Village of Franklin Board of Trustees met Oct. 5.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Mayor Paul Turpin called the regular monthly meeting of the Village of Franklin Board of Trustees to order at 7:00 pm, in the town hall. Trustees present in Village Hall were Abby Flynn, Wyatt Smith, Lauren Anders, Sarah Carter, Vickie Adkins and Amanda Ahlers.
Guest, Karen Wallbaum came to the Village Board to discuss the agenda item regarding the alleyway near her house. Mrs. Wallbaum voiced she is opposed to closing the alley. She owns next to the alleyway and in addition a farmer uses the alley for field access.
Treasurer Susan Smith presented the Treasurer's Report for September. Susan discussed each businesses profits & losses, and check details. Amanda Ahlers made a motion to accept the Treasurers Report for September. Vickie Adkins seconded the motion. The voting was as follows: Abby Flynn-yes, Wyatt Smith-yes, Lauren Anders-yes, Sarah Carter-yes, Vickie Adkins-yes, and Amanda Ahlers-yes. The motion was carried. Amanda Ahlers made a motion to accept the Bills Paid and to be Paid for September. Abby Flynn seconded the motion. The voting was as follows: Lauren Anders-yes, Sarah Carter-yes, Vickie Adkins-yes, Amanda Ahlers-yes, Abby Flynn-yes, and Wyatt Smith-yes. The motion was carried.
Clerk Ashley Turpin presented the trustees with minutes from September. Wyatt Smith made a motion to approve the minutes from September. Sarah Carter seconded the motion. The voting was as follows: Sarah Carter-present, Vickie Adkins-yes, Amanda Ahlers-yes, Abby Flynn-yes, Lauren Anders-yes, and Wyatt Smith-yes. The motion was carried.
Andy Fairless presented his utility supervisor report. The fire department flushed their water lines without forewarning the Village. Therefore, Andy did not have a meter set up to measure the amount of usage and they also blocked the truck route to the Elevator. He spoke with the fire chief and asked them to be sure to tell the Village prior to doing it again. He updated the board on the ditches in town that residents would like tiled. One of the residents would like the sidewalk in front of her house filled back in with concrete as well. Andy said it is on the list for Slabjackers next Spring. Andy received a phone call regarding the camera in the park that needs replaced but he is still waiting on the install. He called and checked on the new service truck and it is scheduled to arrive at the end of October. There is an ICC meeting at the end of the month in Effingham that he’ll attend. USDI has a meeting in December for $400 with the pipeline safety plan. The course is a mandatory meeting. Andy asked the trustees for an update on the old Dodge dump truck, from the trustees. Trustees agree to list the truck at $9,000. There are a couple local municipalities that might be interested. Andy provided pictures and information about a trailer in Waverly at T&S Auto Sales that is for sale. The trailer price is $5,800. The Village will receive at least $3,500 from insurance. Last, Andy wanted to touch base with the trustees regarding the reconnect issue that occurred recently to see if there was anything more, he needed to do or can do in the future to help.
Buildings, Roads, and Drainage – Mayor Turpin said he’ll talk with the attorney about the easement Mrs. Wallbaum mentioned. At this point, there is one party for closing it and one party against it. The trustees shared their discussions with other residents who live on or near the alleyway. The board shared their thoughts on fixing the residents ditches. MFT funds cannot cover the costs therefore the cost would need to be covered by the Village. Trustee Wyatt Smith said the Quonset Hut building tenant called him and explained the situation regarding the excess number of belongings that were found on the Villages side.
Finance/Payroll – Mayor Turpin reviewed the high points of the audit book and asked the trustees to review the report prior to the November meeting.
Insurance – Mayor Turpin is meeting with Mr. Rezenicek to discuss renewal for the Village insurance plan.
Personnel - There is nothing new to report from this committee.
Utility Reconnect – Abby Flynn reported there were several turned off this week, but most have paid and are reconnected. Only one still has not paid.
Utilities – There is not update on selling the gas business. Mayor Turpin has not heard from Ameren. He reminded the trustees that Heather from IMGA has a plan similar to gas insurance if they would like her to come present the information, she can. Mayor Turpin has not heard anything from the state regarding the water pipe. Benton & Associates is going to start looking at it as a smaller job to see what options there are. Pipe is not available right now.
There were two letters sent out for residents to clean up their properties.
The Panhandle Municipal Defense case is still on-going. There is nothing new to report.
