or used.

Village President K. Drake made note of the water treatment and how there continues to be a high-pressure warning. The only solution that Dalton has found is to do a backwash. This backwash uses up about 10,000 gallons of treated water. The concern is, it can be fixed now but don’t know how much longer it will continue to be an easy fix with a backwash. Skid A and Skid B have both been throwing this warning. The company that designed the system, when you call them, it is an automated system and Dalton hasn’t had any luck getting through to anyone. Steve Edwards noted he might know someone and could get in touch with them.

Chapin Police

Sergeant Steve Helmich presented the Chapin Police report in Chief Jordan Posts’ absence. Jordan reports in May there were 46 hours worked across 4 days with 19 calls for service and 2 traffic stops.

For April fines collected there were $48 in Fines and $2 in E-Citation Fees collected. Jordan reports there have been 4 Non-Highway vehicle permits issued.

Jordan reports that Sgt. Helmich has purchased a body worn camera for testing. Sgt. Helmich explained that with recent legislation that has passed in IL body cameras will be required by 2025. The body camera that he has purchased is a PatrolEyes Edge 2K GPS Auto IR Police Body Worn Camera. It has a magnetic uniform mount and comes with a single license for the manufacturer’s police video file management software. Over the next few months, he will use the camera and file management software during normal department operations to help develop procedures for the eventual implementation of a body worn camera program. The manufacturer and camera model were chosen after a lot of research with the goal to find a high-quality product that meets statutory and operational requirements while keeping the cost at a minimum. There are more expensive models and styles, but this is one that is a good medium between cheap and overly expensive. The idea is to spread out the implementation cost over the next three fiscal years and be done before the 2025 deadline to avoid inflated prices. The thought is to have 4 total for the department to be able to switch out and have backups. Sgt. Helmich further explained the requirements of the statute and about the software program. Question was raised about if there would be grants available to assist with purchasing. Sgt. Helmich thought there might be but there would be “strings” attached to that grant. The grantor would want some sort of “data points” and the overhead from labor to manage the data may not be worth it. Trustee M. Lovekamp inquired what Sgt. Helmich paid for the unit. Sgt. Helmich didn’t have exact figures, but it was around $620 for the camera and $350 for the software. Trustees were surprised and thought it would be more than that. They shouldn’t have much other maintenance costs other than the batteries. Sgt. Helmich will be around after the meeting if anyone wanted to see the whole setup up close.

Chapin Fire

Previously presented after approval of previous meeting minutes

Chapin Rescue

Chief Bryce McCormick reports 3 calls for service since last report, however Trustee L. Forsman thought that there were a few other calls not included in this report. Year to date there has been 46 calls. Members were available for calls 968 hours over the past 30 days and 8,266 hours of availability year to date.

Bryce reports that surplus property has been transferred or destroyed. PAH will be passing funds onto CARS for updating the ePCR software for the upcoming year, totaling $2,000. ESO will be providing a quote for providing CARS with access to their ePCR software but at the time of report no quote has been received. The free State of IL software will expire at the end of the month and at that time if no reporting software has been secured CARS will be OOS. Bryce reports that 3-H-11 and 3-H-99 are both in service and up to date with SOS safety inspections and IDPH.

Bryce will be requesting to purchase ISO software that is needed to be a transport agency but is currently awaiting pricing. Trustee L. Forsman would get in touch with Bryce to see if pricing could be available for the upcoming June 28th special meeting.

A motion to approve all reports as presented was made by Trustee L. Forsman. A second was made by Trustee M. Brockhouse. Roll Call: Trustee L. Forsman yea, Trustee M. Lovekamp yea, Trustee L. Hamilton yea, Trustee M. Brockhouse yea, Trustee K. Scott absent, Trustee R. Brockhouse yea. Motion carried. 5 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent.

New Business

1. Discussion & Possible Approval to Amend Purchase Price for Mulch for the Park – previously discussed and approved before Bills & Transfers.

2. Discussion & Possible Approval to Approve Bids for Street Work – IRC, Inc. was the only company that submitted a bid. Their bid did come under what was originally proposed. They have included in with their bid, the $1,000 bid bond. This will cover all the roads proposed originally. With some of the State employees still working from home it may take a month to hear back and then once it is approved by the State, Mike McEvers, IRC and Dalton will work out a date for the work to commence. Trustee M. Brockhouse inquired about the hole that is at the corner of Superior and Congress in front of the bank. There is a drainage culvert there, but it is a deep hole and needs to be covered by a plate.

A motion to approve the bid from IRC, Inc. of $25,280 was made by Trustee M. Lovekamp. A second was made by Trustee L. Forsman. Roll Call: Trustee L. Forsman yea, Trustee M. Lovekamp yea, Trustee L. Hamilton yea, Trustee M. Brockhouse yea, Trustee K. Scott absent, Trustee R. Brockhouse yea. Motion carried. 5 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent.

