
West Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Macomb Community Unit School District 185 Board Met July 27

Webp meetingroom01

Macomb Community Unit School District 185 Board Met July 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Following the public hearing on the amended 2020-2021 District budget, Board President Myers called the regular meeting of the Board of Education to order. Members Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad were present.

The Board recognized the following individuals who retired from the District at the end of the 2020- 2021 school year: Joyln Baker, Jill Heberling, Susan Lafary, Cindy Lovejoy, Merikay Potter, and Patti Sheahan.

Board President Myers noted Jose Galvan, Jr. High Social Studies teacher and soccer coach, is leaving the District and thanked him for his many contributions.

Dr. Twomey reported on the following issues:

• Construction Report – work continues on the middle school. The soil compaction issue has been resolved. State law requires testing of materials used in construction, so an agreement has been signed for provision of the required inspections.

• FFA Program – Gracie Murphy has been elected to the FFA State Officer position of Secretary. She does not come from an agriculture background and this achievement highlights the value of the FFA program to our students and community.

• ISBE Annual Inspection report – the report reflects a B rating in all categories indicating there are issues, but the District is on target to address those issues and the buildings are safe for students and employees.

• The ISBE visit has been re-scheduled for this October.

• School Resource Officer contract renewal. The contract will renew for the new school year. Office Denise Cremer has done a fine job in the position and it is important to have an SRO in the District.

• The MEF awarded a grant in the amount of $2,607.80 to Jill Jackson, Edison 4th grade teacher.

• The Illinois High School & College Driver Education Association awarded Macomb High School $2500 for purchase of an eye test machine.

• WIU Partnerships:

o MAT Program – our district is the only one in the state approved for this program. We have hired three individuals who will be in the program. A veteran special education will guide them through the program.

o STEM – we have opportunity for partnership. Drs. Jim Olsen (WIU Math Dept.) and James Rabchuk (WIU Physics Dept.) are communicating with the District. We meet criteria for the first part of the grant, but not the second. We have offered to support/help any way we can.

• CET – Curriculum Evaluation Tool from ISBE. Teacher leaders used this tool to evaluate their curriculum. This testing is a way to look at and evaluate all of our curriculum and fits into Goal 1 and supporting strategies. Dr. Twomey provided information on the CircleIn program involving grades 6-12 and a plan to focus on service learning with an eye toward equity. He noted we have the tools to know every student’s academic position. It’s not about why students aren’t succeeding; what matters is determining what they need and making sure they get it. Discussion ensued regarding the effectiveness of programs like CircleIn and areas where the District could provide opportunities for a broader range of students, such as a trades program. Dr. Twomey stressed the importance of defining what the District wants to become in order to make school a place students love to be. Defining the vision and allowing flexibility to accommodate different programs so students on different paths to meet graduation requirements is key.

Member Adams moved, and member Gray seconded, to approve the items on the Consent Calendar as presented, which included: Minutes from the May 17, 2021 regular Board meeting, Treasurer’s Report, Monthly Board Report, Bills and Payroll, Financial Update on Life Safety Projects (.05 levy), Monthly Activity Account Reports, Monthly Food Service Report, State Funding Update, WCISEC Personnel and Financials. Members voting “yes”: Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member Torrance moved, and member La Prad seconded, to approve and hold indefinitely the minutes from the closed meeting held during the May 17, 2021 regular meeting. Members voting “yes”: Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member Gray moved, and member Adams seconded, to approve the following recommendations regarding personnel:

Certificated Staff:


Edward Fulkerson, Assistant Principal, Macomb Senior High School, requesting retirement under the 2020-2024 contract, Article IX, Section A., Payment Upon Retirement Notification, to begin with the 2022-2023 contract effective end of contract June 2026.


Jose Galvan, Social Science Teacher, Macomb Junior High School, effective May 28, 2021. 

Change in Assignment:

Jenny Butterfield, was Special Education Teacher, now Title I Reading Specialist, Lincoln Elementary School, effective August 16, 2021 (replaces Reusch/transfer).