Ashley Turpin reported that Wesley Koehler does not have a business or contract but is open if the Village wants to draw one up.
Mayor Turpin will have a letter typed up about the mass communication services. It will go out at the same time as the utility vehicle ordinance and information.
Andy Fairless presented the update on the cameras in the park.
Abby Flynn received an updated quote for the park benches. The purchase includes shipping and reinforced anchors. Sarah Carter made a motion to purchase the park resin, 6-foot benches, for $1,329.78 from Global Industrial. Vickie Adkins seconded the motion. The voting was as follows: Vickie Adkins-yes, Amanda Ahlers-yes, Abby Flynn-yes, Wyatt Smith-yes, Lauren Anders-yes, and Sarah Carter-yes. The motion was carried.
Abby Flynn made a motion to purchase the equipment trailer from T&S Auto Sales in Waverly for $5,958. Amanda Ahlers seconded the motion. The voting was as follows: Amanda Ahlers-yes, Abby Flynn-yes, Wyatt Smith-yes, Lauren Anders-yes, Sarah Carter-yes, and Vickie Adkins-yes. The motion was carried.
The sale of the old Dodge dump truck was discussed in Andy’s supervisor report.
Mayor Turpin said the Village has to come up with the rules for the Queen of Hearts once the ordinance is accepted. The Village will then also create an application. The board will hold another special meeting later to approve the rules and application. The pricing for the tickets has to also be included in the rules. Wyatt will attend the next Lions meeting to discuss it with them. Wyatt Smith made a motion to accept the ordinance authorizing licensed raffles. Amanda Ahlers seconded the motion. The voting was as follows: Abby Flynn-yes, Wyatt Smith-yes, Lauren Anders-yes, Sarah Carter-yes, Vickie Adkins-yes, and Amanda Ahlers-yes. The motion was carried.
Mayor Turpin explained to the board that the Appropriations for 2021 needed to be updated due to the Village purchasing the new service truck. He read the changes aloud. Abby Flynn made a motion to accept the annual updated Appropriation Bill for 2021. Vickie Adkins seconded the motion. The voting was as follows: Wyatt Smith-yes, Lauren Anders-yes, Sarah Carter-yes, Vickie Adkins-yes, Amanda Ahlers-yes, and Abby Flynn-yes. The motion was carried.
Mayor Turpin ran through the Villages rentals and their rates. He asked the trustees to think about if they would like to keep them the same or raise the rates.
Wyatt Smith made a motion to suspend the ordinance 2005-2 prohibiting alcohol in the Village Park for the Fall Festival from 2 pm on October 16th until 2 am on October 17th. Sarah Carter seconded the motion. The voting was as follows: Wyatt Smith-yes, Lauren Anders-yes, Sarah Carter-yes, Vickie Adkins-yes, Amanda Ahlers-yes, and Abby Flynn-yes. The motion was carried.
Amanda Ahlers made a motion to close Wyatt Street in from of The Green Wall and the park on October 16th. Abby Flynn seconded the motion. The voting was as follows: Lauren Anders-yes, Sarah Carter-yes, Vickie Adkins-yes, Amanda Ahlers-yes, Abby Flynn-yes, and Wyatt Smith-yes. The motion was carried.
The Village currently has two Facebook pages titled the following: Franklin, IL and Village of Franklin. The Village will consolidate to one page but give residents plenty of time to switch over by advertising. The Franklin, IL will then be renamed Village of Franklin. Vickie Adkins made a motion to consolidate to one Facebook page. Amanda Ahlers seconded the motion. The voting was as follows: Sarah Carter-yes, Vickie Adkins-yes, Amanda Ahlers-yes, Abby Flynn-yes, Wyatt Smith-yes, and Lauren Anders-yes. The motion was carried.
Clerk, Ashley Turpin added that if trustees hold special meetings that she is not in attendance, to please record notes and attendance. The documentation can be emailed to her.
Mayor Turpin said there is a resident in town in need of help to haul wood off. The trustees would like to help but prefer trying to find other residents who would be willing to help haul the load.
Wyatt Smith made a motion to adjourn. Sarah Carter seconded the motion. The voting was as follows: Vickie Adkins-yes, Amanda Ahlers-yes, Abby Flynn-yes, Wyatt Smith-yes, Lauren Anders-yes, and Sarah Carter-yes. The meeting adjourned at 8:52 pm.