3. Discussion & Possible Approval of Sewer Credit Due to Swimming Pool for Acct# 132- 614 – A letter requesting a sewer credit due to filling a pool was provided by the account holder. A motion to approve the sewer credit of $15.38 for Acct# 132-614 was made by Trustee L. Forsman. A second was made by Trustee M. Lovekamp. Roll Call: Trustee L. Forsman yea, Trustee M. Lovekamp yea, Trustee L. Hamilton yea, Trustee M. Brockhouse yea, Trustee K. Scott absent, Trustee R. Brockhouse yea. Motion carried. 5 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent.

4. Discussion & Possible Approval of Combination Air/Vacuum Release Valve for Sewer Main – The bid that was submitted is from Doyle’s totaling $3,491.85. Thought was to get a second quote and if that bid came in under this to go with it. A motion to approve a NTE of $3,500 to repair the combination air/vacuum release valve was made by Trustee M. Lovekamp. A second was made by Trustee L. Forsman. Roll Call: Trustee L. Forsman yea, Trustee M. Lovekamp yea, Trustee L. Hamilton yea, Trustee M. Brockhouse yea, Trustee K. Scott absent, Trustee R. Brockhouse yea. Motion carried. 5 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent.

5. Discussion & Possible Approval to Add 2 Probationary Members as Full Members & Swear In – previously approved and two members swore in after Chapin Fire report

6. Discussion & Possible Approval to Credit Water & Sewer Charges on Acct# 254-515 Due to Wrong Read – Due to a wrong meter read charges made to the account holder need to be credited to their water and sewer charges. Credit requested for water charges is $5.13 and sewer charges of $6.54. A motion to approve the credit of $5.13 for water and $6.54 for sewer was made by Trustee L. Forsman. A second was made by Trustee M. Lovekamp. Roll Call: Trustee L. Forsman yea, Trustee M. Lovekamp yea, Trustee L. Hamilton yea, Trustee M. Brockhouse yea, Trustee K. Scott absent, Trustee R. Brockhouse yea. Motion carried. 5 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent.

7. Approve Resignation of Treasurer – Wendy Bridgewater has submitted her resignation effective August 31st, 2021. Since this resignation has been submitted if she decides to stay, she would have to be reappointed. A motion to approve the resignation of Wendy Bridgewater as Treasurer was made by Trustee M. Lovekamp. A second was made by

Trustee L. Forsman. Trustees discussed about the ad being posted for the position. Trustee L. Forsman did not continue the posting in The Source as it did not draw anyone in to apply. Village President K. Drake has tried passing this position on to the colleges. Thought was to get this posted in other avenues like online where a younger generation would be looking and seeing job postings. Discussion about what those avenues are, potentially Monster.com or CareerBuilder.com. Thoughts were that to be able to find a professional and find someone reliable we would have to pay something for this posting. Maybe the wording of the posting needs to be changed up some or the job description edited to make the job more appealing and not scare people away.

Roll Call: Trustee L. Forsman yea, Trustee M. Lovekamp yea, Trustee L. Hamilton yea, Trustee M. Brockhouse yea, Trustee K. Scott absent, Trustee R. Brockhouse yea. Motion carried. 5 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent.

Trustees agreed that the job needs to be posted elsewhere to draw a different group of people. Allen reminded everyone that her position is an appointed position. He would also be willing to look at the job description and ad to see what could be altered.

A motion to enter into executive session at 8:36pm to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the village was made by Trustee L. Forsman. A second was made by Trustee M. Lovekamp. Roll Call: Trustee L. Forsman yea, Trustee M. Lovekamp yea, Trustee L. Hamilton yea, Trustee M. Brockhouse yea, Trustee K. Scott absent, Trustee R. Brockhouse yea. Motion carried. 5 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent.

Steve Helmich, Steve Edwards, Dalton Surratt and Scott Pahlmann left the meeting at 8:36pm.

Trustees returned to open at 9:12pm. Roll Call: Village President K. Drake, Trustee L. Forsman present, Trustee M. Lovekamp present, Trustee L. Hamilton present, Trustee M. Brockhouse present, Trustee K. Scott absent, Trustee R. Brockhouse present. 5 Trustees present. Also present were Christina Courier – Village Clerk and Allen Yow – Village Attorney.

Steve Helmich entered the meeting at 9:16pm.

Village President K. Drake mentioned that the insurance company has finally reached back out to him about turning the fire truck into a play toy at the park. They will cover this under the insurance. They still had concerns about potential surfaces becoming too hot and fall concerns for some of the taller areas. Village President K. Drake inquired if this was something that everyone still wanted to pursue. Discussion about what could be done to mitigate the hot surfaces and heights. Suggestions of an awning being put in place and hand railing. Trustees wondered if there would be other local interest in donating money to complete the project. Trustees agreed to continue to pursue the idea.

Village President K. Drake also mentioned if anyone would be interested in a sort of “Alertify” system. This would help spread the word quicker about boil orders or other community happenings. Trustees had previously expressed concerns about cost and the amount of time it would take to manage the system.

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:22pm was made by Trustee M. Lovekamp. A second was made by Trustee L. Hamilton. Roll Call: Trustee L. Forsman yea, Trustee M. Lovekamp yea, Trustee L. Hamilton yea, Trustee M. Brockhouse yea, Trustee K. Scott absent, Trustee R. Brockhouse yea. Motion carried. 5 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent.




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