Dana Clark, was Grade 2 Teacher, Lincoln Elementary School, now Reading Intervention Teacher, Edison Elementary School, effective August 16, 2021 (replaces Wright/resignation).

Jordan Egler, was Special Education Teacher, Edison Elementary School, now Special Education teacher, Macomb Junior High School, effective August 16, 2021 (student enrollment increase). 

James Heuer, was English Teacher, Macomb Senior High School, now Assistant Principal, Macomb Junior High School, effective August 2, 2021 (new).

Kristi Reusch, was Reading Specialist, now Reading Coach, Lincoln Elementary School, 10-month contract, effective August 2, 2021 (new).

Jennifer Waller, was Language Arts/Reading Teacher, Macomb Junior High School, now English Teacher, Macomb Senior High School, effective August 16, 2021 (replaces Heuer/transfer). 


Toni Baxter, Grade 2 Teacher, Lincoln Elementary School, to be placed at Step 9, Bachelor’s Degree with 24 additional hours, on the salary schedule, effective August 16, 2021 (replaces Clark transfer).

Sarah Kerfoot, Special Education Teacher, Macomb Senior High School, to be placed at Step 23, Bachelor’s Degree, on the salary schedule, effective August 16, 2021 (new/student enrollment increase).

Sarah Lambert, Grade 6 Teacher, Edison Elementary School, to be placed at Step 3, Bachelor’s Degree, on the salary schedule, effective August 16, 2021 (replaces Hall/transfer).

Educational Support Staff:


Jill Heberling, Program Assistant, Lincoln Elementary School, effective May 28, 2021. 


Patrycja Kuczynski, Program Assistant, Lincoln Elementary School, effective May 28, 2021.

Alisi Stone, Program Assistant, Edison Elementary School, effective May 19, 2021. 

Change in Assignment:

Abbie O’Hern, was Program Assistant, Macomb Junior Senior High School, now Program Assistant, Lincoln Elementary School, up to 29 hours per week, effective August 19, 2021 (student need).


Melanie Brierton, Program Assistant, Edison Elementary School, up to 29 hours per week, student attendance days, effective August 18, 2021 (replaces Stone/resignation). 

Brianna Crenshaw, Program Assistant, Edison Elementary School, up to 29 hours per week, student attendance days, effective August 18, 2021 (replaces Schlag/resignation). 

Curtis Cross, Jr., Program Assistant, Macomb Junior/Senior High School, up to 29 hours per week, student attendance days, effective August 19, 2021 (replaces Couza). 

Logan Davies, Program Assistant, Edison Elementary School, up to 29 hours per week, student attendance days, effective August 18, 2021 (replaces Stambaugh/resignation). 

Haley Dorethy, Program Assistant, Macomb Junior/Senior High School, up to 29 hours per week, student attendance days, effective August 19, 2021 (replaces transfer).

Kimberly Freed, Program Assistant, Lincoln Elementary School, up to 29 hours per week, student attendance days, effective August 18, 2021 (replaces Kyczynski/resignation). 

Tina Harris, Program Assistant, Lincoln Elementary School, up to 29 hours per week, student attendance days, effective August 18, 2021 (replaces Heberling/retirement). 

Catherine Martinez, Program Assistant, Macomb Junior/Senior High School, up to 29 hours per week, student attendance days, effective August 19, 2021 (replacement).

Taylor Peacock, Program Assistant, Edison Elementary School, up to 29 hours per week, student attendance days, effective August 18, 2021 (replaces Miller/transfer). 



Jose Galvan, Head Boys Soccer Coach, Macomb Senior High School, effective May 28, 2021.

James Heuer, Student Council Sponsor, Macomb Senior High School, effective May 28, 2021.

Shawnee Huston, Volleyball Coach, Macomb Senior High School, effective June 4, 2021.

Zach Keene, Head Girls Basketball Coach, Macomb Senior High School, effective June 14, 2021.


Ashley Andrews, New Teacher Mentor, MacArthur Early Childhood Center, $600.00 stipend, effective 2021-2022 school year (Kellerman).

Brock Bainter, Grade 7 Team Leader, and Grade 8 Team Leader, Macomb Junior High School, Level 2, effective 2021-2022 school year.

Christopher Meier, Head Boys Soccer Coach, Macomb Senior High School, Level 2, effective 2021-2022 season (replaces Galvan).

Summer Custodial: (up to 29 hours per week)

Jenifer Bower Durene Corey Janel Dranes Teresa Heikes Karen Moore Jamal Olds

Summer School Employment:

Lincoln Elementary School Session 1 to begin June 14, 2021, 3-week session: 


Tammie Mabrey Amanda Stoneking

Program Assistants:

Patrycja Kuczynski

Lincoln Elementary School Sessions 1 & 2 to begin June 14, 2021, 6-week session:


Mallory Kessler (1 week)

Program Assistants:

Barbara Koukol      Michelle Wardlow      Shayla Weedman 

Lincoln Elementary School Session 2 to begin July 6, 2021, 3-week session:


Jennifer Clark (3 weeks)

Edison Elementary School - Begins June 7, 2021, ends July 2, 2021:


Trish Cramer

Program Assistants:

Logan Davies      Ally Forman      Blaire Litchfield

Macomb Senior High School


Molly Selders      Theresa Twaddle

Tony Westen       Emily Young 

Program Assistants:

Suzanne Fuhr

Summer School Resignations:

Kristen Barclay, Teacher, Lincoln Elementary School, effective June 14, 2021. 

Shauna Collins, Program Assistant, Lincoln Elementary School, effective May 24, 2021. 

Sonya Doering, Program Assistant, Edison Elementary School, effective June 2, 2021. 

Elizabeth Williams, Teacher, Lincoln Elementary School, effective May 24, 2021. 

Kristi Reusch, Teacher, Lincoln Elementary School, effective June 2, 2021.

Members voting “yes”: Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member La Prad moved, and member Thompson seconded, to approve the amended 2020-2021 District budget as presented. Members voting “yes”: Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member Torrance moved, and member Kapale seconded, to approve Lincoln Elementary School as a school-wide Title I Program. Members voting “yes”: Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member La Prad moved, and member Gray seconded, to approve a resolution temporarily transferring the powers of the Board to the Superintendent. Members voting “yes”: Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member Adams moved, and member Thompson seconded, to adopt a resolution designating hazardous areas in the school district for the 2021-2022 school year, as designated by the Illinois Department of Transportation. Members voting “yes”: Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member Torrance moved, and member Gray seconded, to adopt a resolution designating depositories for the 2021-2022 school year, as recommended by the District Treasurer. Members voting “yes”: Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member Gray moved, and member La Prad seconded, to re-establish revolving funds for the 2021- 2022 school year, as recommended by the District Treasurer. Members voting “yes”: Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member Adams moved, and member Kapale seconded, to appoint Elizabeth Beck as Treasurer and Lisa Mooney as Assistant Treasurer through June 30, 2022. Members voting “yes”: Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member La Prad moved, and member Gray seconded, to approve the calendar of regular Board meeting dates through June 30, 2022. Members voting “yes”: Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member Gray moved, and member La Prad seconded, to approve the list of overnight trips for the 2021-2022 school year. Members voting “yes”: Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member Adams moved, and member Kapale seconded, to approve resolutions to close open Fire & Life Safety Amendments for MacArthur, Lincoln, Edison, and Washington Street Gym. Members voting “yes”: Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

At 8:24 p.m., member Adams moved, and member Thompson seconded, to hold a closed meeting for the purpose of discussing the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), collective negotiating matters, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2), the purchase or lease of real property, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5), student discipline, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9), and pending or imminent litigation, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11). Members voting “yes”: Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

The Board returned to open session at 10:06 p.m. Member Myers moved, and member Thompson seconded, to adjourn at 10:07 p.m.. Motion carried by voice vote.
