Hancock County Board met December 21.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
I. Opening of the meeting
A. Call to Order
B. lnvocation -Stephen Finney
C. Pledge of Allegiance - Clerk
D. Roll Call
E. Approval of Minutes
August Meeting & Executive Session
ll. Communications
A. Welcome Visitors
B. Comments and correspondence to Board
lll. Committee Reports
A. County Highway, Road and Bridge
1. Establish Temporary Weight Restrictions on Township and County Roads for up to 90 days
2. Accepting all quotations from all plants, quarries, and lowest on-road cost for furnishing materials to the county and the various townships
B. Finance, Fees and Salaries
1. National Opioids Settlement Participation Approval
2. State's Attorney's Appellate Prosecutor Agreement
3. Entering in agreement with Bellwether for 2022-Budget Process
4. Approval of Sheriffs new phones for MTC
5. HAVA Election Security Grant Agreement
6. Health Plan Policy regarding ACP
C. Building, Grounds, and lnsurance
D. County Health and Miscellaneous
1. contractual Write-off as of November 2021 in the amount of 5z!,762.69 with no additional bad debt collection
2. Approval of purchase of LUCAS Device based on budget
lV. Unfinished Business
V. New Business
Vl. Executive Session concerning personnel, property acquisition
Vll. Appointments:
Hancock County Building Commission-Jerry Green-5 year term
Vlll. Adjournment: